Hello all, this is my first time posting here. You see i have come to a point where i am going to end my life. Don't worry i am satisfied with this decisoin. But I wish for others to not so I have written a journal with my innermost thoughts in hope the story can help those who feel they can't make it. Yea Forums, youre my favorite board, so i ask you spread this story far and wide. I haven't finished typing all of it but i made preparations. It will be called
At Peace. I hope you can spread it well so that my words can reach many people. Sayonara friends.
theres your link my friends.
I am ending my life, so here's my story
Other urls found in this thread:
don't you'll make other people really sad
Sorry, I don't want to read the thoughts of someone that's too much of a pussy to confront and face life.
Dunno if this is a meme or not because most of the time these are, but if you are seriously considering it, I hope you make the right decisions.
And here's some advice: If you really want to kill your self, try doing it in a metaphorical way first. Abandon everything and leave for a new country. Slay the ego before you slay the soul.
I wouldn't. It's not a very good note.
If I were about to kill myself, there’s a few things I would try to do first. I would try whatever drugs sound interesting, visit famous places, have sex with prostitutes, maybe even rape a girl if I knew I was about to kill myself; go skydiving, pull off a really big meme stunt on camera, kill some niggers, etc. Then of course you could also try out religions, maybe go visit a monastery or something, just try it out.
I wish you the best brother. I hope your life gets beautiful
Please do not kill yourself OP. Everything in your chapter that you yearn for can come to you, it's not too late. Can you give us more details? Where do you live and what was that rejection you wrote of?
Not gonna read lmao
By the way, even apart from a metaphorical suicide, go out and get some experiences. You sound just as sheltered as I was. It's a wide world, and the little keyhole you're trying to peer shows only the smallest amount of the world out there.
I know that feel, the need for peace.
Consider Submission to Allah (may He be glorified and exalted)
Don't force yourself to live, kill yourself authentically my friend :)
It's a bit weird when you go in depth about the video game but if you are actually serious, please don't kill yourself.
Allah can suck fat dicks
basically this
It's never to late to fix yourself OP
Please do not do it there's everything to live for
Dude you do not have convincing arguments for suicide. You lived your whole loge with your terrible family and you feel very much down because you feel like you're not "really" living, since you only mope around in your house full of resent. All is not lost though. You clearly have the ability to self-reflect, and that's a prerequisite for coming out of this hole. Now what do you do? You move away, find some menial job and get involved with people. You need your outlook on life challenged and that is not going to happen where you are. Or even better, move out to study if possible. Consider that in earlier times people most just did what their parents did, what they were always supposed to, but in this day and age, it's possible to take control yourself and see if it doesn't lighten up your mood a little. What do you have to lose?
Also see a pschycologist
I'm not going to read that
Seems like you are topping yourself for attention idk, why would you post this here?
You don't want to do this probably
Felt like I was reading my own diary. See you on the other side.
Please don't friend.
You are in dire need of some Stoic wisdom, OP. I recommend Epictetus' Discourses. As with all things, you must start with the Greeks.
Stay with us, we're a lot more fun than the dead
so no joke, this is some bullshit. I jump off the bridge. the rope snaps, i almost drown. and yet end up back on the riverbank. And now my neck is in pain, and i can barely swallow What. the. fuck.
cont. i guess i've still got something here to do. Fucking hell how unlucky or lucky was this attempt. be back after i go to the hospital to see if i can make a full recovery. i suppose i'll just live now and turn this book into something to help other people i guess. Thanks for the attempt, guys idk what the fuck to do now. does god really want me to live.
someone tell me the odds on this. i'm baffled.
