How would it go down Yea Forums?
How would it go down Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
It already did.
>China, Mein Gott, is this our future?
Landfags eternally BTFO.
Land is less of a meme than Zizek, but they're both still meme """""philosophers"""""
Land would spike Zizek's water with LSD
>Land is less of a meme than Zizek
This is how you know you've learned philosophy from Yea Forums
Zizek would be fine with the acid and switch glasses midway through the debate causing Nick Land's fragile psyche to collapse into psychosis again from the acid
*solves """philosophy"""*
That would be a shitshow.
Imagine Land talking like a schizo unbothered by them all and Zizek snorting and grunting for one hour and a half.
That would be entertaining
there'd be much "faggot!"
Neo-Yugoslavia Arrives From The Future,,,
What did he mean by that?
I've kinda gotten the impression from Zizek that he thinks r/acc is more correct that l/acc, so he advises against accelerationism.
Honestly if you locked them both in a room for a sufficiently long period of time I think Land would just intellectually subsume Zizek
Nothing human makes it out of the toilet
Jesus Christ, you cunts are so embarrassing.
I can't believe you screenshotted yourself misunderstanding that anons post (you thought he was talking about the meme? wtf?) also, you didn't get btfo'd hard enough in that thread? do you enjoy getting called out for not grasping philosophy or something? is this like a weird fetish where you like to be degraded in public?
Hey you fucking literature board faggots, your boy just cashed in a quarter bitcoin to pay for another night of Thai ladyboys – the good kind. Oh, you think neoChina is for the likes of you? Come on pal, how many times have you read Fanged Noumena? Once? Twice? That book is for faggots you fucking faggots read Eugen Böhm Ritter von Bawerk and Moldbugs latest blog post, maybe you can break a speed limit for once in your life. I've been living on the Outside for nearly 4 years, I've attended over 200 EDM festivals (seen Aphex Twin twice), gone through 7 speed plugs (buying in qp's now), and oh yeah, did I mention the ladyboys? I bet you faggots haven't snorted so much as Ritalin off an erect feminine penis let alone the sort of designer amphetamines I'm snorting tonight, and Sheba is hard as diamonds right now so you know what my plans are. I saw a homeless guy last night begging for cash so I made him try and read A zIIgothIc–==X=coDA==–(CookIng–lobsteRs– wIth–jAke–AnD–DInos) and when he can't do it me and my friends called him a slow-slug and threw ammonia on him then called him a stupid faggot. That's the kind of shit I get off on. I like going fast, and this fucking board is slow, which is why I you LARPERS will never achieve levels of speed like this; I've taken to slicking my hair back to help emphasize the momentum. Me and Nick Land discuss important political issues on twitter REGULARLY. I can hear you whining already, but there's no need in replying, I've already left this shit backwater board. Hit me up on soundcloud if you want a cheap hookup on speed, bitcoin or chainlink only.
Oh yeah just forgot to add that you pussies wouldn't even know the difference between a particle accelerator and an outhouse; maybe you should have taken a stem course instead of going bankrupt learning shit tier modal logic. speaking of outhouses, anyone who's anyone in the accelerationist game has a toilet that not only talks to them, it analyzes and diagnoses their stool. what? yours doesn't even have so much as an lcd display? well maybe if you faggots had accelerated anything ever you would have the money to move somewhere civilized like Singapore or China, places where they don't even know what outhouses are. Guess what? In Guangdong you can pay your taxes in crypto and half the streetcorners have a couple of wengs slinging pure ephedrine. Even done an eight-strip while your black/chinese trans dominatrix screams hare krishna at the top of her lungs and swaps out the onaholes on your prototype VR masterbation rig every time you say the word neoreaction? (our safe word is Musk). Anyways, on my way out, got a virtual bitcoin conference to attend in a few hours and me and my girl Sheba have a few ideas on how to fill the time if you know what I mean. Speed it up already. Posted from my google glasses by the way, I'm a big fan of those crazy memes, takes a little while to type but it's a small price to pay to make Gnon happy.
