Bible General

Gayth*Ists will debate pic related lol.

Also, general thread for the Holy Bible. Keep it Yea Forums-related.

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Why is the only argument fear?
Not an argument for God but an argument for the Abrahamic God.
It all boils down to shut up and trust me if you don't want to suffer eternally.

How accurate is this image in defining the relationship Christians have with God?

Reminder: The book very explicitly says that the dead are aware of nothing at all, and that on the day of the ressurection, the wicked are resurrected and burned.

Not tormented for eternity. Burned. Hell as a place of eternal suffering is fanfiction. It is in fact a Pagan concept derived from Hel's House, or possibly from Sheol, though the former was just a shitty version of Valhalla and the latter was just a place where dead people slept eternally.

It became popular with Catholics after Dante, the Protestants were the ones who really got into it as an idea. The Mormons dropped the idea entirely, the only thing they acknowledge is Outer Darkness (nonexistence) and I'm really not clear on what the EastOrx believe.

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cringe and bluepilled, nothing to debate

Returned to ash. I interpret this as being removed of their sins and returning to God.
the same thing Hindu texts said would happen at the end of judgement

Precisely. Now, while I certainly like the whole fire and brimstone bit in a good sermon, and many people believe it because our society has a binary notion of Good=Reward Bad=Punishment, that is not really what Christianity espouses.

What Christianity is really trying to evoke is not fear of destruction (though, you know, you should be afraid of that) but hope for eternal life and joy in union with God, through the living of a good life, and through faith.

And also through works if you're not a Protty but whatever, the premise is the same. It is not the threat of suffering but the offer of righteousness and joy that should attract someone to Christianity.

The whole thing is pretty gay but I appreciate it as a case study of how to sell spiritual health to people too dumb to be mystics.

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Threads like this really help me realize how absolutely silly this entire concept is

You're aware there's a post counter on the bottom left, right?

Yes I made another post in this thread.
You're close to cracking the code Sherlock

All I'm saying is, we can have this argument five times a week and I will still be right and you will still be wrong no matter how many times you respond without punctuation.

Based schizoposter

You seem to have me confused with someone else

Unironic question, is there any anti-furfag stuff in the Bible? Thinking of converting.

Last bait didn't get any (You)s?
>what is heaven
>what are good works

"Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion."--Leviticus 18:23

I feel like some people get sadistic satisfaction out of the idea of people suffering eternally. It's very disconcerting.

>depicts Hell as just a big fire
>claims to be Christian

Scriptural and bookpilled, unworthy souls are just discarded

>unworthy souls
Do you believe in free will?

You do know that image is from an athiest Facebook page designed to make fun of Christians?
And I’m the baiter?

Nobody on Yea Forums(nel) is going to heaven you incredible fucking loser.

You are.

Nuh uh.

Bishop Barron said Aquinas said part of the bliss of being in Heaven is looking down and seeing the divine justice being administered in Hell.

Christianity is actually a Luciferian rebellion against God. Prove me wrong

God bless you brother!

God is merely giving us an out so that we don't suffer eternally, since all of us are destined for that the moment we're born already. The reason why that is out of God's hands is because God is inherently holy, meaning separate from sin, so the only way God can accept us in our sinful state is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh.

Why can’t he just give us a big empty universe to wander around in wouldn’t that make more sense...oh wait

Think of God as if he were bleach and sin is bacteria. Bleach and bacteria can't coexist in the same place, because the bleach would kill the bacteria instantly. This is how God works. His holiness would literally kill anything in contact that is not as perfect as Himself, and since there exists nothing like that, God can't coexist with his creation once it has been infected by sin. The only way to cleanse this infection is for Him to offer Himself up as the ultimate sacrifice, so that faith in His son Jesus Christ will allow you to coexist with God eternally. In the above metaphor, Jesus Christ would be akin to a "force field" around the bacteria, protecting it from the bleach.

a concerning coincidence of post number and content
bleach indeed, purity even

You didn’t answer my question.
There is no reason beyond cruelty to stick beings who’s sin is ignorance in utter torment forever.
You’re also sticking your own interpretation on things which is what your religion says not do. Pretty heretical, he’s god almight you think so is some magical power able to rival him?

Why didn't God just use liquid Virkon?

He seems perfectly able to forgive the sins of people without Christ in the OT

I tried to explain the reason why. It's because of God's inherent nature as a being of pure holiness. If God violated this holiness, He would no longer be God.

Also, it's not my interpretation. This comes from the bible.

You may then ask, "Okay, then why doesn't God just make all sin disappear?" The answer is that nothing can be uncreated once it is created. This is also an aspect of our universe with the first law of thermodynamics in that energy can't be created or destroyed, only transformed into another thing. As hard as it may be to understand, sin itself is a created entity that exists as a result of God creating beings (Satan and the fallen angels) that brought it into the world, so God is ultimately responsible for sin itself.