I'm sure god has a plan, just live life to the fullest, I sincerely hope you get better user
Jokes on you, I make my father miserable on life too.
ya had me until the rape and murder, no need to bring more suffering into the world, even if you're quitting it
What this guy said
Jesus fucking christ
>jewgle wants me to log in to see it
cliff notes?
well its dead now, but i might still release the full thing. I mean i wrote it for months. But the fuckin suicide attempt got cockblocked by god for lack of a better word. So i dont know what to do with it. i sincerely thought it would help people. But i don't know how to go about it now.
see you tomorrow faggot
>Grey Rose
More like Gay Pose amirite lads :D
it's not dead now :^) pastebin.com
nobody believes you retard
>Allow me good rest my Lord
Are you retarded? He will most definitely NOT allow you good rest. Even more so you will definitely go to HELL. So I wouldn’t rely on God’s good will if I were you and prepare for the worst.
go be noble and find a cause that is worth to die for, this is pathetic, dying for yourself.
like becoming a jannie and killing the butterfly, that is a worthwhile thing to do.
Do a flip!
Thanks for this thread, now I want to kill myself out of second-hand embarrassment.
Suicide is a meme
If you're going to kill yourself, why not just binge-live your final days?
Take out a loan, buy cocaine and hookers, then OD and die in a brothel like a normal person
So long, space cowboy.
I remember the user that said he'd go into the woods with a picture of his family and his favorite book to suicide after he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.
I wonder if he did it.
I hope he's in a better place.
Can't die yet. You need to revise this it sucks.
I guess a boring life deserves a boring end
Yeah if I wrote this I'd kill myself too.
How does it feel knowing you can't make a suicide note as based as mitchell heismans?
Posting in what could be big if true
put me in the screencap
i dont know what id do without my dad
I'll make a better suicide note than OP some day, and everyone will be amazed in Yea Forums ;)
An exceptional life deserves an exceptional end
>pseud is materialist anime faggot
you fucked up the name you idiot
is this a mirror to Kill All Satans?
Now that, is an good idea.
Where is he lately?
I'd say it speaks well of people who read books that this is the most empathetic response to a suicide post I've ever seen in Yea Forums but the second you rabid hogs found out this person was a woman or black the state of play would become very different indeed.
I don't think you should kill yourself by the way OP. I also don't necessarilly agree with claims in this thread you should just break out on your own this instant unless you're facing legitimate abuse at home. Not everyone is so extroverted that they get the same amount out of having their own place right this instant. I tried that a few times and it never felt like the right move once I was there. The truly important thing is to set up a sense of forward momentum and building in your life, maybe by going back to school, maybe by getting a job, hopefully a decent one but even if its a crappy one you can put the money towards better qualifications, and pursuing personal interests that may not ever lead to a career but make you feel worthwhile. I've made in total, in my life, maybe 1200 dollars from odd fiction writing jobs, so not enough to make any difference to my quality of life, but I was never happier than when one of those things went through, or even when a story posted on the internet did really well.
People often have more options than they feel like they do. In fact if you have a pretty reliable place to live and no kids this is virtually always true
Trash writing, sorry OP. instead of killing yourself you should practice writing each day to make something actually worth reading.
Reading your 'letter' I can tell its filled with teen angst, regardless of your true age. I can tell your a person who definitely feels a lot emotionally, and its focused negatively, rather than through positive outlets.
Instead of feeling bad about your struggle you should take a hard look in the mirror and dedicate time to writing. You suck at it. That doesn't mean you can't get better. In fact, I think taking the time to continuously write would actually help you better define those feelings, and it could prove a hobby that can ultimately bring meaning to life.
Stop looking for sympathy from others, nobody gives a shit. Cultivate your own love, through your own outlets. Then maybe you can give love to others - but never expect it.
I wish my dad got to see me grow up
Dude's about to kill himself and you can be this mean? Damn. I just want to hold OP, make sure he's okay and get him some help.
OP don't do it mate, you can turn it around with some discipline and love.
my dad's an asshole, fuck 'em
stfu retard
I stopped reading after the third grammatical error.
Please fix these simple mistakes before bothering me again.
don't kill yourself, you have so much to live for jadajada.