It literally says he's talking about the meme you dumb cunt.
This is almost certainly you as well, considering you posted about it ten times already.
>btfoing anything
Dumbest cunts on the board.
I actually hope that's a pasta.
What a fuck, not even my agnry drunk ramblings get close to this shit.
>I took that posters words to be his own thoughts rather than grug's
No he doesn't, he's saying he thought he was replying to the poster, not the posters thoughts as roleplayed by fucking grug. I was in that thread you fucking retard, him and I both called you out on it. Just reread your screenshot
yes, as in he was responding to the posters thoughts, not the fucking grug meme. are you ESL?
Kek, thanks user
Are you? It was stated clearly in that thread.
You didn't see a difference between the poster and what was said in the meme.
You can't cope your way out of this. It literally says "is there any difference."
No fuck off, you solipsistic cunt.
Kys, samefag. You've been seething over this for days. It's an anonymous board.
Or is there so few of you that you really did out yourself?
>*saves the museum*
can someone give a rundown on this guy
He is Yea Forums's patron saint because he lends a veneer of postmodern pseudo-intellectualism to alt-right, reactionary beliefs.
thanks man
what is your opinion of him
Zizek would destroy him, I don't know if you've seen Nick Land lately but he can barely speak.
literal autism and possible learning disabilities
not even going to click the link it must be that fucking faggot
reminder that he is an anime-hating normalfag
based janny
Land has some serious mental health issues going on. I doubt he would be able to
He is a meme and nothing more, besides maybe a crutch for the right to lean on when they need to legitimise the most reprehensible facets of capitalism.
>you pretended to be a caveman
>you view your views as those of a drooling caveman
But thanks. Your teleautism is a reminder that you can never underestimate the stupidity of accelerationists.
Nick Land would win
Nick, you really need to take a break from boomerposting. Go take in some of that nice NeoChinese air.
>It's fake intellectualism when the right does it and hard hitting theory when the left does it
>Why? uh...
If anything the right should be commended for having very little of this. Even Land himself is fairly digestable when you don't read his old marxist stuff.
do you know what 'either' means? he was making fun of your autism, user, the fact you still can't see that after spamming this for days is next level embarrassing. I think you have a fetish for intellectual masochism.
who are you quoting
>cope is reality
So THIS is the power of teleoplexy...
>gabbidull zo bad id gud
>green text non-sequitur
lol gabidul so btfo it's hypoteleosupercalifragilistic how will accelerationshits EVER recover?
A little bit like this maybe.
>Accelerationists: accelerating cope ever since NeoChina's arrival
This kills the accelnigger.
Probably the best rundown that will actually lay a basis for exploring Nick's thought - but remember its just a youtube video.
Accelerationists spam the board for years and then get mad when the memes turn against them.
This isn't complicated, ladies.
How is this even a question? Land would not simply blow Zizek the fuck out, he would eject him out of this galaxy. He debated the senior professors in Warwick university regularely and never lost a single argument.
Watch for yourself how he destroyes Peter Wolvendale. Here is the exact moment the debate initiates
If anything they wouldn't argue with each other but rather pretty much agree on every point imo
I've been looking for this video for a long time, thanks user
>anyone agreeing with Nick Land.
I don't think so, and if Zizek would agree with Land, it would cause an earthquake because Land has some quite radical positions.
Honestly it would be a productive conversation. Zizek is far enough down the rabbit hole to deal with Land's ecclectic background, and Land is engaged enough to actually try and take apart Zizek's claims. Land has expressed distain for Zizek overall, but actually has given him some credit on twitter for a couple of his takes. It would be better than Zizek/Peterson, that's for sure
It would be fun.
Thank you for saying this user, I felt as though I was going insane. It's like I can't even talk to this guy, he just skim reads my posts and jumps to the most absurd conclusions. No wonder he can't read Land
To be honest, it's pretty astonishing how calmly he picks apart every argument the other guy brings up.