This is also mentioned in the bible in John 1:3 - "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." Meaning that everything has been created by God, be it our universe or sin itself.

Now, since sin is a created thing, it can't be destroyed, only sequestered. Which is why at the end of the age, God will judge mankind, taking within him those who have accepted Jesus Christ, and sequestered off everyone else from Him for eternity.

That has to do with the promise of the savior that was prophesied in the OT. As long as jews were faithful in God's promise that he would send a savior for mankind to redeem us of our sins, then that is the same thing as believing in Jesus Christ himself, but that was only for BC times and up to when Jesus was crucified. After that, God has already sent his son as savior, so belief in Jesus Christ is now the only way to the Father.

Still haven’t answered my question why he doesn’t just send everyone sinful off to a universe to float around seperate from him instead of eternally tormenting things

It's so upsetting to learn that LGBTQ'ers won't sizzle and snap in an infernal EZ Bake. Do you think we could meme Hell into existence and reroute the metaphysics dictating consciousness to produce the same result? /x/ invented Xeelox, why doesn't Yea Forums meme Hell?

I mean will you be ok with going there as well?

He does it’s called sheol.

Ghenna was for Satan and his angels, Hell is a pagan idea memed into Christian thought

Eternal separation from God is torment in and of itself once you know there's no way out, left with our thoughts of regret for all eternity. Maybe that's all hell is in the end, the lake of fire is merely reserved for Satan and his angels.

Well you’ll always have buddhism to follow then I guess

>doesn't even call it LGBTBBQ
Why are heterosexuals so witless?

Why do homosexuals preface gay speech with, "I mean?"

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No one seems to remember we literally meet spirits of the unfaithful just floating around the universe doing nothing in he Old Testament. Not in eternal torment just doing there thing seperate from God.

I mean, it takes one to know one.
Also if you create a place of torment it’s pretty certain you’re going to be the first the universe sends to it.

Because it's not amusing to anyone but the terminally syphilitic and has been said for ten years now. May I please call you a moron?

Yes, the fallen angels. That's because they haven't been judged yet and thrown into the lake of fire. Until that time, they are free to roam the earth.

The hellfire is working, user's. This prolapsee is quivering in his platform boots at the mere suggestion there's consequences to destructive lifestyles

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I suppose no one warned of the destructive power of messing with thought forms in attempts to create ideas within a collective unconsciousness.
Consider this a warning

>Says the dude with giardia mouth

Which is your favorite Gospel? I've read Matthew, Mark, and John and am finishing Luke. I have mixed feelings on Luke, but I really loved John.

God not real

Why can people from heaven see what's happening in hell? Isn't that absurdly perverse? Heavenfags and god himself should be lynched.

Watching hentai is a sin too you fucking obese LARPing autistic American fuck

I feel like John is the most important of the four, and it’s the one I often go back to the most. There’s a reason why John 1:1 and 3:16 are so often quoted. The same goes for John’s epistles. But I feel Matthew is at least as important as John, though not as poetic.

Revelation is return to paganism. God died on the cross

but I thought god wasn't a person, he was a being beyond existence.

No, that's the Old Testament, which has nothing to do with Christians.

The deus vultures that plague this website do display some common sociopathic tendencies.

what is the best and most accurate catholic bible

Jesus was a person and he was God

I didn't even mention John's Revelation, but whatever. That too is also important, but not the in same way John's gospel and epistles are.

God is a single divine being made up of three divine persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father remains holy and will ultimately be the judge of mankind, the Son is the creator and redeemer or mankind, and the Holy Spirit lives within mankind and its our guide to live a faithful and righteous life.

The only christians who had a clue were gnostics,the rest seems like its been skewed

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How to obliterate christianity with one simple step:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man

Proceed to think you're going to heaven for worshipping a man until the day of your confusion. That's not where you're going.

Paul was just saying that materialists ignore God's glory and profess themselves wise for knowing all about science and how they think the universe came into being, when they have actually become fools for they have rejected the very clear evidence for God's glory, ultimately corrupting the signs of God's presence. To be more blunt, "corruptible man" in Romans 1:23 refers to man[kind], not a single man.

Stop this blasphemy you dumb evangelical

Man Op's pic is so ridiculous. This is what christcucks actually believe, falling for le bad place meme, I literally cannot stop laughing.

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>"corruptible man" in Romans 1:23 refers to man[kind], not a single man.
No, sometimes even a lying person tells the truth, if only by mistake.
Read the verses and sincerely ask yourself what do they entail for christianity. It is impossible to do this honestly (honesty is important) and still think christianity makes any modicum of sense.

