I am ending my life, so here's my story

I know that feel, the need for peace.

Consider Submission to Allah (may He be glorified and exalted)

Don't force yourself to live, kill yourself authentically my friend :)

It's a bit weird when you go in depth about the video game but if you are actually serious, please don't kill yourself.

Allah can suck fat dicks

basically this

It's never to late to fix yourself OP

Attached: elf waifu.gif (140x160, 366K)

Please do not do it there's everything to live for

Dude you do not have convincing arguments for suicide. You lived your whole loge with your terrible family and you feel very much down because you feel like you're not "really" living, since you only mope around in your house full of resent. All is not lost though. You clearly have the ability to self-reflect, and that's a prerequisite for coming out of this hole. Now what do you do? You move away, find some menial job and get involved with people. You need your outlook on life challenged and that is not going to happen where you are. Or even better, move out to study if possible. Consider that in earlier times people most just did what their parents did, what they were always supposed to, but in this day and age, it's possible to take control yourself and see if it doesn't lighten up your mood a little. What do you have to lose?

Also see a pschycologist

I'm not going to read that

Seems like you are topping yourself for attention idk, why would you post this here?

You don't want to do this probably