>Fascism is not far enough right
Then what is?
Fascism is not far enough right
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The purest of all forms.
He didnt say that you fucking wikipedia reading shiteating mouthbreathing /pol/tard
anarcho monarchism
Keep seething maybe white people will stop trying to leave you
He called himself superfascist during a trial in court.
He literally never said that or even implied it. When made to stand trial for his involvement with the Fascist party he read his famous self defense to the court, which you can find here: fatuma.net
After this speech he referred to himself as a "Superfascisti", meaning literally "Above Fascism".
He was only interested in Fascism at first because he believed it had the potential to overcome party politics, the artificial centralizing nationalism, and become something aristocratic and transcendent. But it didn't, so he abandoned it. As for his involvement with the Nazi's, he did not like the Nazi party, and he did not like Hitler. He even called Hitler a "peasant playing king" in his Notes on the Third Reich. He was interested in the Nazi SS because he thought it had the potential to become a religious order similar to the knights of the middle ages, but again it didn't and it got bogged down in exclusivity and biological racism, so he abandoned it.
He was aquitted of all charges of his involvement with fascism and was issued a written apology.
Evola did not believe in Nationalism, Economic-based politics, or biological racism and isolationism. Please stop perpetuating this ridiculous lie from his god-awful wikipedia page.
It's not a matter of being right wing enough, but he supported a particular time of hierarchism that fascism wasn't along with a spirituality and traditionalism that was nonexistent in Italian or any other fascism. He opposed fascism primarily because of its materialism.
Left/right is a stale relic of the French Revolution. There are only two types of politics: those who think, and those who do.
This is incorrect! He called himself *supra* fascist. Just as a better translation of Nietszche is Supraman; super implies qualities already present being maximised, supra is predicated on the formation of different qualities, rendering the whole altogether different qualitatively, and only comparable as a corollary, not as a mere enhancement.
That doesnt mean a caoe wearing fascist user. Super means over, just like Nietzsche's Superman is the Overman. Its not flattery of fascism to call yourself "Superfascist" just like its not flattery of Man to Nietzsche.
Hairsplitting. He meant Fascism is inadequate and that he is above it. That's all.
I agree with the first one.
This is a dumb question, but do you think Evola would have any sort of respect for Saudi Arabia and other countries with Sharia law? I know he was not Muslim in the slightest, but aren't those countries examples of religious orders? Do you think he would respect them, in the same way that you respect your enemy?
All civilisations and religions are subject to cyclical laws so no, he had no faith in any current institutions of modernity.
He thought that it contained the most qualities prerequisite to an aristocratic, transcendent hierarchy. It lacked many, and with its political structure actually precluded some aspects which liberalism does not.
Yet he wasn't an accelerationist, and so he invested more energy into it than any other regime.
I view him as an aristocrat with a love for his people; he is above them, thereby he knows where their potential path leads, and tries to lead them there.
Sadly, both literally and figuratively it took an about face, and at that point, what point is there in martyring yourself for the dead form?
Shit. I Intended to reply to
i love it when weaklings get triggered af
How does correcting your dumbass make me a weakling? You're fucking stupid. Read his books and educate yourself before making stupid posts.