The proof is Paul himself. Once a sinner and persecutor of Christians, he converted to Christianity and wrote most of what's now the NT. How can you explain his conversion and by extension what he wrote, including in Romans, if not because of his faith in Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ loves you and wishes for you to come to him in faith and humbleness. He is waiting for you.

"Paul" is a name used to described the supposed author of several letters.
In many of them, he teaches immoral things, like predestination, sexism, acceptance of slavery, submission to the state...So he doesn't really count as a "non-sinner" or "non-persecutor", sorry.
>How can you explain his conversion and by extension what he wrote, including in Romans, if not because of his faith in Jesus Christ?
I'm not sure I understand how anyone's faith in anything is supposed to prove anything. I don't care, idolatry can be very tempting (like when you're told that God sacrificed himself for your sake, this can tempt self-important individuals and motivate them to a certain extent), and mere rationality is enough to prove him wrong every moment of every day. His reasons for writing letters is no different than the reasons every religious or spiritual or sect leader always had, self-delusion, desire to be thought of as "someone" etc etc...

>mere rationality is enough to prove him wrong

Romans 1:22
>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

The irony is literally killing me.

That's talking about people who changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man. That's christians. Who have no confidence in rationality, and one can easily understand why.

The "glory" here is the evidence for God, as referenced in earlier passages as in "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly that they are without excuse."

Rationalists take that glory (evidence for God) and corrupt it (pervert it) into something it is not. That is all Paul is saying in this section. Any other reading is simply ignoring the context of the entire passage as a whole, and indeed, all of Romans as a whole.

I think that says more about Bishop Barron and Aquinas than it does about God.

No, christians take that glory (evidence for God) and corrupt it (pervert it) into something it is not.
>muh context
How unfortunate for christians that, ignoring the surrounding verses, this passage is plain and makes perfect sense in and of itself. If I were them, I would have tried to remove it in the earlier days. I have a feeling someday it will be held against you.

Nice try, Satan, but I'm not falling for that.

I'll just point out that Satan knows how to take biblical verses out of context too, as in Matthew 4:6:

"If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone."

Here, Satan is quoting from Psalm 91:11-12. Satan is using this passage to justify Jesus throwing himself off a cliff, but that's not what that psalm was talking about. Psalm 91 is about faith in God and putting your trust in God to guide you through difficulties in life. See the contradiction here? Satan twists scripture for his own needs.

Nice try, but this doesn't actually adress my point.


Your point that a verse taken out of context will be used against Christian doctrine? I'm not entirely sure you're serious or trolling, but either way, the bible is there to teach you about God and how to achieve eternal life. Whether you accept that or not is your choice.

Falling? It's a perfectly clear that God and "good" people enjoy watching torture

Still doesn't address my point.
>Your point that a verse taken out of context will be used against Christian doctrine?
Not only that it will be used, but that it is very pertinent to use it against christian doctrine since it makes perfect sense and describes the observable reality of christians down to a t.
>the bible is there to teach you about God
It does a questionable job at it, except in certain passages.
>and how to achieve eternal life
By accepting and glorifying the sacrifice of an innocent ? I'm sure that won't lead anyone to hell or anything...
The Quran is better in literally every possible way, whether you accept it or not is your choice.

>Why is the only argument fear?
>the only
It's the only one you resonate with. Explain that, dear friend.

It's only if you get bullied at a young age by gaytheists. It's after they teach you that forgiveness is for weak pussies, they'll become vengeful as is human nature.

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>By accepting and glorifying the sacrifice of an innocent ?
Deicide is and will always be seen as a heinous crime by not only its committers and their descendants, but Christians.

We glorify the event because it shows the futility of even the absolute of evil.
Right now we live in the evilest of governmental systems (democracy), which killed Socrates and is the enemy of wisdom, and under the leadership and guidance of jews, who are the enemy of all mankind, God and morality - having killed Christ.

John 3:16 implies the soul dies with the body. Can't speak for the original Greek, of course.

>We glorify the event because it shows the futility of even the absolute of evil.
If God experiences suffering, it is never futile from the point of view of evil. In fact him temporarily suffering is a small victory for evil, and if evil can have a small victory, it can have a bigger one. That's why christianity is doomed, because it only makes sense from far away, as soon as you get closer and seriously investigate it just a little, it crumbles like a house of cards.

>If God experiences suffering, it is never futile from the point of view of evil.
Their perspective is not the valuable one. They will always object to truth because of this, and become self-defeating.

