/qtddtot/ Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Go on then.

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Why bible?

Which Bible is best Bible?

Which translation is best for...?

why do redditors love making threads like these

How old is common metre in the English language? I can't find any good history on it.

>no question mark
for shame
>user falls for the bait for the millionth time, why?

Why are people Christian?

In Berlin Alexanderplatz, why exactly is Biberkopf rejected by Death? Been trying to discuss this point a few times, to no avail.

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Look at the catalog and tell me it's a bastion of literary discussion. Yea Forums is babbys first meme lately and the mods don't take down anything. Doesn't help that all of you newfags have this "hey look im not on reddit anymore!!!" mindset.

Not exactly Yea Forums related but I've felt so hopeless lately over the politics of the U.S. It feels like we have very little control over who represents us. And even if someone who looks empathetic like (dare I say it) Obama they are powerless to actually do anything once in office and their actual policies are horrible and seem to be decided by someone else behind closed doors. The policies of Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, etc are all the same and don't seem to be decided by them at all. I know we're supposed to "vote with our dollar" but being a conscious consumer doesn't seem to accomplish much when our purchasing power is so small compared to rich people with private jets and petroleum-extracting corporations and poor people who seem to be too stupid to live sustainably. What the fuck can we even do?

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Too much butterfly for you?

That’s by design. The founders built their state on the model of the Roman Republic. Another slave state. The elite and wealthy can influence with far more ease by design. The presidency has always been a weak puppet, an actor. The face behind U.S. Inc. the Bush adm. may have kicked off the whole wars without end, but both parties and everyone in MSM continue to support it.

The poor aren’t given much choice in how to live. Instead of trying to mobilize them to vote some progressives we need to give them the alternative

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Thanks for making this thread, I have one.

I think some Nazi, probably Goebbels, said something like "no one is free of influence or bias, so if one speaks, one should be sure to make explicit his bias, rather than pretend he has none"

Does anyone remember reading something like this? It may not have even been a Nazi saying it, but for some reason I think it was Goebbels or some other high Nazi official.

>give the poor an alternative

Also I just googled your pic related. Holy shit what an interesting life he had. Grandson of a senator, son of Amelia Earhart's lover, had a love affair with Anaïs Nin, then had a 53 year long nonsexual relationship with a man. What on earth lmao. Were his novels any good?

Im still of of just how. We need to reach out to neighbors one by one, and eventually set up a non accumulative currency system. Pay them twice for their works (until and in case of the economy tanking) and help set up more worker self-directed enterprises. Richard Wolff and Paul Cockshott ideas.

Yes, I’ve read Vidal’s Julian and Burr and they were great reads

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*im still working on just how
Bedtime now really

Shut the FUCK UP ABOUT THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Do you want to do something? Do you want something to happen? It starts with me, trust me.

We will enter upon vast dialogues but why do you keep being an asshole and not masturbating? You neglect entire threads simply because I post in them etc etc

I’m :3

It’s because she’s masturbating you dumbass. How fucking dense do you have to be haha

I'm looking for a book about soldiers without limbs, hanging from the ceiling.
There was also a man named Colonel Kurtz. Does anyone know the title?

Heart of darkness?

Unfortunately no, there was also a Kurtz, but the rest is completely different.

Apocalypse now? That's a movie though

Every time I click on a thumbnail now, all I get is a "File no longer exists (404)" message instead of the full-size image. I don't use AdBlocker. I did ask /adv/, but they were, unsurprisingly, about as much use as a chocolate teapot...

Nice call, but I wasn't joking about living men from the ceiling.

what should I read this summer?

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That's the joke, you can't do anything. The 'voting with your dollar' meme would have been possible 40 or so years ago, but not now. We're all just live in a big stupid corporatocratic wasteland that pander to both parties to keep at each other's throats. And no, a socialist uprising wont help for the same reason: People can't be trusted.

How many Butterflies are there ?

is this the low iq board?

Is it cringey if I used poetic language for my classmates' yearbook messages?

Only if they're shit poems

Yea Forums brainlet here looking for book recommendations based on Yea Forums and Yea Forums taste,

What are some Surreal, Humanist, or Creative books similar to (non-encompassing):
>Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
>Jacob's ladder
>Berserk: Golden Age Arc
>JoJo's bizarre adventure parts 7, and 8

I have a creative fiction manuscript due soon, for a summer writing program.
I don't read creative fiction for pleasure, but figured my writing would improve if I did.

