How many books have you anons read this year?

how many books have you anons read this year?
i feel like I'm falling behind

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0 if manga doesnt count

5 or 6 I think

58 so far

Just one for me this year, I don't think reading is my thing


it's not how many books you read a year user

Only 39, but some of them have been hefty. Last year I read 143. Looks like I won't be reaching that number this year.

What do you mostly read?

about 60 or so. about 47 books in i've sat down and listed them all because i was afraid to over/underestimate myself. but i haven't updated it in a month or so. probably should digitalize it
i mainly do it because i always forget the titles while remembering the contents

I think around 20. If I had more $ I would be hitting high numbers cause I tend to spend 90% of my free time reading if I have material to, usually just try to read anything less than 400 pages in a single session. I can't stand reading on a screen or else things would be much easier.

buy a kindle bruh. the "paperwrite" one with e-ink that doesn't emit its own light. it has the same wear on eyes as regular paper.

4. I just got into reading again in April after a long period, and they've all been fairly lengthy books as well.

We have one, but I have so much trouble focusing on pdfs on PC/mobile I was foolhardy in writing it off, but I hear you can save a lot of money with it, and the idea of being able to sleep deprive myself reading without needing to sit upright and kill my back, letting me read hours more a day is very appealing to me. Whatever I find supremely meaningful or exceptional I can also just buy hardcover later. I'm considering it now.

pdfs are inconvenient to read even on good ereaders, try converting them to mobi. it can fuck up the text a little, but if the initial pdf is in high resolution, it would be far more readable in the end.

alternatively, go to secondhand bookstores or browse sites where people sell their stuff. there are men selling whole home libraries for cheap.

Just turn your kindle or phone (use an app that saves your page) to landscape and scroll down. I’ve read 500 word books this way.

More than in previous years. I’m focussing on only reading what I find interesting; no forcing myself to read certain authors or finish a book before moving on. I’ll have 4-5 philosophy books on the go that I’ll dip I n and out of, reading chapters out of order usually to solve a problem or answer a question. Usually this leads one down a rabbit hole and you eventually realise you’ll have to read around the author to understand what they mean — biographies, secondary literature and so on.

Falling behing what?
For now I've read 25, I hope to get to 29 by the end of the month. But that's only because I'm trying to restore the habit, I might not be so tryhard next year.

15, which is less than I’d like. My summer vacation just started, but I’m gonna try tackling Les Miserables so I won’t be plowing any crazy numbers this summer.

Maybe 20? Anti-Ödipus keeps throwing me back again and again though.
I really want to grasp it but it just keeps eluding me so I have to go back in secondary sources, videos and podcasts on it.

25. However I did a lot of traveling by train the last week so at the end of June I had only read 20.

23. I had a reading drought from April to the beginning of June, but been picking up the pace lately cause I was dating a girl who's reading a lot and inspired me to do the same. Going to be working as a receptionist on a tiny rock of an island up north, so I think I'll have plenty of time to read and write for the rest of the summer. My goal is 60 books by the end of the year.


I read only during the rides in the metro tho


Deciding to reread Les Mis and War & Peace probably put an end to any dreams of reaching the century this year


This is why just counting based on number of books is stupid.
Somebody can read 10 hundred page novellas and another person can read a thousand page doorstopper, both reading the same amount of words, but the novella-reader sounds more impressive.
It would make more sense to count by page number or word count but that's not convenient at all with paper books and is only practically possible with ebooks and cataloging. There's a stat page on goodreads that counts page numbers but not everybody uses that website.

I'm at 73 books. Do you people even read?

whats the average page count? If its

It's 314 and I don't think I'm doing anything impressive. I read books because that's what I enjoy and that's how I get those numbers.

41. I try to read two a week, but I've missed a few. I mostly read fiction though so it's not exactly hard to keep up the pace.


Like 5 where I nailed the topic I wanted to research. The rest is masturbation.

A lot of numbers in this thread seem inflated. On the other hand, I've only read 9 books so far, and doesnt feel like I'm reading that much this year. My goal this year was to read 40 books since last year I read 35, but I was a NEET at the time.

If you've read less than 50 books this year I don't you should be allowed to post here. You're like a "movie buff" who only watches 3 movies a year. I don't even know how you people read so little, like are you just reading a few pages at a time once every few hours?

The higher numbers are pretty normal for people with reading as their primary hobby. That's becoming harder and harder to do with so many modern distractions, but it's not really a remarkable feat.


i just read a couple of hours a day, in 2 hours you can easily go through 100-120 pages, especially if it's not a dense read and in your native language.
also, i read something when bored and lacking any energy or will to do things i planned, this way the time doesn't feel wasted.

