>why yes, I'm a Marxist, how could you tell?
Why yes, I'm a Marxist, how could you tell?
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Having the name "Eleonore" is a pretty good tipoff that you came up with the dang ol' name yrself. I sure would like to make a Marxist tranny cook me a grilled cheese sandwich though.
you look like fuckin trix yogurt
I want to wake up to Contrapoints' massive girlcock rubbing against my butt as I lean back into her and she pulls down my underwear and starts to rub the tip on my sphincter. Then she spits on her hand to use it as lube and fucks me but cums quickly and doesn't care
Oh fuck, user, now I want trix yogurt and you also activated two decade old memories in my brain from when I last ate it. I can still remember the taste.
more like eyesore am I right?
>trannies think they look like this
>they think most people hate them only for pretending to be the other sex
>ywn get a qt 100% passing tranny to roughly fuck your boipussy
>ywn become a qt 100% passing tranny dom who seduces and violently dicks both men and women to show them their place in a twisted display of hatred for everyone in the world but most of all yourself
Why live?
Mentally ill people often are. Being an anything-"ist" is embarrassing.
>100% passing.
Only happens in photographs famalamadingdong. In real life trannies are digusting and you can spot them a mile away.
you are a hideous freak that hides behind an anime girl
>t. centrist
In the modern era there tends to be heavy overlap between the mentally ill and Marxists, so it wasn't very hard.
>100% passing tranny
I'll take things that only exist in heavily photoshopped pictures for 500, Alex
Damn i didn't know basic human dignity involved people liking you, respecting your choices and never being disagreed with.
Why are you cryptofaggots so delusional? Post a real pic.
Seriously, how do we move trannys far away from left-wing politics?
It is physically impossible to be transsexual and Marxist. Transexualism is inherently capitalist.
You can't escape material reality
>materialism is biology
lmao the concept of third genders has existed since paleolithic times.
you can't. Despite the fact that early Nazism was very friendly to fags and trannys, Hitler's stabbing of the SA in the back to appease the Junkers (in the process removing many of the fairly openly trans and homosexual members of the party) coupled with the American Pink Scare and then further reinforced by the Reagan Revolution made made it so that Fags and Trannys will always be seen as inherently part of the left-wing. Richard Spencer and his faggy ass band of neo-pagan LARPers can talk about how pro-LGBTQ they are all day long, but the media and the public at large will continue to ignore that.
I'm genuinely curious, how is transexualism is inherently capitalist? I'm neither a capitalist nor a Marxist, so I'd love to know your argument
>we have no written history of these people but trust me they did believe in three genders
That's a modern tribe, dipshit.
Polynesian tribes weren't capitalist and they had a third gender, so your claim that 'transgenderism is inherently capitalist' has been demonstrated to be false.
So they are communist?
They are tribalist. The world doesn't revolve around a capitalist-communist axis.
I seriously doubt people have been chopping off their dicks and injecting hormones since paleolithic times.
Eunuchs are not transgender./
Hormones and dick chopping isn't what defines transgenderism
Oh yeah, it's wish-washy 41 gender non-sense for people that have lost touch with reality.
capital existed before then
The idea that you can buy yourself into the status of being a woman through the consumption of beauty products, hormones, and surgery is an inherently capitalist concept that only ever could have been conceived of in the fevered dreams of the bergousie.
Cringe attracts cringe.
So is this a new character in the latest Danganronpa game? Is xir the "Ultimate Tranny"?
and if i have brain chemicals telling me i want to be like the other sex, what then? is that not material reality?