What does he read?

What does he read?

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Other urls found in this thread:


48 Laws of Power or some other garbage

my diary desu :(

He read all the books he could find on Stoicism, but they didn't help him at all. He also tried religion, but that didn't work out either.


Every fucking time

He reads shitty postmodern conservative literature to be a part of the /r9k/ crowd, but deep down doesn't really believe any of it

That hits too close to home


Imagine having parents that give you money.

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the song is pretty good desu

Imagine cleaning your room

I am 29, live alone and provide for myself, and live like that pic except for the alcohol, vidya, and neetdom. It does not get better and no amount of self-improvement will change this. If this is your life there is something very wrong deep inside of you and there is nothing you can do to fix it, at least not to my knowledge.

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You tell me

Zillions of people drinking coffee and now suddenly energy drinks are evil.

>regularly gets drunk alone
Wait... This makes you a loser? This is very unsettling...

haha loser

Nothing. Probably watches summaries to books or people who are "baste and redpilled" talk about a book instead of reading.


Ow ow ow ow ow

>change your sensibility
>change what would be the path of least resistance
>face your fears
et voila

Attached: 0reallife.gif (500x266, 1.06M)

I'm a 22 year old and basically pic related.
I really enjoyed The Stranger and everything from Dostoevski, my next books are Stoner and Lolita

>like whoa dude just face your fears

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>t. slug who can barely drag its body around

>resourceful enough to be self-sufficient
>y-you're just a slug!

>there is something very wrong deep inside of you
This is wrong. The fact that doomers and depression are becoming more prevalent within the West means there is something wrong with the culture.

>the bare minimum
just surviving IS barely dragging your body around hence slug
be better

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>the bare minimum
I actually have a reasonable sum tucked away, nothing I would consider to be brag-worthy, but enough to travel for a year or 2 before suiciding should I decide to do so. Its kind of depressing to just see piles of money build up that I have absolutely no use for.

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imagine yourself happy, whats different?

Shitty Yea Forums threads that he created himself

>he thinks that drinking alone is the cool thing to do

The sad thing with young people is, they always need some time and experience. You can't cheat on that. One simply has to go trough some shit until something can have a life changing effect on him. No wonder that some videos about Stoicism can't change your life, since it has no real meaning nor value. It's just another video. But you will understand if you're old enough and the knowledge will be literally
liberating for the mind at some point in your life, just hold on. Don't be a smartass or arogant about it, the ghosts will haunt you sometime. (sounds boring, but it will be the worst experience of you life if you don't prevent.) Just try to be a good person that's the key. Don't practice what you don't want to become and pay close attention to your plot.

Don't make fun of other people, no matter who. Don't say nigger for fun on the internet and all that stupid shit. No wonder why some people feel anxiety. Because they deserve it! Almost everyone is guilty! And time won't change anything if you do nothing about it.

Give attention with which eyes you look at the world!


Keep deluding yourself user

this is me and i mostly read technical books about programming, i cant get a job because hr ladies smell virgin looser because tone of voice alone

How does saying nigger give you anxiety

As much as watching porn makes you feel like this and that. It definitely has an effect on your psyche, it's obvious. You think it's a little joke but it's serious. If you don't say nigger in reallife you shouldn't do it online. It makes this whole anxiety thing a joke, when in reality you just don't have the guts to expressing your thoughts.

Consider going to a therapeut/psychologist, if you want to change your current status. If not, that's also ok, everyone lives in different ways

Would a therapist actually help?

As much as someone with the typical mentality this website engenders will feel averse to therapy because it's like "treating your brain as a car engine," if you get a competent therapist, it's much more like spending time with a friend around a bonfire made from your own dogmas.


But I say nigger in real life

Nothing, an obvious brainlet

Well, almost 90% of my friends goes to therapy or already have gone into therapy in some point at their lifes. They all live very ok/pretty good now. Depression doesn't always go away but the therapy is more about teaching ways to cope with depression and with life (and maybe leading to extinguishing depression in future). I think it worths a try for sure. Be careful, some therapist are fucking religious crazy people.
Bonus: try different therapists if the one that you're currently working with doesn't work for you. A friend of mine already has being through 5 or 6 therapists. She says that some therapist works till certain point of you life and all sudden stop working, then you need to change. This can be frustating but just keep it going. Most people don't find THE PERFECT therapist (for their case and time) in the first time.

Anyway, i hope if anyone is having problems at least give a few therapists a chance. Maybe therapy isn't your way either and you deal better with other ways of interpreting life and getting help, maybe through travels, maybe changing your work, maybe chatting more with friends
Good luck, anons

shut up old man i'll get better

doing anythin g by yourself is cool because there is no one around to judge you for being uncool

That's what I thought, I know someone who does that too and to me it's not funny just dumb. But only time can tell if it's a good thing to do. Feel free to use that word, it was just an example and not a good one because it's controversial and
popular. It kinda distracts from my point.

>>he thinks
No I don't. It's just something I do. Did not think anything negatively of it though.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet then?

I sometimes tell my mother that I need an expensive textbook for class and then order a laughably absurd amount of energy drinks on amazon via her credit card