I have it from inside sources that Tucker Carlson is secretly a huge fan of René Guénon but isn't' allowed to talk...

I have it from inside sources that Tucker Carlson is secretly a huge fan of René Guénon but isn't' allowed to talk about it on air

Attached: tucker.jpg (800x450, 62K)

Should have gone with Evola but whatever.

Attached: guenon_chart.png (6161x5009, 3.81M)

Why is Evola better than Guénon?

he's rather intelligent so it wouldn't surprise me

The guy also smokes pot

It's amazing how you can see Tucker's slow gathering of power and influence play out in real time, yet absolutely nobody's really commented on it. Everyone wonders why he's no longer a "sensible, reasonable conservative," when they utterly fail to realize that the entire reason he changed his game is that he wants to amass power and saw the most effective way to do it.

Seriously doubt that

Tucker Carlson is a fan of Seraphim Rose and is secretly Orthodox Christian

I dont like watching clips of people talk, can you summarize who he is?

American TV pundit. Used to be on CNN, is now on Fox News. Used to be known as a somewhat WASPish, academic-looking dude most famous for wearing a bow tie. Nowadays he's becoming famous/infamous for spouting a political program that unites social conservatism with economic populism and progressivism, which is fairly common in Europe but is somewhat new and novel in the United States, at least in the latter half of the 20th Century.

Better for your memetic purposes. Guenon is certainly more PC than Evola. Converting to Islam vs. volunteering for the SD and all that. No legitimate comparison between their writings is really possible, but Evola is much more accessible. I imagine Tucker is if anything a committed christcuck, not unlike Glenn Beck.

I am convinced Tucker is the last actual conservative (not sold out to big corporations)

yfw Trump brought Tucker with him on his trip to North Korea and exiled Mustache Man to Mongolia

also you have to keep in mind Trump only watches Fox News and gets most of his information from it, so whoever is most influential on Fox can influence Trump a great deal

Nah he used to be on MSNBC, when Pat Buchanan was too. He's too WASPy to pull off the national socialism thing, and yet he does.

I believe Tucker converted to Shintoism with his last visit to Japan, but isn't allowed to talk about it because of the uneasy stalemate between Fox News and CNN

>social conservatism with economic populism and progressivism,
Are we talking national socialism or something less extreme?

A goofy Fox News personality is a huge fan of a goofy mystic popular among lonely young men who are just getting into reading? K.

Nope. Something closer to right wing populism

No, before MSNBC he was on CNN. Remember Crossfire and The Spin Room?

Never converted to Islam.

>popular among lonely young men who are just getting into reading?
I have literally never met anyone who even knows who Guenon is, he's not exactly Nietzsche

Tucker has studied many years under the guidance of a traditional Sufi Tariqa in Morocco. The only reason he hides his esoteric knowledge is due to the Sufi vow of secrecy he partook in. He has extensive knowledge of Ibn Al-Arabi and in his spare time, enjoys reading the poetry of Rumi in Persian.

Okay you are correct, didn't know about that. Even more concerning as regards his sincerity/credibility.

lol, extra points for including based Rumi

Crossfire (the show Tucker was on) was on CNN. Then Jon Stewart appeared on the show and castigated them so severely and convincingly that the show got cancelled. He also made fun of Tucker's signature bowtie, which Tucker consequently stopped wearing.

I've always been mad about that. It shows that Tucker is fundamentally a weasel at heart. Never allow anyone's mockery to influence how you look or act.

Probably not but he almost certainly reads the Daily Stormer.

I've heard rumors that Carlson is secretly a devotee of Alexander Dugin and is NazBol

Attached: 1562439656978.jpg (512x512, 84K)

The bowtie was a libertarian cult thing. Tucker realized how gay libertarianism is and stopped wearing the bowtie.

Tucker is third position.


>look this up

Yeah, "Third Position" is probably a pretty accurate label for Tucker's political views.