See you tomorrow, retard
Oh it got trashed
make a flip faggot
Don't kill yourself, that's just generally true unless you're physically just a ball of pain. Otherwise, got to see what comes next. At Peace isn't in the least insightful, if you want to spread it do it yourself (which I guess you're already doing), or better yet write something better.
Who doesn't have the balls to post on their favorite board even once, but can bite the bullet and kill themselves? Maybe there are such people. Anyway, to reiterate, don't kill yourself.
>the second you rabid hogs found out this person was a woman or black the state of play would become very different indeed.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Now you have time for more Sly Cooper
same, but he's annoying as fuck too.
Is every vapid person saying "travel the world!" as a response to suicide just some pampered first worlder who thinks everybody's got money to spare?
Do the people who give out these terrible advice realize how they sound?
>The world is your oyster
You people are a broken record.
Read the Bible, Jesus is real and he saves! Go do it now!
Don't do it brother
If you're gonna give up the world might as well ordain as a monk or something and truly give it up by directing the mind to higher spiritual matters, instead of committing suicide, which is totally uncertain because what happens after death is uncertain.
Killing yourself to give up the world is like castrating yourself to give up sexual desire - you didn't TRULY give it up.
I might just be retarded though.
I'd probably kill myself if I was a tranny who mutilated my genitals, too, OP. Its actually quite tragic -- there seems to be no going back from a mistake like that
Before you go, remember the good times you had here on Earth.
With the rate people are killing themselves on this board, it's soon gonna be just me and bunch of zoomers and trannies and zoomer trannies
>t-this chapter of my story i-is at its e-end!!. B-but yours isn’t!!! UwU
This letter has to be the most embarrassing suicide letter ever written.
"Cringe" and "Yikes" were all over it, and it's paradoxical in the sense you aim to inspire other to continue living, while you yourself are not the model and befalling to the depths that the lowest emotional losers fall into.
The letter was so cartoony it should have been posted on Yea Forums or Yea Forums instead, but the dreadful errors throughout it make it Yea Forums levels of literature.
You are a fool
Allow him a good rest, My Lord
ill read it if you livestream it
I'll never understand why someone would kill themselves without first doing something insane and transcendental. No fear of death, obviously, since suicide is being considered; so why not wrestle a bear? Why not fight a tiger? Why not climb a great mountain? Why not travel and explore the most dangerous parts of the world (money might stop you here)? Why not build a raft and go on a dangerous sailing trip a la our ancestors? Why not go for a hike, travel your entire country on foot? Why not try and move to a different country entirely, and see what life has to offer elsewhere?
Why would one not want to experience something that is unimaginable for most precisely due to a fear of death, when one has completely lost all desire to live? At least go out with a bang, live and die dangerously! If you defeat a bear in hand to hand combat, will you still want to die? I'm not so sure.
If you feel your life hasn't been worthwhile and will continue not to be, at least make your death worthwhile. Do you really want to have lived and continue to live your unfulfilled life which ends in a pointless suicide, a weak outro, in eternity? At least give your symphony a great and glorious ending! Best of all, if you survive your climax, you might end up living through a gorgeous and fulfilled final movement. One can't know for sure how the ending turns out if one tries, but DO NOT end your piece with a bad outro, an outro guaranteed to be poor, for no one, not even yourself, will ever want to listen to it again.
It's because depression kills any drive to do anything. You wake up in the morning and you just want to stay in bed. It's because they can't muster the will to do the things you describe that they want to kill themselves.
You are a faggot who doesn't understand existence and just gives up. Whatever, kill yourself, it doesn't matter.