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Sorry for asking here but /adv/ is shit and it's literature related so whatever.
Ok so, here's some back up info to go with my main question.

I decided to switch to English literature in college cause I thought to myself, "Hey self. You know what would be a really cool idea. If you study English literature since you love it so much and love writing."

And that's what I did, I yeeted a couple of English classes and realized, goddamn, I fucking hate writing academic papers but I fucking love writing poems and such.

Fast forward a hospitalization due to suicidal mood swings this semester, and I decided to drop out of uni to get a technical degree in car mechanic stuff(yes i'm /o/ too) cause I hated those English classes and didn't see no future ahead for me besides writing or doing mechanic stuff.

Heres the question,

Is it viable to study creative writing somewhere (preferably SCAD) after I'm done with mechanic school and work for a couple years as a mechanic? also. Is creative writing the same bullshit as writing academic papers for English literature?

I consider myself an art hoe at heart and would love to be a published author some day and would feel a lot more fulfilled with a degree in fine arts and shit. Sorry for the lengthy post

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You might like Pynchon and his historical fiction about weirdos and crazy people.
If you don't like academic writing, you're probably not going to enjoy studying creative writing or any other subject in the humanities. From what I've heard most creative writing programs will also make you do a fair amount of criticism/analysis.

The Kindly Ones - Littell

I'm the user above you.

I graduated with a B.S. in Criminal Justice last month, and likewise despised the brainless monotony of my coursework.

I learned my passions were Photography, /gd/, Web Development, and now creative writing. I pursued these in my own time, through personal projects, electives, and my internship.

Creative writing and other passions are an escape from academic duldrums.

There is value in a degree, in experience gained and abstracted knowledge gained.

To answer your question, yes.
I have a degree in Criminal Justice, but am also a Photographer, Web Designer, and now creative writer. Pursuing these things on my own landed me a faculty nomination and scholarship for this Summer's New York State Writers institute.

are you a minority lad? just curious ive never heard of a white fella majoring in criminal justice

Yep. I didn't know where to go or what to do after nearly failing my first major. I picked one out of a hat, found what I liked when it was too late to switch again, and stuck with it to atleast get a degree.

How does Lolita die?

Lung cancer

Bumpin' for this. Would like to get a summer tbr pile going.

is this canon?

No it doesn't say in the book, but it's later in her life, maybe decades after the events of the novel.

Thing is, I love the humanities in general, but I abhor writing academic papers. I just hate structure in general, I enjoy my life being pure chaos.

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I feel like t would be best to continue in my artistic endeavors on my own then, I assume a degree doesn't mean shit in the art world anymore.

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Where can I post writing privately so that it can only be shared with a link?

Chat rooms

In the picture? I only see one

I was thinking of something a little more static, but I'll keep this in mind.

What do I have to read from Plato and Aristotle (and other Greeks) to understand Medieval philosophy, the Rationalists/Empiricists, and German Idealism, respectively? I really don't want to read the Greeks but I hear you have to understand some stuff from them to understand everyone else.

Essential Plato? I've forgotten which ones they were, The Republic and

Is that his daughter or his wife? Can never be sure with writers

why does everyone hate penguin so much?
i wanna get a copy of don quixote, the penguin edition was the cheapest one. should i spring for the hackett for like $2 more?

Who hates penguin

From what I can tell people dislike penguin classics paperbacks because they don't always have the best translations and because the books themselves aren't very durable (not true in my experience.)
I don't know much about the English translations of Don Quixote, but a professor of Spanish literature whose opinion I trust recommend I read the one by Edith Grossman, so maybe consider getting that.

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Johnny Got His Gun?

One Hundred Years of Solitude.

How is the prose of Nostromo - Joseph Conrad?
My English isn't good enough, so I have to buy a translated version but I'm afraid the book has a poetical prose that only works in the native language.

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Which book has ever made you draw?

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If the translation is good then get it. Unless you read like a violent subhuman a penguin paperback will be perfectly fine to read.