I forgot Ben Stiller was a philosopher
>implying land doesn't do his best thinking high and wouldnt win the debate in the second half
How the fuck did you find this and where is Session 1?
I thank you for wanting to bump the thread but the link is a playlist, you can see all the videos of the series on the sidebar.
>How the fuck did you find this
I searched for the names of his lectures and google gave me the links, even if they are hidden.
Dumb. The extent of his reactionary beliefs is him liking the concept of human biodiversity and a very liberal interpretation of Moldbug that essentially boils down to "City-states are cool" and ignores the actual reactionary elements. As if technocommercialism were an "alt-right" (whatever that means) goal
Heh, you actually thought you could just derive an 'ought' from an 'is'? Seems like I'm gonna have to go at you with more than 10% of my power, behold.
he agrees with Moldbug that the basic formula of politics is 'sovereignty is conserved' meaning there is always some extremely unequal hierarchy of power, and he agrees that it is best that this is formalized, and that it allows for order to be created. Very right wing perspective.
Where Land differs is his value system(lol) and his understanding of human civilization with regard to his wider ontology.
You said reactionary, not right-wing, this is not quite the same thing. Land is right-wing but certainly not reaction-ary.
"Debating" culture is fucking stupid, the least productive and intelligent approach to philosophy in modern times. Philosophers and thinkers are not fucking pokemon
Seems a weird way to formulate 'sovereignty is conserved' but whatever doesn't matter. Land explicitly supports constitutional republicanism and minimal government in a way which is really hard to see as very different from extremely standard libertarianism (especially with how much he used to go on about 'exit') which is directly at odds with Moldbug or any real reactionary element at all unless you have a ridiculously wide definition of reactionary. "where land differs" is pretty much everything except for some very basic elements and the idea that sovereignty is conserved really isnt that radical
>There were ages of darkness, and then enlightenment came. Clearly, advance has demonstrated itself, offering not only improvement, but also a model. Furthermore, unlike a renaissance, there is no need for an enlightenment to recall what was lost, or to emphasize the attractions of return. The elementary acknowledgement of enlightenment is already Whig history in miniature.
>Once certain enlightened truths have been found self-evident, there can be no turning back, and conservatism is pre-emptively condemned – predestined — to paradox. F. A. Hayek, who refused to describe himself as a conservative, famously settled instead upon the term ‘Old Whig’, which – like ‘classical liberal’ (or the still more melancholy ‘remnant’) – accepts that progress isn’t what it used to be. What could an Old Whig be, if not a reactionary progressive? And what on earth is that?
>Of course, plenty of people already think they know what reactionary modernism looks like, and amidst the current collapse back into the 1930s their concerns are only likely to grow. Basically, it’s what the ‘F’ word is for, at least in its progressive usage. A flight from democracy under these circumstances conforms so perfectly to expectations that it eludes specific recognition, appearing merely as an atavism, or confirmation of dire repetition.
D&R is deleuze's phd thesis. Probably was too short and so he started writing inchoerent shit like that
>Philosophers and thinkers are not fucking pokemon
In academia they definitely are.
>constitutional republicanism and minimal government
>sovereignty is conserved r
literally irreconcilable. The government can only be limited by a different sovereign. That was the entire point of the libertarian-NRX pipeline
Since when does Land support consitutional republicanism?
Have you even read his political shit? The Dark Enlightenment literally states it
> (1) Replacement of representational democracy by constitutional republicanism (or still more extreme anti-political governmental mechanisms).
> (2) Massive downsizing of government and its rigorous confinement to core functions (at most)
on this point he links to david friedman's the machinery of freedom, an anarchist book. Are you feeling the absolutist reaction yet? because i amnt
> (3) [hard money, very standard libertarian position
>(4) Dismantling of state monetary and fiscal discretion, thus abolishing practical macroeconomics and liberating the autonomous (or ‘catallactic’) economy. (This point is redundant, since it follows rigorously from 2 & 3 above, but it’s the real prize, so worth emphasizing.)
