That qt you have a crush on invites you to her house

>that qt you have a crush on invites you to her house
>brings you into her bedroom
>notice her bookshelf is full of Barnes & Nobles Leatherbound Classics
What would you do?

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sugar mommy detected

Ask her if she likes to be leatherbound too.

Try to cure her of her bad taste


>women showing any form of affection towards me
Sorry this is too hard to imagine

As an un-American user they look good tbqh.

ts. no homo

I think if you have a bunch of them they're fine, but just one sticking out on a shelf looks awful desu

Why do americans think gaudy shit like this looks good?

How are you supposed to get comfy holding those giant books? Also, who the fuck reads Star Wars?

>recommend her to sort her collection by color

Never gonna happen, unfortunately all the girls I develop a "crush" on end up having bfs, and I'm neither chad enough nor scummy enough to get a girl to cheat


Fortunately I dont have to think about women showing me interest in any way. Even if that would happen (it wont) I would still reject them because my future seems to be poverty wagie cagie all day and then homelessness or suicide. With my health this is inevitable.

Even if I was healthy with good job and my own place I would probably still reject any woman because the thought that all relationship love is based on capital of something like social standing, prestige, money or physical looks disgust me so much I dont want to care about it. I am not deluding myself but it is not attractive to me at all. Also I find human bodies unappealing.

>Star Wars Trilogy


tell us how you really feel

She spends too much on fancy covers so, dropped.

"Look, I was kind of into you, but there's a line you don't cross. First of all, bin that Star Wars shit. It smells.
Now sit down, we need to talk."

Realise I’m gay because I’m looking at her bookshelf instead of trying to put both balls inside

Together they look like rainbow vomit but individually each cover is actually a nice design tailored to the work it contains. Dune, Lovecraft, and Hitchhikers are all top tier.


What's wrong with that? Covers look pretty stylized, but not insulting to the source material, and also hard covers are always the way to go.

I think it's because they are randomly stacked together. If the person organised them by color or perhaps limited the books to just a few of each colour then it would look nicer.

i unironically don't get what's wrong with those, except it seems retarded to dye real leather in bright colors

Many of these look pretty fucking thin - are they abridged? printed for ants? Hard to tell for sure but I’m guessing they’re not deckle edged, What’s the paper like? Some fancy covered editions disappoint with toilet paper thinness.

>real leather

>real leather
It's not real leather, it's reconstituted – shredded leather scrap, recombined by a process analogous to making paper from pulp. It's gross and low quality.

Point out that the three books in the upper left are part of the Canterbury Classics instead of the B&N series.

Uhh can't you befriend a woman without wanting to fuck her?

the ultimate cope

True. I wanted to laugh at first, but then looked at the spines individually, and they look bretty gud.

>all fiction
>no first editions
just another harlot to hump and dump

I'm only after one thing

fuck her then cum on the books and leave

Everything in life is a cope. Living is a cope to death. You should kys.

Printed for ants mostly. I have the collected shakespeare one and the pages are tissue thin with insanely small text almost filling the whole page.

stupidest post I've read all day and I've been browsing int

gay men befriend men they don't want to fuck and straight women befriend men they don't want to fuck. why can't straight men do the same?

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>Bulfinch's Mythology
Based, fuck Hamilton

Lol. No straight guy can.

Solid spbp, nigger.

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Outstanding power move.

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Make my own shelf of leatherbound classics out of her skin.

I read the novelization of Revenge of the Sith when I was in middle school. It was surprisingly well written. The scene where Darth Vader cartoonishly screams “NO” was especially impactful.

Oh my sweet summer child

Unpopular opinion but I'd just be happy to have a friend who shares a similar interest in reading more than YA fiction. Plus, I always thought these books were for kids since I've also received one as a kid.

You're exactly my type. Be my friend and let's talk books late into the night.

>let's talk books late into the night.
Sounds good, user. Bring the whiskey. Wine's okay, too.

>befriend a woman
For what possible reason??

Whiskey is good, though I prefer mead. Trips confirm our blessed friendship, where do I send the digital libations?


Come back, dear user. Let us descent into beauty, madness, and death.

Do a 360 and walk away

>that qt you have a crush on invites you to her house
>brings you into her bedroom
>notice her bookshelf is full of Easton Press Leatherbound editions
What would you do?

Attached: Easton.jpg (600x800, 511K)

>that qt you have a crush on invites you to her house
>brings you into her bedroom
>notice her bookshelf is full of L Ron Hubbard's pulps in leatherbound
What would you do?

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Wonder why we are in her grandpa's room.


They look good but penguin and oxford simply make much better translations. My gf has some of the costco ones very similar to these.


Little Women drowning in a sea of men.. Btw you seem to be missing Moby Dick. Let's fix that.

>Darth Vader cartoonishly screams “NO”
Have you even read the book?

ask her why she overpays for EP when Folio is superior and Franklin is comparable and cheaper and LEC and Heritage (LEC facsimile) are only slightly more expensive but use letterpress and have hand-drawn illustrations and are signed by the artist.

I'd open her world up. she'd appreciate it.

You pp is the small pp

I'm rockin 7.75 in cuhh

Fuck you leather man.

>Uhh can't you befriend a woman without wanting to fuck her?
can't you fuck a woman without obsessing over a freaking bookshelf?

If you were you would know how bad it hurts.

take her to a Scientology deprogramming facility

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idk what that means. I love my penis bro

My dick has been hurt by girls on top whose vaginas were more shallow than my dick length and it caused my dick to bend and smuch inside of them when all of their weight went down onto my dick. It makes an audible popping sound and is extremely painful. I wouldn't want a dick any bigger than mine and its 7.5". In fact I would take a 7" over 7.5" after my experiences.

fuck girls that don't treat you like a dildo and know how to sidle down on a dick. what they're doing is the equivalent of you constantly stabbing the cervix with your schlong or pushing it all the way in without stretching the pussy out.

shallow vaginas suck but whatev not gonna complain about big dick problems

It feels fucking incredible until it is too much though. Your dick basically pops between the bottom nook and top nook of the cervix and the head feels amazing when it is ok. It's when they get too carried aways that my dick has made a loud popping sound and bent inside of the vagina.

it happens homes. also:
>not working out just so you can do 20 minutes of deep missionary

I do but missionary is boring. My favorite position besides cowgirl is when you lay behind her and she faces away so you can reach around and fondle her tits and clit while fucking or grab her hips or choke her.

spooning is a classic user. you choking the back of her neck though?

also, deep missionary >>>>>>>>>>>> for-sole-purpose-of-recreation missionary

Our bed is memory foam so it is the fucking worst for fucking missionary. You don't get that springback.

that's rough. but at least your buttcheeks aren't fighting the mattress when she's riding you

I just realize not all books are meant to have a hardcover

>literally me
I feel you user

I have the Anna Karenina B&N hardcover; it's pretty nice. but if we're talking about kino Russian hardcovers, then say no more senpai.

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Hurting her is the best part though. Do people actually not fuck like this?