I understood Plato and the ethics well but aristotles metaphysics is very difficult for me. What should I read as preparation to help me understand it?

for Medieval philosophy, all of Aristotle and Plato. but for the rationalists/empiricists and german idealists, they are trying to clear ancient philosophy form the board really. in Kant, you'll hardly find any references to Plato and Aristotle that aren't critical (transcendental deduction of the categories included).
google docs; you can restrict access to only people who have the link
Conrad's prose is wonderful but not necessarily the most important part of his work.

Because books
Lego bible
The jap one
To not answer the first three
Common metre follows Icelandic and old German ballads more, so probably as old as English.
Because bait
Jesusian lost the popular vote


If I wanted to get better at writing, would I gain more from reading how-to material or by reading other people's work and drawing my own conclusions from there?

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Did anyone read Agatha Christie short stories? Can anyone describe Raymond West And Jane Marple in a few words? I need it for mah homework

Orthodox Study Bible

Why are all my ideas stolen?

What are some good history books on Great Britain after the 16th century and before WW1?

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>Conrad's prose is wonderful but not necessarily the most important part of his work.
But most of it dies in the translation or what?

KJV or nah for first read?

What brings a woman to stare at you like a literal trash bag ?
I've never been looked at like this before .
Generally I'm ignored but that doesn't feel wrong, after all I don't socialize much or talk to people unless I need something.
Well today I did, they were just horsing around, a group of 4 girls ai think.
They stopped not far from me and as they chatted I could hear them talk, then one made some dumb joke and I sort of grinned and looked in their direction.
One just stared back at me like she witnessed the Hindenburg disaster or Twin Towers collapsing.
I'm not some sort freak, boy was that humiliating.

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Thank you! I couldn't remember the name of this site, but it was exactly what I was looking for.

Bump for answer

Not knowing the specifics, maybe she was assuming you were listening in. People have conversations out in public ought to accept that someone might hear them, but they get like that for at least a moment. What expression do you think you gave back?

should I read burroughs?

Is there a short primer on Hegel? I'd like to understand broadly the dialectic, logical categories, etc.

Wish I knew, maybe my smile is annoying.
My father hated when I laughed or smiled too much, he'd say I look like I'm mocking people.

Butterfly, you didn’t used to post like this or cover these relationship questions until we started flirting on here.

That is the most mind numbing realization I’ve had with how cute you are.

World- endingly cute. :3

Your father sucks

Clearly having sex didn’t fix him

No he was alright as a father.
Every good thing I know I learned from him.
Don't dare blaming him you silly dyke.

No, telling you to not laugh was an ass move. Glad he was otherwise cool with you

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He never told me not to.

Butterfly adopts this thing where she is nice to everyone except the person she has a romantic interest in: me. :3

Then who am I talkin to?
>My father hated when I laughed or smiled too much

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Me. :3

What's so hard to understand ?

When people would talk to me or try explain things I would smirk at them which they found off putting, perhaps because I looked arrogant or something.
Sometime I would even just look down and giggle.

My father hated it, but he never told me not to laugh, just not to be arrogant or mock people, especially older folks.

Google can't answer my question and Yea Forums seemed like the most appropriate board to ask this even though it still seems very unrelated to what goes on here, but hear me out.
What does someone mean when they say :"I don't have an eye for people"? This has been rining in the back of my head for 3 days now and it's killing me because I can't figure it out. English isn't my first language if that matters.

generally "I don't have an eye for ___" means that you're unable to discern some detail about the thing in question (whereas others may be able to). For example, someone "without an eye for photography" wouldn't be able to tell a good photo from a bad one.

Anyone know where to find old Spanish books in the public domain. I want to get an epub of Juan Donoso Cortes's book on Socialism Liberalism and Catholicism, but I can't find it anywhere sans a pdf version that won't convert well to my kindle.

Where to start on Foucoult?

Preferably a chart

Stop relying on charts. If you are desperate for an order, do it chronologically. If not, pick what you like form his works. Explore. It's okay to be challenged. Don't let someone else do the exploration for you.

Start by spelling his name right. Will aid in subsequent google searches.

thank you

The Foucault Reader edited by Rabinow, and Discipline and Punish
I wouldn't know, I've only read him in English. But you should be fine.

any advice for formatting an e book in libre office?

when do I make a new paragraph when writing a book? do I just hit tab or is there a proper way to indent?

PLEase answer