And the most prominent example of him dealing with 'sovereignty is conserved' on xenosystems is in The Odysseus problem were he still very plainly retains an unwillingness to abandon the ideal of a government limited by a constitution despite it not restraining in America since he thinks it still might work elsewhere (wonder why a reactionary and not a libertarian would be interested in restraining sovereign power at all. Almost like he isnt really one at all almost like he is just an anti-democratic libertarian/capitalist, just like basically everyone in libertarianism).
I've read that Dark enlightenment series about 5 times, his entire Xenosystems bog, and FN, and I don't remember him ever advocating for constitutional republicanism, which the entire NRX viewed as being a fairly advanced form of leftist degradation of a healthy government.
The 'downsizing' of government they talk about is dependent on an extremely authoritarian head of state, the correlation being between efficiency and hierarchical responsible authority.
>extremely authoritarian head of state
not him but he would rather state power operate under a corporate structure, which would imply (I assume) something closer to a board than a head; oligarchy rather than despotism. Perhaps a head which operates under approval of the board. He wants political power to scale with personal wealth, basically.
I literally just quoted you him saying he advocates constitutional republicanism over representative democracy. Vague talk about whoever governs that republic being authoritarian is beside the point, however authoritarian he would be is limited by a constitution in Land's ideal which is not reactionary, it's libertarian
That's Moldbug's neocameralist meme, which is basically a direct contradiction of all his criticisms of leftist forms of government. The 'CEO' though would still have huge authority, Moldbug's idea was that if he was failing to produce wealth(since he thought that was the best way to track good governance) then he would be removed be the shareholders.
Nick Land echos it pretty closely, he defines money as an allocation of option rights to resources. This is from the Dark Enlightenment:
>Once the universe of democratic corruption is converted into a (freely transferable) shareholding in gov-corp. the owners of the state can initiate rational corporate governance, beginning with the appointment of a CEO. As with any business, the interests of the state are now precisely formalized as the maximization of long-term shareholder value.
This is hilarious given that the other guy is referring to Political stuff proper and Land is essentially referring to internet shitposting when he says "trying things".
That's not really advocating for republicanism, note the parenthesis that follows, he's just saying that would be a step towards his 'western renaissance' scenario, because it is far less retarded than what exists now.
Seeing as Moldbug spends innumerable pages discussing how constitutional monarchies degrade into republics, degrade into democracies, degrade into communism, rule by civil service, etc. I find it very unlikely Land is unaware of that train of thought since the meat of his DE essay is just reiterating Moldbug
That section is him describing Moldbug's neocameralism, so obviously it echoes it.
he refers to Moldbug as having an "incandescent genius" for a reason
He is aware but resistant as is pretty clear in the The Odysseus Problem and the parenthesis have more capitalist than reactionary implications. Land has a completely different perspective than moldbug and yeah maybe they both like the idea of Patchwork and Sovcorp but Land iis very clearly completely resistant to the more reactionary implications. He supports these things for capitalist and not reactionary motives and when it comes to anything more immediate their inclinations come out and theey are nothing alike. How Landian does Moldbug's A Letter To France sound? Land saying "yeah that would be good" about a fewthings like joint-stock corps being sovereign in a patchwork scenario doesnt really amount to very much
This blog post seems to outline exactly our disagreement here re: monarchy vs. democracy vs republicanism.
The gist of it seems to be that Land would much prefer monarchy to the present but he has a vision of a future where
>For our purposes here, the concept of ‘constitutional government’ can be quite exactly specified, to refer to a blueprint for the mechanism of power that achieves cybernetic closure. An adequate constitution designs a fragmentation of authority, such that each element is no less controlled than controlling, with the result that sovereignty emerges from a distributed system, rather than inhering in concentrated form within any particular node. The simplest model for such a system is a dynamic triangle, comparable to the circuit of paper-scissors-stone, in which power flows nonlinearly, or circulates.