One still needs to fulfill the will to suicide. A man can't simply turn themselves off. A knife, a gun, a pill, a rope, a tall building, one still needs the will to be bothered to prepare these things. Even more than that, the amount of will required to get over how much pain you will inflict on everyone that has ever known you by killing yourself is surely just as great as the will required to will oneself to do something life confirming like what I've described. Instead of setting up a chair and belt combo, go walk into a forest and get lost. Instead of going on the roof of a tall building to jump down, take a bus/train to a distant and unknown (to you) part of your land. The level of effort required hardly matters once one overcomes the lack of will to do anything at all in the first place; as suicide requires some level of will to be asserted, I don't see the problem. To choose to die bleeding out in a bathtub rather than bleeding out cliffside is to doom yourself to an eternity of unfulfillment. The level of depression strong enough to be worth killing yourself over would render one incapable of actually doing so. The moment one is capable of willing themselves into killing themselves it no longer makes sense to do so. It is not depression, but retardation, which leads to most suicides, the greatest tragedy being that most suiciders wouldn't make such a retarded decision if not for a momentary lapse in judgement.
I was only speaking of the want in my post. The actual action of suicide is usually motivated by a sudden burst of energy. In a wholesome state of mind, that energy would instead lead to wholesome action. In an unwholesome state of mind (as when one is depressed), it leads to unwholesome action.
Depressed people tend also to be in a state of learned helplessness. They have mental routines in which they convince themselves out of the kinds of activities that would pull them out of their moods and into those that prolong them.
The depressive is finally a comfort seeker. So he avoids the activities you mentioned for the same reason that you might avoid them--they create uncertainty in his mind which creates discomfort. The outcome of a suicide is certain, inasmuch it's a more comfortable alternative than the depressive's suffering in that moment. That's why people choose quick deaths over long ones. A bullet to the head is a brief flash of pain without ambiguity. A fight with a tiger is dice roll in the dark.
What OP should really do is go and do a 10 day retreat at a meditation center. Not for the meditation itself (though it will certainly help) but simply because of the change in environment to one that is much more wholesome. That will reboot his perspective and by consequence his reality.
>The depressive is finally a comfort seeker. So he avoids the activities you mentioned for the same reason that you might avoid them--they create uncertainty in his mind which creates discomfort.
If this comfort seeking has consumed his spirit and stripped it of all things valuable (subjective term but you get the point), then it is maybe better that he kills himself. The person you are describing SHOULD kill himself. My messages are not directed towards mental weaklings destined to live lives comparable to bacteria, but towards people who still have a spirit worth saving that is tragically veiled under their depression. I am not that weakling, hence I start my post with "I'll never understand". I am saying that through FORCING YOURSELF to become UNCOMFORTABLE you will REIGNITE and AFFIRM that life is INSANE and worth fucking living. You are stuck with your life FOREVER. You are stuck being the pathetic worm that couldn't muster up the courage of being uncomfortable even in their quest for death, FOREVER. However you lived your life is how you will always have lived your life. Is it acceptable to you to have lived and to continue to live the same life in eternity so miserably, so pitifully? No human being is weak enough to truly want this, they've been raped and pillaged by years of comfort, their souls have been left in tatters, by now they differ from themselves. I tell you, if there is any spirit left within one worth saving at all, that man would rather fight a tiger to death than put a bullet in their braindead skull, they might just need it to be pointed out to them first.
The way I've put this might come off as very harsh, but there is an important nuance here. I am NOT (really) saying that these people SHOULD kill themselves, but rather that these people SHOULD do everything their damaged will can do to STOP being a person that SHOULD kill themselves and to BECOME a person who SHOULDN'T kill themselves.
Even if you're not religious, perhaps you might consider the ways in which killing yourself (let's not coat this with vague Latinate words or roundabout neutral phrases like "ending my life") is just as much about lashing out at the world around you to harm them as it is about punishing yourself, or ending your suffering.
>Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin. It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse (symbolically considered) than any rape or dynamite outrage. For it destroys all buildings: it insults all women. The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not: that is his crime. He cannot be bribed, even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront. Of course there may be pathetic emotional excuses for the act. There often are for rape, and there almost always are for dynamite. But if it comes to clear ideas and the intelligent meaning of things, then there is much more rational and philosophic truth in the burial at the cross-roads and the stake driven through the body, than in Mr. Archer's suicidal automatic machines. There is a meaning in burying the suicide apart. The man's crime is different from other crimes -- for it makes even crimes impossible.
Please reconsider dude, even if you're in a really shitty place, there's still every opportunity to turn it around until you get to the point where you choose to settle for the way things are, and declare that's how they always will be.
nothing like a permanent solution for a temporary problem
you ungrateful bastard
you're going to break your mom.
you have no idea the evil you will put her through.
you are a selfish man op.
To be clear, I'm not OP, nor am I suicidal but I disagree with almost everything you've written. The problem is not comfort seeking. Comfort seeking is perfectly natural behavior, which is to say that it's neutral behavior. Neither good nor bad. The problem arises from the depressive state becoming conditioned into the comfortable--i.e the unwholesome state becoming the norm.
I also believe that even the "mental weaklings" I describe are deserving of compassion and love. I don't believe they should kill themselves because I don't believe their state is irreversible or reflective of an inherent nature or predictive of a capacity (or lack thereof) for a similar compassion and love in the future. You claim that you'll never understand these "weaklings". Do you expect your words to reach people who from the very beginning, you refuse even the possibility of understanding?
Your posts so far show that you have enough compassion to try and dissuade OP from his action. But would you disagree that understanding where he's coming from might not better equip you to do that? That without that understanding your advice may be misguided? Do you disagree that understanding a weakling does not necessarily make you one?
Print out a copy of your work or a favourite book and burn it along with yourself in a public area
>break your mom.
no you aren't shut up dumbfuck. suicide isn't a meme for your shitposts
This saying is so trite and meaningless.
You seem like a good person and I'm happy to hear that you're not suicidal. Like I said, I'm aware that what I'm saying comes off as very severe and almost psychopathic in its lack of empathy, but I simply can't state what I wanted to state in a nicer way while still retaining an element of power behind it, an impetus, a push, a call to action. I use harsh words like "weakling" to display and make clear, to make one self-aware of how pathetic suicide is, how contemptible, how grotesque it is. To be aware that your actions are wrong is to be able to do what's right instead.
I feel you've misunderstood my stance on "understanding", but that isn't your fault, I phrased it quite poorly and will try to elucidate: I can't understand it from my own perspective. I can't understand why one can't find the same conclusions as I do. I CAN understand the LOGIC and REASONING being used to deny one's self life and to remain in the state you are describing but I can't, from my own subjective and limited perspective, ever understand why anyone wouldn't be able to will their way out of it. I understand WHY they feel the way that they do but I don't understand the lack of will within their subjective perspective. Depression is a very personal and subjective experience and in my worst depressive period, around 2014, a while ago now, I wanted to kill myself every fucking day, but the depression was so severe that I couldn't even will myself to do so. The moment that I discovered that will to suicide, I realised that I could instead use that will to will myself to hike for 7 days in deep forests (sadly [or, gladly], I didn't run into a bear). This is the subjective experience through which I am talking and through which I do not understand why someone would not will themselves to try something dangerous and crazy from this position, once they've gathered enough will to do the act in the first place. Like I said earlier as well, it takes a ridiculous amount of willpower to convince yourself to kill yourself despite how everyone who has ever loved you will be hurt by the action.
What I don't understand now is in what way you disagree with me. You believe that the reason they shouldn't kill themselves is because their state is not irreversible, but that's precisely my point, albeit I phrased it very sternly; one should never kill oneself because one who should kill oneself should instead become someone who shouldn't kill oneself.
>tfw no Sly Cooper 5
Reading this and looking back at your earlier post, I think the only thing I really disagreed with was your choice of words, "mental weakling", "never understand", "should kill himself" etc. It's possible for words to be true and kind and also powerful, without being harsh. Harsh speech generally causes more harm than good, and is often rejected out of emotion even if true.
