New* and improved* BurgerPunk(tm) thread

I broke my shoulder in houston outside a hotel. I was supposed to go to a concert the next day but my buddy and I thought, drunkenly at 4am, that it would be a good time to teach me how to fight. The night before was pretty great. He wanted to go hit on girls, and I wanted to find bars that had at least some resemblance to a divey hipster trash punk bar. We settled on a little strip of bars near the tram thing down town. Met a dude that looked exactly like a tunnel snake. Generally I'm just pissed that Austin has all the hot hipster/alt/punk girls. They all move out of san antonio unless they are latina, and even then finding a non obese one is like a needle in a hay stack. Austin suffers the same problems you mentioned. San Antonio does to a lesser extend but it WISHES it had the problems y'all have with SO much business from highly trained technical workers they would have to improve downtown's mobility. But it's such a tourist trap there's no way it'll ever have a walkable pizza stand.

i wrote a small bit in a blade runner world about a delivery boy who drops off drugs at a sprawling apartment complex, and when he returns to his hovercar he finally opens the pornhub notifications on his phone to find his girlfriend getting a train ran on her. the delivery boy subsequently takes a series of fat rips off his weed vape to numb the emotional pain

The alt-right lives in your mind, rent-free

This is excellent cybergerpunk


you should submit that to some short fiction mags like Asimov's or some shit
Yea Forums fags should inundate the sf/f community which is currently overrun with commie fucks and queermo furfags with based Space Empire golden age / Blade runner cyberpunk science fiction

Every day is a series of moments and decisions. Today I wasted them all.

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New thread

Burgerpunk is the low-res 00s version of our present synthpunk era.

here you go

The High Cost of Free Parking by Donald Shoup
Order Without Design by Alain Bertaud
Zoning Rules!: The Economics of Land Use Regulation by William Fischel

***Articles & Blogs
Strong Towns Introduction
Traditional City Primer
Granola Shotgun
SF Housing Primer by Kim-Mai Cutler
The immaculate conception theory of your neighborhood’s origins By Daniel Hertz

Incremental Development
Systematic Safety
SIDtv playlist


***Twitter accounts:

Should Law Subsidize Driving?

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