Redpill me on Klages. How did he know intelligence is a parasite invading us from outside of space and time almost 100 years before Land?
Redpill me on Klages...
Asking for a friend.
>tfw pagans worship elder gods
>tfw atheists and abrahamics are summoning a new god to erase the old
odin told him
Bumping for interest. Read Man and Earth the other day and was very intrigued by his analysis of the "root" problem of our disconnection from nature.
the only redpill is that he's an alienated anglo, and that 100% of anglo literature is civilizational failure. the anglosphere is the omega point of cosmogonical degradation, teillhardian madness. it feels good uncovering the true face of the anglo.
Why is it that Germany is so good at producing both the most and least attractive individuals?
Explain right now to me what you think an omega point is, you word slinging faggot
Ugly Austrians/southerns.
Hot Prussians/northerners.
Is the north/south dialectic the only one that truly matters? It seems to dominate in every community, every nation, every country, and among all countries in the world
kek, I'm french so I get a pass at slinging buzzwords together. But what I wrote actually makes sense even though it contradicts itself. This is posturing 101, a shame they don't teach this in anglo schools. Stringing unrelated buzzwords doesn't work, but straight up antithetical words is aesthetic and intellectual. Omega point of cosmogonical degradation, lmao. This is the type of shit that actually gets me laid. Feels good living in Paris.
>ce sentiment quand une fille te paie des clopes et de l'alcool pour que tu lui racontes de la merde.
>What is the WESTern hemisphere
What does he say?
>what I wrote actually makes sense even though it contradicts itself.
I must say I admire, to some extent, the audacity of just shamelessly spouting absolute nonsense. But not anymore when I read the following:
>This is the type of shit that actually gets me laid.
lmao keep livin the degenerate dream, cumbrain pussy. Actually polluting your mind telling yourself and others such nonsense for the sole purpose of squishin your dick in and out of some dumb, impressionable girl for 20 seconds, makes me pity you young fool
North Asia experiences the same north/south issues the west does. North India (Aryans) vs south (dravidians), chinese/SEA etc
Peak resentment lmao. I know your kind, desperate to claim intellectual prowess as their own (and sole) achievement to palliate their lack of success in every other aspect of the human experience. Did it ever occur to you that some people are born of Essence and are able to rise above mediocrity? Feels good being a literal genius. I walked all over you faggots all my life. The anglo has given up his agency and will never be able to achieve such grandiosities. He is an eternal autist, eternally specialized, digging himself deeper and deeper in his alienation. Sometimes I think back on school days when I kicked the shit out of you wimps, kek. I'm filled with nostalgia. Yes, I love Foucault.
How ironic is it that an anglo, the most sex-obsessed individual in history, calls me out for living the 'degenerate dream' (going and out and meeting young and fertile women, how unnatural! - OP has mistaken women for degenerate protestants whoring out their stank pussy it seems). Puritanism is so fucking funny. 100% alienated. Man, if you had a SINGLE idea of who I am, hahahahaha. Love Yea Forums. Love anonymity. Love posting alongside crass plebs.
>Feels good being a literal genius.
>school days when I kicked the shit out of you wimps
>Yes, I love Foucault
top jej my friend. I'm not an anglo by the way, I am actually german. If by being 'alienated' you mean not being enslaved to your primal instincts like an animal, then why on earth would that be something I'd want to avoid being. Imagine being such a child that you are not even disgusted by this shit world. I largely like your contry my bro, but an in-depth gaze over our border upon any place beyond Elsass reveals traces of mindless degeneration partout ;) not just in literature, just in way of life. Don't let me talk you out of this by the way, I guess it's best for you, just know I'm laughing about people like you.;)
Keep going, I'm almost there...
I've been told that Klages' dream wasn't to rid the world of Seele, rather to work alongside it. Anyone knows what this is about? All I can read from him oozes pessimism. Truth be told, I don't read German...
I think he wants to abolish spirit to the root
Where do you find his work in german language?
the only English pdf of this guy I can find anywhere is called The Biocentric Worldview and is not similar to the handful of more metaphysical quotes I've seen posted on here
please stop posting habernose everywhere, he will hunt me in my dreams