>The moment that I discovered that will to suicide, I realised that I could instead use that will to will myself to hike for 7 days in deep forests (sadly [or, gladly], I didn't run into a bear).
Not the person you're conversing with but I believe you're making a fatal assumption albeit from your 'own subjectivity'. It appears you believe the will to suicide equates the will to be adventurous, or if I may, the will to die equates to the will to live. I imagine that for someone committed to the idea of killing themselves, the will to kill is much easier than the will to go on.
>but I can't, from my own subjective and limited perspective, ever understand why anyone wouldn't be able to will their way out of it.
I'm sure it takes great will for an athlete to wake up every morning to workout and stick to a diet and exercise regiment. But if they were asked to read a book, they man not have the will to do it. Likewise an academic could go days without sleeping spending time and energy reading, but couldn't muster the will to workout for 30 minutes a day. Each person has come to a routine that has made some acts easier to will than others. In light of this, could you understand why it can be easier to suicide than anything else?
Suicide out of sadness/passion is subhuman-tier. If you live your life as an unethical cockroach, don't expect much 'rest' after you die. You will at the very least come back as an inferior life form, an even bigger slave to your passions (instincts).
>You will at the very least come back as an inferior life form
Imagine actually believing in primitive poo nonsense like this.
1. indians weren't the only group that believed in reincarnations
2. enlighten me, what happens after you die?
>2. enlighten me, what happens after you die?
What you're talking about vis-a-vis athletes and academics is not based on will but based on routine (as you actually mentioned) and what one prefers or is better at. I prefer reading 5 hours a day but if I enjoyed working out 5 hours a day more I would absolutely be able to transfer that will. The reason an academic might not be able to transfer their will is precisely that, preference and routine. Similarly, value judgements play a big part here. If I consider reading 5 hours a day more 'fruitful' or 'productive' than working out, of course I won't will myself to work out instead (for me, mind > body, for some, body > mind, for others mind = body). Will is an abstract concept and we can only talk about it from our subjective experiences related to that concept; it is absolutely and objectively true that in my subjective experience will can be the will to anything, is fully transferable, and malleable.
THIS is why I use such harsh language, , because it is a matter of preference (I understand that harsh language is very rarely appropriate but when talking to someone about to kill themselves, I'm sure they've heard positive vibes a thousand times and it is important to display HOW bad it is to PREFER death. In real life, I would hug the one who is suicidal and display more empathy but here, online, such a consoling action isn't possible through text on a screen and good vibes are abundant, hence I believe that words of strength are more likely to shock the system into self-awareness and through it self-preservation). When one wills one wills and this will can either be a will to death or a will to life - both require will - and my goal is to compel one who has the will to go out of their way to commit suicide to instead at least PREFER to die in a less pathetic way, e.g. free soloing a mountain, or to, even more ideally, PREFER to live an insane experience, e.g. hike a whole country. A transcendental near death experience might completely unlock one's suppressed love of life, and I want everybody who is dead-set on committing suicide to wrestle a bear instead (they are, after all, fully prepared to die).
It's already too late for suicide brother.
The only liberation is within you.
Have a nice trip.
all of this you can do whitout an hero.
Don't ask me how, but I know you wont do it and it's totally fine. I love you, more than you can imagine.
While I may disagree with your methods, I share you preference of approach to suicide. I also agree that such a near death experience could lead one to completely change their mind about the whole ordeal of seppuku, and OP may benefit from this outlook.
>What you're talking about vis-a-vis athletes and academics is not based on will but based on routine (as you actually mentioned) and what one prefers or is better at.
I guess my point is that routine and will are not mutually exclusive, rather, they can even be recursive. If you value x, you can will yourself to do x, which will lead into a routine of x, which can lead you to increased value x, ad infinitum. In OP's case, it seems x = suicide, and this variable is stronger than others.