Who was better, Homer or Virgil?

Who was better, Homer or Virgil?

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>national epic for the world's greatest empire
>unfinished lines lying around here and there in the poem

>Homo and Virgin

I read Virgil recently and it was honestly so underwhelming. He's so clearly trying to copy Homer to the point where he just feels derivative. His plot feels contrived and has horrible pacing. His character are plot devices, like Dido for example, that doesn't do shit except fall in love with Aeneas, then hate him, then kill herself before the second half of the book even begins.
Homer is infinitely better.

>a chad, as all ancient greeks were
>arguably the most infuential writer of all time; didn't write a single word
>respected and recognized by his peers
>created by and through divine inspiration
>name resembles virgin
>copied homer; only merit was being used by dante, who also copied homer
>his dying wish was not granted, the emperor did not even respect it
>created his epic because of money

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>the most influential writer of all time didn't write a single word
i never though about that

look at Jesus also. seems like writing is a hack eh

The boomer Homer or the virgin Virgil? I wonder...

Preferring Homer can only be a consequence of LARPing (muh older book better book) or basic bitch taste. In reality, his poems are emotionally dull from all the repetition, amoral (thus preventing pathos), very roughly composed, twisted (Vergil has some unfinished verses, while Homer has entire books written and added by later writers, bloating and undermining the whole structure) and a slower manner of storytelling, more appropriate for oral reception, but today it's just weird and harms the work.



you're reading translations either way lol

Literature isn’t a competition.

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>Love books, appreciate the best for what they are
Makes no fucking sense

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hoc in filo: homines qui de versibus superorum illorum iudicare posse sine facultate scribendi legendique linguam antiquam rentur. o stulti amici, cur loqui de rebus incognitibus conamini? Primum, latinam discite, τε kαι ελλενην!

Until then, you're just jerking yourselves off talking pretending like you can judge poetry in a language you can't even read.

Not the real butterfly.

I did see you posing as her last night. She is around my location right now actually. Should make you jealous :3

Yeah this. "Judging" ancient poetry makes balls to no sense for monolignuists


poor old homer blind, blind as a bat


Et tu, user?

>name resembles virgin

Or Socrates, who had his boytoys write about him after his death and even denounced writing in Phaedrus

If you even have to ask...

this. why be so pedantic as to rank these writers when you haven't even read the actual words that they wrote?


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>even denounced writing
If that’s true Socrates can catch me postmortem, how bout that

Ovid shits on them both.


Virgil is just Homer fanfiction

>Homer was a single individual

>literature isn't a competition
>didactism isn't a competition
>ecastasism isn't a competition
>the exchange of human knowledge and insight into power distributions isn't a competition
your trip should be 'caterpillar'

An opinion that's wrong, but one I can respect. Ovid can't compare to Homer but shits on Virgil though, obviously