Still missing the point
>In fact him temporarily suffering is a small victory for evil, and if evil can have a small victory, it can have a bigger one

Why does every Christian come across of a resentful, bullied child. Almost every single one I've met is the same, they *all* have daddy issues. (Except the ones born into it but not conscious enough to even question it)

It’s interesting, if you look at statistics of young religious people it completely explains what you’re seeing.
Young religious people, from across the world and regardless of faith, are becoming more and more separated from other people, are believing more and more than their fathers that their specific denomination of their religion is the only path to eternal life, and overall are becoming more extremist about their specific religious views than any other generation in a long while.
There may be less of them but they are more likely to believe than other generations things like every Muslim goes to hell of every Protestant goes to hell. It’s not just Christians we can obviously see it in Islam and even Orthodox Jews are starting to believe other religions will be punished. Perhaps this is a sign of the end times, the children of God turning away from one another.
Perhaps it’s the last gaps of the singular truth religions.
Who knows

That’s a logical fallacy. Jesus suffering on the cross was for our benefit and ours alone. Satan May have thought it a victory at the time, but that doesn’t mean it actually was. Just because you think you’ve won doesn’t make it true.

>every Protestant goes to hell
This isn't even a Catholic teaching. The people who say shit like this on Yea Forums are not Catholics.

I’m obviously not saying it is.
I’m saying you’re starting to actually see crap like this be the norm among the young religious.
Perhaps the internet is to blame

Jesus only suffered as it pertained to his human nature. He did not suffer in his divine nature. By the same token you could say, "God was hungry; this is a victory for evil," which would be ridiculous.

That wasn't *real* communism
>Reddit tier argument

You implicitly call Christians stupid and you wonder why they treat you with contempt.

>make thread after thread talking about how everyone else is going to suffer eternally for thinking differently than them, like not just die suffer in the worst pain imaginable and be shown you aren’t even worthy of even the tiniest bit love or kindness
>call them stupid
>wow how could you just attack us like this do you not see how cruel you are
Every fucking time

I haven't made any threads, so what the hell are you talking about? My point is that if every Christian acts like a cunt, then maybe you're the problem. I can see why you're treated the way you are.

I can't speak for Muslims, but regarding Catholics, that type of extreme rhetoric primarily comes from sedevacantists, who are a small minority of schismatics that believe the current Catholic Church is illegitimate, that there is no Pope, etc. They have a small number of parishes but most of them seem to be lone-wolf types; that is, they're not just apart from the Catholic Church, but they're not part of a church in any sense. They're very vocal on the internet, though, so it's easy for impressionable LARPers to run across their writings and then shit them out back here.
CCC on extra ecclesiam nulla salus:
>838 "The Church knows that she is joined in many ways to the baptized who are honored by the name of Christian, but do not profess the Catholic faith in its entirety or have not preserved unity or communion under the successor of Peter." Those "who believe in Christ and have been properly baptized are put in a certain, although imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church."
>846 How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers? Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body: ... Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.
>847 This affirmation is not aimed at those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his Church: Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation.

Seriously I’m not the guy you’re reaponding too but come on now this is a level of cognitive dissonance that I have to assume is baiting

>Jesus only suffered as it pertained to his human nature. He did not suffer in his divine nature.
And this was supposed to be a meaningful sacrifice? I guess He didn't love mankind all that much after all, huh.

Explain to me what you think cognitive dissonance and how it applies to my post. If you're not willing to do that then it's just an insult and my point stands. People tend to get the treatment they deserve, and this is why people like you and him get treated with contempt. You perceive all Christians to act like cunts because you act like cunts to them and get treated likewise.

If you'd like to have an actual discussion rather than simple mockery you can feel free to make another post explaining how you can to the conclusion that Christ's suffering being relegated to his humanity would render it meaningless.

I haven’t said shit to you but you have attacked me for no reason, if you think I’m the guy you originally responded to he didn’t say shit to you either but attacked someone horrible enough to write something like the OP. The fact that you’re definding OP and telling that guy he deserves to be told he’ll have the worst insult imaginable to him because he dared tell a chrisitan his view which explicitly condemn him he find stupid blows my mind.
You have to be baiting I refuse to believe otherwise.

I just explained how you insulted me and I referred to "you and him" so I obviously don't think you're the guy I was originally talking to, and you clearly deserve to be held in contempt. I never once defended the OP. He said essentially that Christians act like cunts and I told him that if every Christian acts like a cunt then he's probably the problem.

I can't talk to you because you don't read and understand like a normal person.

I haven’t said shit to you but you continue to attack me for no reason.
Do you seriously believe that if a group continuely acts like cunts it’s everyones fault but their own?

Seriously you have to be baiting
I can’t talk to you because you probably have some form of mental illness.
There take my first insult at you, I’m done with this retarded argument.