Can I start with the Fountainhead by Rand ?

Can I start with the Fountainhead by Rand ?

If I find it interesting I'll make a video about it

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No you may not.

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Read the Bible

yes, but make sure to also check out Atlas Shrugged (it's the same philosophy she's advocating for, but the storyline itself is more interesting)


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>Atlas Shrug
>More interesting
0/10 bait, user.

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>Reading Rand
>For any reason at all
She was a manipulative Jewish cunt that scammed people and leaved as a leach despite railing against the very thing. May unceasing darkness consume her soul and pain unfathonamable afflict her for all time.

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What? I read it. I’m done.

She was a talentless hypocritical hack that couldn’t think straight. A real capitalists woman

One (You) was enough.
What impact did it have on your life ?

And I'm laughing at
>May unceasing darkness consume her soul and pain unfathonamable afflict her for all time.

Not him but I share that opinion. Atlas contains some of the most philosophically potent and developed iconoclasm to the state ever penned in fiction. One loses the top tier villian in The Fountainhead but gains a more interesting story and better speeches.

It's been funny to watch so many people argue about Guénon and let yourselves get into so many arguments about him without really understanding him. Guénon's works are largely just an indirect commentary on the works of Ibn Arabi and Adi Shankara, in a similar way to how Evola is largely just an indirect commentary on and a response to Guénon. You'll never fully understand what exactly Guénon means and why he writes all the stuff that he does unless you read at least few thousand pages of writing from both of these thinkers. It seems like the the vast majority of people who read Guénon don't so this which IMO is why so many people seem to become befuddled or angry after reading Guénon's writings and why there are so many ad hominem arguments thrown at him.I laugh every time I see people write stuff like "w-well uh he never fully explained intellectual intuition" or "he never solidly proved his ideas using logic according to my degenerated and emasculated empiricism"; that's besides the point!, Guénon was not writing to convince people who didn't agree with him, he couldn't care less about those people. His writing is aimed at fellow autodidacts who already read a huge amount of esoteric/metaphysics and who will actually read much the eastern thinkers he references. When you read Ibn Arabi and Shankara they literally take you by the hand and walk you through all the stages of understanding of all the stuff that Guénon explains and mentions in passing; it immediately becomes apparent once you read enough of them why exactly Guénon wrote what he did, many of the ideas that people consider to be his unique idea actually already appear in the works of these two thinkers where they are explained in even more depth than Guénon's treatment of them. I see many people complain or have criticisms of Guénon that he never demonstrates this eastern 'divine intellect' etc or 'metaphysical realization', that's because it's only something that very bright and motivated people can understand if they have the willpower and power of comprehension required to read through large amounts of both Ibn Arabi and Shankara; two sages who evade comprehension by the intellectually-dogmatic and dull-minded!

Oh, somehow I missed that part.

What impact did the Bible have on me?
It, or rather my mother, had me fooled for a terrible number of years. I found my way out to adulthood. I felt an existential dread during the agnostic period, always in denial, but it cleared like a storm once I let it go. Making my own purpose in life has been a strange and wonderful experience. As dull or stressful or dismal life around me seems, I am at peace. Nothing is certain, for me or the world in general, but I am calm, ataraxic.
How are you?

Why would we ever take a post of your's seriously with the discord shill group name from which we can resonably guess you spend a good amount of time jerking off your hateboners for Rand? You Butterfaggots have made your sundry agendas known and clear. Your safe reddit hatred of Rand is too formulaic to take seriously anymore, even those of us that who don't care about Rand too much find your faggotry tiresome.

Attached: DO NOT TALK TO BUTTERFAGGOT.jpg (474x347, 17K)

Went through my periodic strain of bad days, barely but I did.
I'm trying to improve myself, looking forward to better days.
Have a good one if it's really you

Let's assume she was detestable and your insults not misdirections and exaggerations. Ok.
The personal flaws of a philosopher does not a philosophy disprove.
No human being who talks the way about tapdancing she did in the Romantic Manifesto could be worth hating in totality.

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I don't believe you. Lose the name.

Hello newfag. I see you like to respond to me like you’re on some kind of mission. How pathetic.
I do not hang out in chat rooms much since getting hooked on image boards, so that’s like 20 years ago I frequented any. And fyi, original Yea Forums used to get flooded with Randroid airheads back in the day, forcing their idiot meme down our throats, so it was made a bannable offense. There’s quite a long history of us litizens hating this moron’s moron. Your agenda is well know. Nobody around here who still reads cares. Get the fuck off my board or shut the fuck and lurk more

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Good. You too.

Aww, truth hurts sometimes I guess

>Someone actually wrote, and believes, that abortion of reason.

Rand was shitposted against for and against so much the catalog choked on her threads, so she was banned for it, not for any other reason. I used to seriously start Rand disscusion, then inexplicably falsefalgging on a massive scale started.

And since this faggot deleted his post just so he could repost it with a pithy picture: meant for

Please don't make a video about it.

How come ?

Fixed some typos too. We can all make sense of it. Better than finding samefag anons.

No one needs it.
Read Stirner. You’ll need it

Never wanted to read Rand but the visceral reactions her name always brings are enough to make me want to play devil's advocate.

People watch stuff they don't need all the time

Please take you and your retarded piggu face to another website. Nobody likes you here.


Can't open that.
What is it ?

If you aren't a mongoloid, you'll quickly grow tired of her and will struggle to finish any of her literary diarrhea.

Copy/paste it. It’s a link to a .pdf of Stirner.

What about her literAL diarrhea?