Nobody will want to read my shitty book anyway...
Why even bother?
Nobody will want to read my shitty book anyway...
Why even bother?
we'll read it
i'll read it if it's any good. Remember there's always hope in posthumous appreciation too. Or in the worst case, your descendants will be interested in what you wrote: my grandfather wrote a book about his time in WW2 which no one would have any interest in, but I do.
You have to write for yourself.
If you don't enjoy it then fuck off.
Did he publish it? I'm curious now
No one reads literature anyway so posthumous appreciation isn't going to happen. I'm also not going to have any descendants. Why write?
Listen to this fellow.Art made with intent to get views is worsened.
This is literally true, today more than ever thanks to the demonization of the white man. You are FUCKED for even thinking you have a chance.
Do you care about what other people think of your literature? If not, then you are either writing for yourself, or for the love of literature itself, or perhaps to spread a message. Either way, all three of these are still easily possible to achieve nowadays.
to hold it in your hands
>writing to spread a message
I just want to know if my writing comes off as too pseud or if the meaning is too esoteric
I hate replying to a namefag, but you should write just to write. It's good for you. Get it out. Cheaper than therapy, anyway
It was his master's thesis (he was a history teacher) and it was a personalized thesis of his times in North Africa during the war, what he saw/experienced, with interviews that he conducted with people of importance and so on
no one's forcing you to write if you think it's pointless. In fact it's probably better:
"Most people have a book in them, and for the most part that's where it should stay."
Publish it and convince yourself people will find out how incredible your texts are after your death. It won't matter then.
Can we read it?
Publishing is prostitution
Prostitution pays the bills.
No one's going to read my book either but I'm still writing it because the book I write afterwards will be read by everyone.
Maybe you should write something better then.
The 1911 is an ok pistol.