Those who are as different [from other men] as the soul from the body or man from beast—and they are in this state if...

>those who are as different [from other men] as the soul from the body or man from beast—and they are in this state if their work is the use of the body, and if this is the best that can come from them—are slaves by nature. For them it is better to be ruled in accordance with this sort of rule, if such is the case for the other things mentioned.
Was he right? Are some people natural slaves?

Attached: Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg (1700x2275, 2.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

im a natural slave tbqh

Argue against it.

people are products of biological processes, socialized in certani ways etc.

And some people are better writers, better musicians, better athletes, better leaders.

But there is no single determinant or rule. It's part of society's discourses to define the criteria that apply for a specific environmental or intrinsical constellation.

Also from a practical perspective: In reality things like wealth, status and so on are inherited, as was citizenship in Aristotles' times. These things do not constitute "natural" in the biological sense, and basically insert here what Bourdieu said.

To summarize, it's a bullshit idea and an impractical one at that.

>yet another retard thinks he's refuted Aristotle.
Christ, where do you faggots come from?

Of course. Funnily enough the very leftists who would have you think that all people are equally gifted and intelligent are firmly convinced that rednecks are literal subhumans.

Differentiated thinking is not for everyone apparently.
Come back once you have something substancial to add to the discussion.


Christ you are DENSE.

how is this any different from "leaders vs followers"?

Aristotle is presenting a conditional statement. Presenting a possibility does not mean the proof of the existence. As this argument is from Ethics, maybe he is in fact saying the absurdity of the statement itself. In fact everyone can be ethical if one habituates oneself with good virtues.

No. Aristotle had many great ideas. This wasn't one of them. He was a product of his time in this regard and had his prejudices. He said some rather idiotic things about women also. Don't let this put you off reading him however.

Attached: 1200px-Greek_philosopher_busts.jpg (1200x804, 105K)

suck my big black COC

natural slave spotted

>He said some rather idiotic things about women also.

Attached: BE50DF80-0C4E-4D59-9BB6-C6FC75744910.jpg (378x378, 31K)

go back to your incel containment board please


This just comes from Indoeuropean religion. It's not muh product of his time. It has metaphysical reasons stretching across the years and world and cultures. Same notions exist in every Indoeuropean people though manifest differently (not everyone's society is based on slaves), and probably every human culture across time and space. Doesn't mean it's legit, but it does mean you are retards who refuse to understand people and instead label anything not within the 'correct view' of progressive today as pitiably wrong or evil. This is not good intellectual practice.

You’d have to include a great deal of today’s mind work as what he considered manual labor, mental labor isn’t so lofty as it once was. He was also a slave lmao.

>:3tard is a cuck
colour me shocked

>posts this bs and talks about good intellectual practice

Not me

It wasn’t me rofl :3