Books with similar themes to Midsommar? It was absolute kino and I need pagan murder cult vibes right away

Books with similar themes to Midsommar? It was absolute kino and I need pagan murder cult vibes right away

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celebrating midsommar with my mother's side of the family desu

Protect ya neck man

prosper merimee - lokis novella

just read crime fiction like certified pleb you are

You know I’m a pleb? Or you thought it would be cool to call me one? This movie is far from a crime fiction equivalent. You either haven’t seen it or, worse yet, you aren’t able to enjoy it

This looks like everything I want. Thank you for contributing user

>You know I’m a pleb?

Epic reply 4channer

>he thinks he is above Yea Forums while on Yea Forums

Wow, the Wicker Man re-remake is looking whiter than usual

original and best folk horror

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FFS David pinner wrote ritual which is what the movie is based on, though it's set in Cornwall and probably more like OP than the wickerman. You're all fucking plebs, pinner shat that out between scene changes in the mousetrap for Christ's sake and you all can't even use Google.

Yo what's up with all these movies being filmed and set in Scandinavia? What's with the sudden interest?

Actual midsommar is just a fuckfest
They're infected with genre fiction

They are extremely similar to the point of plagiarism, see the Hunger Games and Battle Royale.
Figures, they are pagans, their entire system of worship is basically "go and dance in the woods naked and once that's over, we might as well have an orgy since everyone is already naked and horny."

you could have just said "i recommend ritual by david pinner, it influenced the wicker man"
but nooo instead you had to be a dick

we unironically pay them to do it so we can get more tourists

To be fair, the original battle royale movie wasn't winning any prizes vs the book. Though maybe I'm underestimating how retarded the hunger games franchise is.
The user who posted the adaptation of the adaptation could not be a retard or dicktroll too, but the is ought problem raised its ugly head in that scenario too didn't it?

that's actually pretty based

Not even a Wicker Man remake you absolute idiot. The sacrifices aren't chosen because of purity/high moral character. End your life you troglodyte meme reductionist.

You should see what South Korea's doing.

I'm studying tourism atm and yeah this is a pretty great way to promote travel to your country. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade did wonders for Jordan, as an example.
OP's pic reminded me, I didn't pay to see the flick. Who's the troglodyte now

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You're still the troglodyte. You tried to act smart and got BTFO. Now you're trying to save face.

nah nigga, Midsommar is a shameless rip-off of the Wicker Man, basically just change it up a bit so its not too obvious that its plagiarism. Meanwhile, you're the one who wasted money and time

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