And Land thinks that republicanism of some sort could lend itself to this. I find this rather wishful thinking but I have to admit you're right about his preferences, I was wrong. He's explicit here:
>Republicanism, like monarchy, has a rich and deep historical archive of examples to draw upon, dating back to classical antiquity. The confusion between republican government and democracy is a recent and unfortunate eventuality. The historical reasons for this confusion are by no means trivial, but nor do they point inexorably to the monarchist conclusion. It is especially important to consider the possibility that the demotic destruction of monarchical regimes, and of functional republics, has been a parallel process, rather than a succession (in which republicanism served as an intermediate stage of political disorganization). A detailed historical analysis of the 1848 revolutions would bring out some of the complexity this topic introduces. In particular, it raises the question why the model of the Dutch Republic (1581-1795) was unable to offer a template for constitutional government of effective relevance beyond the Anglosphere. From the perspective of constitutional republicanism, the limited influence of the Dutch example marks a fatal historical bifurcation, exposing the European peoples to a calamitous bi-polar struggle between monarchical and democratic forces (from which our present ruin was hatched). It is also immediately evident from this perspective that the emergence of advanced capitalistic economic organization is inextricable from the propagation of the Dutch model (transplanted into the UK by the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and from there to the Anglophone New World). Since capitalism epitomizes cybernetic closure — a system without uncontrolled nodes — these connections should not surprise us.
Apparently I didn't read Land as closely as I thought, here is he calling the Glorious revolution an emancipation of capital concurrent with a degradation of concentrated authority.
With all his stuff scattered all over the place and him not being the most consistent about things like that its a pretty easy thing to overlook. If I remember right I only noticed it when I saw he mentioned in a comments section something along the lines of the results of republics being mixed at worst and the results of monarchy being mixed at best
Yeah but what about the flying anus and speeding vaginas
It's not that simple;
>alt right
you idiots are confuising land's post-meta ironic support for neo cameralism for genuine political support. there is no hope even in neo cameralism, its only that that discussion of that strain of thought (which land i guess predicted would emerge) plays the part of further destabalisation of the nation state on the part of capital. moldbug is like the promised prophet to gnon.
the actual project itself is irrelevant its only the whirlwind that is generated from the proliferation of those ideas that matters. nick himself has said nrx is dead and he's waiting for the next thing to happen
if you glance at Nick Land's twitter you'll see he still constantly spouts moldbuggery, though as we've been discussing above he has a different take on the most efficient form of political organization in terms of accelerating capitalism.
How can one man be so based
twitter is propaganda, like how trump uses it. he contradicts himself all the time on twitter. it isnt genuine. it isnt even non-genuine. unironically 6d chess. keep up losers
You're just spouting nonsense at this point, it's beyond obvious that Land has a bunch of views that are shared by the nrx crowd
land invented the nrx crowd for the sole reason of playing this game, dumbass. he predicted it would happen, credit to him, it did, and now hes shilling it for the sake of the larger process of emancipation of capital.
>land invented the nrx crowd
Land didn't even show up on the scene until at least 5 years after it kicked off, and he doesn't even agree with them on the best way to emancipate capital, which, again, we have discussed above. Were he to invent his own movement for shilling purposes it would be different, in fact he often mentions how likely it is that NRx would just decay into Fascism if it gained any steam.
You honestly don't sound like you've read either Land or the nrx guys
> land is just doing it for big brain motives for advancing the teleology of capital like a 4d chess game
Tired take also retarded, it's what idiots who like his 90s stuff occasionally spout to explain his post-2010 stuff. No shit he wants to advance the teleology of capital he says it himself, mythologising him as him 3d chess wizard is spastic
>we have no a priori knowledge of the best societies
>dude just experiment and things will work themselves out lmao
Socrates eternally BTFO. Who will write the hot dog cold cereal cheese slice republic of our time?
>dude government is just a business
Imagine the people who don't see through this pseud shit instantly.
whats wrong with this idea?
Why though?
It's a cult.
name one difference between a governments and businesses
Not exactly what he's saying, he's saying that competition (in the capitalist definition) is the only legitimate way to judge political systems
It's embarrassingly stupid and out of touch.
becauuuuse? I am very interested. Go on, talk.
i love you Mr soprano
>businesses do a better job serving people than states
>It's a cult.