I don't read. I just have lit as my first page on clover so trap porn isn't the first thing to pop up on screen

You know, I haven't really been keeping a list. But I gotta assume it's 30+ at this point. I've slowed a little lately as the weather has gotten nicer.

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Maybe if you actually read instead of playing video games all day you wouldn't be falling behind

48 with about another 10 half-finished.

20 so far

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same, I've read more than 1/4 but we might have different travel times

In 2018, I read one or two a week. In 2019? Barely over a dozen, it's embarrassing.

Only 28, I resent being so lazy

around 19

we like to think about what we've read you simpleton

you absolute unit

many many books but none finished, just like the first chapter or so

Around 18 or so, but I'm slowing down... I'm reading bigger novels like the brothers Karamazov.
I feel like I'm more interested if the novel is at least 300+ pages after I've finished the brothers Karamazov, now i feel something weird towards short novels idk why, just feels like I'm gonna miss something u know.
Do you guys feel that way too?

Don't bother yourself with quantity, make it about quality instead. If you've read 2 books and really dwolve into what they were saying - like, if those 2 books touched you in a way even you Uncle wasn't able to - they meant more than 30 mediocre ones. But of course you gotta read good stuff and dig deep.

Oh that's what it is. You're not reading books because you're too busy thinking about reading.


None. Cinema is better.

I'm on my 64-67th. I'm having a tough semester.

It’s not a competition faggot, that’s why you lose at everything, change your mindset and stop coming on Yea Forums if you want to read. Why are you comparing yourself to other people, are you in high school?

The other day I saw a guy at the grocery store with the fucked up doomer haircut. it was like OP pic, taking up a huge amount of space but still pretty thin, tangled and shit poofing everywhere. I can't remember what the guy was buying but I had a hard time not laughing at him. He was fat so I doubt he was a meth head.



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104. About 57k pages.

Ones I've completed: 2. If I add up the segments of books I haven't finished, like 8

How’d you like Slaughter house 5,

That's like 500 pages a day since we're only midway through the year. How many minutes does one page take you?

Different monkey. Same boat.

Either i'm dull or the book's a bore because I can't seem to stick to one. I'll start multiple and read the one i feel like.

Short novels are in many ways harder to execute because of that feeling, but it makes it all the better when an author somehow manages to cram a masterpiece into 200 pages

Over 20 pages or so.

I enjoyed it. It was for a class so perhaps my reading perspective was not the same as it would be otherwise, but I still thought it was written in an interesting way and had a thought provoking message. Might need to re-read it in the future to cement my feelings on it.

I'm on my 17th at the moment. I just started getting Yea Forums around the end of last year, but have had periods where I've been busy and had a hard time committing to a good reading schedule, even taking breaks for weeks. I'm just coming back to Yea Forums today after taking a 7 month break and developing my social life and some other personal stuff (and finding that others around me often just don't have the same interests and I'm still deeply lonely).

I'm inspired by the numbers these anons are reaching. Impressive stuff. Yea Forums, and most of this website, get pretty monotonous in their conversation variety, but at least there are some interesting discussions occasionally.

I'm so far behind I'm fucking demolished

I've read like two and a half, not including college books

ADD and apathy do not get you very far

On number 3 now

I think the only book I finished this year was Crime and Punishment. I keep buying cheap books at an op shop or similar and never touching them.

Lovely response user, my first at reading it I got to 95 pages and dropped it, I’ll pick it up again because every written literature requires tremendous amount of patience.

I have read 107 so far this year. i finished high school last year and didn’t feel like going to college yet so i’ve been sitting around at home, reading all day, usually between 4 and 6 hours, and watching art film in the night time, and writing a little bit. this task is made easier by adderall and Autism Spectrum Disorder. i read philosophy (a lot of postmodern philosophy lately) and fiction

I just got to part four of CaP today after taking a break and reading The Hobbit and The Stranger. Good stuff

30. My "goal" is 50, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to reach this.

So have you developed a novel and compelling philosophical system if you've read that much philosophy in one year, or what?

it has the opposite effect, for me at least. reading lots of philosophy and going on twitter to see the droves of people who have all also read it all just kind of makes me realize how many people are much smarter than me and discourages me from doing any of my own work in philosophy. i do want to have novels and poetry published though.

>only read 7
>too depressed to read anymore
i just want a job

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Yah I'm on 2
i have read at least 50+ volumes of mangas

Quality matters more than quantity. Do you even read?

About 14 or so, could be better, could definitely be worse