Gravity doesn't fucking exist you morons

Gravity doesn't fucking exist you morons.
There is actually a ninety-nine percent chance that when you drop something it will float upwards, its just that by random chance, everything gets pulled to earth.

Attached: GPB_circling_earth.jpg (300x225, 23K)

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what the fuck are you talking about

There is no actual difference.

Atheists be like

What if earth is just moving up so fast that when we "drop" objects the earth is just moving up towards them creating the illusion of gravity.

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yeah and earth is moving up in every direction at the same time makes sense

fuck, we live in an elevator

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why the actual fuck is this bullshit on /lit?

Atheists are literally responsible for all of the advancements in the modern sciences so just stfu

that 3d rendered model that the OP used? everything about it, from the complexity of the computers and quantum mechanics required to produce it, to the amazing theories and scientific laws of general relativity that it demonstrates is all the result of atheist efforts towards knowing about reality rather than curling into a little theistic ball and whimpering that god doesn't want us to have anal sex so we better believe that evolution is wrong and the world is only 6,000 years old

your whole world is founded on atheism, bud. every convenience that is essential to your life is thanks to them.


have sex

Earth is flat and accelerating with g upwards, user.

Yes, all the conveniences like TV, transgender surgery, and iPhones.

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>Atheists are literally responsible for all of the advancements in the modern sciences so just stfu
>That is what atheists actually believe
I know you are trolling, it still baffles .e that people unironically haven't read a single book on the history of science.

That wasn't even the point of the post holy shit, please be bait

good luck brainlets

how can i be come an atheist sir?

what the fucccckkkk?? this is the only true blackpill holy fucking shit

Just demand evidence and stop believing in an after life because reality hurts your fee fees.

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That means it would be accelerating at 9.8 m/s^2. So we'd reach light speed in about a year

please do elaborate


Gravity is a social construct.

Funny how you find the word "God" a lot in divulgative books written by actual scientists, even professed atheists like Stephen Hawkins.
One could say they believe in a Spinozian God, but still it's God.
Albert Einstein was theist, John Von Neumann converted to catholicism before dying etc. etc.
Science has nothing to do with religion, or even philosophy or metaphysics. The only field where there are clashes between these fields is in ethics, and that's a good thing. Imagine medical doctors freely experimenting on humans and other horrors made "in the name of Science". In this case, science itself becomes a man made god.

>implying conveniences are essentia
>implying I am thankful for conveniencs
Each and every technocrat must die

Einstein believed in a Spionzian-like God.

nigga you skipped something in reading my post

Light speed is increasing too dumbass


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How old were you when you finally realized the earth was flat? I was 32 myself. I've managed to convince a few others but most people seem to regard the position with irrational hatred, as befits the ignorant.


>Gravity is archonic.

>something something the element of earth, confounded and oblivious, correlates with sleep, materialist ontology can't remember anything before the collapse into particles like you can't remember what happened right before you fell asleep, beasts are earth's dreams, their instinct is the awful torpor and delirium of dreams, correlates to the function of sensing in the jungian model, materialists are epistemological zombies put to sleep by the wizard newton, etc. etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.

Fuck if I know why it's still here but reading it has me in stitches