>no leader
>nobody agrees with each other
>exists only on the internet
>no formal membership
Yeah exactly like a cult
Accelerationists are not interested in discussing anything.
>there can be no NeoCult from the future
Imagine being this stupid.
hhaha what a pathetic reply
What? The point is that "serving people" isn't the proper metric to determine the success of political formations. I don't agree with him but I feel like you don't even understand his position. He's not a humanist kek.
There are plenty of constructive posts discussing Land in this thread, what are you talking about? Are you the same autist from the other thread? Can you put on a trip? I really want to filter you.
So what does he mean when he says that businesses are a better metric to gauge these 'needs' or differences?
And what is the 'proper metric for the success of political formations'?
(My point was that this juxtaposition is wrong to begin with.)
All accelerationists.
What other thread? I just got on.
The short answer is because businesses can fail. The proper metric is game theory, which he pretty much sees as the the same tendency as evolution, war, ect.. The strongest are the ones that succeed.
Strongest here codes for most intelligent, by the way.
Sounds like all the ingredients for a cult.
But isn't this just a cybernetic business essentially? And what's the end purpose of this game theory production?
Sure, why not. He doesn't really have a particular interest in political systems outside of their ability to speed up capitalist processes. The end purpose is the emancipation of the means of production.
Edgy autism.
this shit is stupid spooky bullshit moldbug may or may not be a virgin but hes a classical protestant. To him, the ideal is the most sterile gentrified urban community that basically only exists as a place for people to work in and comsume services legally and responsibly. he says the new york of today is much better than the one of the 70s and 80s, which it is for totally barren automatons with no souls, ie anyone over 30 who has given up on anything other than material pleasure.
Land by 3rd round TKO.
He's a jew.
not all that different desu
Waste of time.
because I'll rape your asspussy
How are you describing what Moldbug isn't so perfectly?
عبد الواحد يحيى was the most important European thinker in the past 300 years and Nick Land is a shitty washed up ex-drug addict who writes cringe future dystopian imitations of Burroughs that only puts on pretensions of serious philosophical or metaphysical thought. Nick Land pilfers the pockets of his hapless fans by tricking them into thinking that reifying the aestheticization of Terminators 2 somehow passes for eloquence in certain quarters. News flash, it doesn't! That I even have to say this is sad. عبد الواحد يحيى in one fell swoop masterfully revealed the sacred thread and primordial tradition of metaphysical realization secretly penetrating throughout all of history, exposed the hapless and impotent charade that passes for post-scholastic 'western philosophy', and sketched out the causes for the decline of the modern west and how to save it; all with the precision of a mathematician and the eloquence of a prophet; to him we are eternally indebted.
All this talk of 'capital' and the 'techno-capitalist acceleration' is just shadows on the wall of Plato's cave compared to the Absolute. Time is cyclical and this stage has happened over and over again. The impending final doom that Land masturbates to like a sadomasochist teenager will never happen. The problems we encounter have to do with that we are in the cycle of universal manifestation characterized by disorder and disharmony, the Kali Yuga; which is also described in various ways by other Traditions in addition to the Sanatana Dharma. During this Yuga like all Yugas, the highest goal and final aim of conscious beings remains the same. The red-flag for catching pseuds like Land so you can decide it's not worth reading them is if they are really into Cybernetics (check) and if they read a lot of or a really influenced by atheist authors like Bataille (check). Their atheism totally cuts them from any chance of apprehending the eternal metaphysical truth and they get into all this weird computer stuff as cope to escape from their sense of meaninglessness in the void. Land-fans, when you grow up we'll finally be waiting for you up here on the highest level.
blablabla I've heard that before.
>All this talk of 'capital' and the 'techno-capitalist acceleration' is just shadows on the wall of Plato's cave compared to the Absolute.
underra, ted
>not understanding being on acid is different from being high
sorry junkie, this ain't the place for you.