Buy on amazon

>buy on amazon
>comes from murika
>open package
>looks in good condition
>underlined here and there
>'at least pencil can be easily erased'
>keep browsing
>pic related
>'why does america exist?'

Attached: SDC10017.jpg (1944x2592, 1000K)

>its not even in english
you got scammed hard

Attached: 996557[1].png (500x730, 170K)

I've opened so many used books with little notes and underlining on the first ten pages and then nothing for the remainder.
Makes me smirk at the pleb who gave up.

Those underlined words are really random

not as random as the underlining itself.

lel. the book industry has to survive some how tho.

>english is your mother tongue
you got scammed hard.

great thread OP all of America btfo because your used paperback book has some pencil marks
lol poorfag buy a new hardcover like a real man with a job

lel hardcovers suck. having a job sucks. being 'a real man' kills your mind's perceptive abilities.

im fine reading second hand paperbacks, they have a je ne sais quoi qu'on n'explique pas.

dont be a butthurt cause you cant read all day.

>tfw you buy an english translation of thomas aquinas
>its filled with chinese annotations

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this is making think about something

I'm not OP but I live in france, and we have a huge lack of hardcovers here it's horrible. We have mostly 2 book formats, "poche" and "broché" (these are bigger and come out first). It stinks because both of these formats have soft covers, so we barely have hardcovers like in the UK.
Makes your bookshelves look shittier and the books aren't as strong

>lel hardcovers suck.
Surefire way to know someone is a pleb is hearing this from them.

also hot take here, but I wish I had more books with annotations. I mean not scholar ones but like what the previous reader thought at this point of the book. It's kinda interesting to read

>he doesnt go read in nature

u aint gonna carry a fkin hardcover on ur back if u wanna read under a tree. plus, that open bent book held in a single hand with a gust of soft wind passing by would be spoilt by a hc. i respect hcovers but nah, pback all the way.

plebs are not those who choose this or that, but those who choose what they choose because of the reputation attached to it. build your own relationship to the things you own.

>english is your mother tongue
>you got scammed hard.
not in the slightest

>je ne sais quoi qu'on n'explique pas
>literally "i don't know what that one doesn't explain"
kind of redundant don't you think?

moon runes look cool especially if you don't know what they mean and just think of them as decoration

Yet here you are speaking English

>>u aint gonna carry a fkin hardcover on ur back if u wanna read under a tree.
Sorry that I'm not so anemic.

yeah maybe... but there are some people that might want to try to explain those jnsq, or you could divide them between those you can try to explain and those you cant. redundant distinction if you want, but not useless.

well, it is an useful secondary resource. as the main and only one tho... youll remain limited.

ever heard of comfiness? the fact that you can lift 100 pound doesnt mean you need to carry weights all the time.

Hardback books aren't really that heavy user.











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That would be a useful actually because the sound of the word dictates whether an an is justified.

>u aint gonna carry a fkin hardcover on ur back if u wanna read under a tree
Hardcovers aren't made of stone, you know. And stop writing as if you were on Facebook, you lump of cancer


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I am unironically a posadist now. Nuke America so the rest of the world may build a better world out of its corpse.

>on Yea Forums
>using facebook as a derogatory comparison to emphasize grammar

yeah but when u want to be light on the stuff u carry they make a difference. but hey, each person chooses what it fits their experience.

>buy used textbook
>full of chinese annotations
>learn a second language for free
>in french
>comes from america


wat. try the isbn of any book not written in english and it will be on