>I’ve never read it before
>But I know it’s a difficult read
I’ve never read it before
>never looked at or studied physics before
>I don’t know if this college level physics textbook will be difficult until I read it!
The guy is reading and taking it seriously. Give him a break
So you’re personally offended in some way, well with your feminine feelings aside what he said made no sense, he said he’s palming to read it, and then in another text he said agreed to the comment on it being a difficult read, how would he know that if he has never touched Nietzsche before, especially that book specifically. Stick to the topic in your argumentative style, but then and again you’re on Yea Forums which leads me to believe you’re not very intelligent to begin with. Yes, I’m aware we do have intelligent people who come on here once in a while but you’re not one of them.
i haven't even looked at a book before and I started with kant's critique of pure reason, wish me luck lads
Youre retarded.
Jesus christ
user, you're trying too hard
did you get it?
That's the only good penguin Nietzsche. He'd have done better with Kaufmann, but he could have chosen much worse books.
I think he's just ignorant of the dialectical nature of philosophy as a whole, so he thought that he could just pick anything up and understand it if he put his mind to it. It's silly, of course, but at least he's reading something decent.
May it lead him down the path of the patricians.
Tryhard pseud the post. Learn how to condense your thoughts, commas aren't a band-aid for poor writing.
My college physics textbook was among the most readable and easy to follow of all the textbooks I made use of.
I expected it to be the opposite because of sentiments like this post. There's no need to add to the long list of actual limitations one encounters in the world by adding your own.
>you’re not very intelligent
so what I once wrote an essay in school about a book I didn't read and got a high grade
dumb af teachers
Just stop man, just stop. I pray this is pasta.
The Kybalion and the bible are my favorite books!
Frens join chamber of light if you like a good book, self improvment and telepathy!
invite code : NhDv3wX ( dizzcord )
I once wrote a pretty long piece of coursework about Trainspotting for my A Levels the night before it was due and got an A grade for it. I only skimmed the book that very night and picked out a few chapters dispersed throughout the book to support my bullshit theme that I'd come up arbitrarily.
English school work is just about adhering to a formula of """analysis""" informing a hypothesis and twisting any old quote out of context as evidence. easy as fuck.
lmao fucking zoomers
Imagine reaching your majority without once having read a bit of Nietzsche
It's less about you getting the book than you actually writing a readable essay about it.
Absolutely positively based