Godless barbarian babble

So I turned off the audio book after 2 hours, its absolute shit, no surprise that it came from an uncultured germanic barbarian swine that never knew God (or wasn’t worthy enough to be touched by the hand of God; same thing) Give me my 2 hours back Yea Forums fags

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The only reason NEETzsche became popular is because his anri-christian rhetoric

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Yeah, it's really not that good. Only the first two or three chapters are noteworthy.

>I'm a proud christcuck
Stunning and brave!

Can somebody put the poop emoji on the cover standing with a cane?

>I'm a proud atheist

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Germanics are ever the Protestants, a race of vandals and thieves.

>So I turned off the audio book

>not listening to audiobooks while jogging and driving

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>listening to philosophy audiobooks

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>TSZ audiobook
You're supposed to read it out loud by yourself dummy

NEETzsche is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. His whole thing was excelling past manhood. Ascending. He would have more than likely seen NEETs as a waste of human potential. He became popular because his philosophy is literally based around empowerment. Someone doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about ;)

I have rarely been so utterly bored reading a book. I think that Nietzsche had nothing to say and, in fact, didn't say it.

What difference does it make? Its shit anyway and not worth wasting your time

in today's world, it actually is


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I absolutely love Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>I haven't read a book because I know it's shit even though I haven't read it

Do you also enjoy your wife’s son’s buttplug?

This but unironically

If you don't like reading, why are you on Yea Forums? There are other boards for you. I reccomend /int/ or /pol/


this isn't Yea Forums, we don't need purposefully abrasive threads to spur discussion. fuck off.

disregard all g*rmans


>uncultured germanic barbarian

>tfw christian Nietzschean


Whats wrong with that? Should one must always wear his fedora and scratch his neckbeards whilst caressing his leatherbound books like a four-eyed faggot?

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You aren’t making a very good case against the pretentiousness of this place

>brave is the child who never ever ever stops believing in Santa

>or wasn’t worthy enough to be touched by the hand of God
t. pagan larping as a jew

Kill yourself you christian uneducated cuck

He was a NEET, sweaty. So, according to your logic, he would have despised himself.
Why do NEETcheans resent logic?

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This is now blasphemy thread

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his worst book, hamfisted as f*ck

Wew did god just touched me with his dick?

does this is proof god is gay or he have just strange sense of humor

>Whats wrong with that?
Are you serious?

This is now a Men of God thread.

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how retard, you know nothing about him lol


>those numbers

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Has anyone ever frowned at you, user?

He wasn’t a NEET

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He was fundamentally an over emotional loser. NETzee while perhaps not the classical definition of a NEET, falls under the same classification of a loser and the comparison comes easily as a result.

You have to read it out loud to understand it. That's how the book was intended. If you try to hardboil an egg in a frying pan and get terrible results you don't blame the pan, do you?

Enjoy your life denying mediocrity.

Not the “classical definition” meaning not at all. He was highly educated and worked as a writer. Did He even collect a pension for his military service? No the same as you neet bucks.
You on the other hand fall under the classical definition of the common loser, while Nietzsche will be remembered for ages to come

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Trips of truth

But I do collect a wage?? Being educated means nothing if at the end of the day your eyes immortalized in the minds of other losers. I have yet to meet anyone of status or respectability that lauds his works. He is on all levels a loser, regardless of his education or military service. In modern times he would be considered an incel and laughed at.

>weezed the crushed roach

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incels are smart af

>I have yet to meet anyone of status or respectability that lauds his works.
you really belong on twitter or something

>He only reads philosophy that he agrees with

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>listening to audiobooks

Audiobooks are patrician. The narrators usually have ancient british accents and its a meditational in its own, you can close your eyes and let the narrator tickle your boipuccy of imagination. Books are good for stove fires when you can’t make rent

often philosophy just explicitly states a culture/way of thinking that already exists. A lot of, maybe even most people with status/power do live their lives aligned with Nietzsche, possibly without ever having read Nietzsche.

you seem to care a lot more about social acceptance and association than the value of his ideas.

I care about status and attaining success. I agree with some of his ideals, but I find the man himself to be deplorable, and of a low standing character wise. He is a loser, regardless of his ideas.
I wasn't using incel as an insult, but if I've struck a cord with you, perhaps you should look internally and determine why.
Truly, butterfly, you are the epitome of the ubermensch.

>I have yet to meet anyone of status or respectability that lauds his works.
Because your status and respectability is too low to gain access to such people.

Fantastic projection.

Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Freud, Jung, Cioran, Deleuze, Bataille, and Spengler all read and were influenced by Nietzsche, and countless scholars have spent their lives preserving and translating his works. Nietzsche himself is more or less responsible for the continental vs. analytical split in philosophy and every philosopher after him has been deeply concerned with him. There's no basis whatsoever for the bullshit you're spewing.

>Mussolini, Stalin, Freud, Jung, Cioran
But He never said that?

Both he and Jung had read him. Jung was just the only one who publicly admitted to have been influenced by him. The parallels are way too strong to deny.

>this thread
The level of intelligence on this board is pretty damn low huh

It's mostly bait, but yes, it's steadily declined over the last few years just like most boards.

does Yea Forums have posters who unironically believe in christian god? or is it all just an elaborate bait or ironic contrarianism?

He did say many nice things about him but refused to admit how much he stole from him lol. He also fucked the woman Nietzsche tried to marry but was rejected by.

christcuck brains are just weak ass computers that are only compatible with software from 300+ years ago

How does that work?

By severely misunderstanding Christianity, Nietzsche, or both.

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It completely subverts Zarathustra's message fyi, and Nietzsche openly acknowledges this. I recommend reading the Gathas instead, which are the unaltered words of Zarathustra dating to 800-1100 BCE, and I think Mary Boyce's translation is one of the best. This quote from Nietzche always pisses me off, though it does make certain correct claims:

"For what constitutes the tremendous historical uniqueness of that Persian is just the opposite of this. Zarathustra was the first to consider the fight of good and evil the very wheel in the machinery of things: the transposition of morality into the metaphysical realm, as a force, cause, and end in itself, is his work. [...] Zarathustra created this most calamitous error, morality; consequently, he must also be the first to recognize it. [...] His doctrine, and his alone, posits truthfulness as the highest virtue; this means the opposite of the cowardice of the "idealist” who flees from reality [...]—Am I understood?—The self-overcoming of morality, out of truthfulness; the self-overcoming of the moralist, into his opposite—into me—that is what the name of Zarathustra means in my mouth."
—Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, "Why I Am a Destiny", §3, trans. Walter Kaufmann

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>audio book

This book was not written for you, and if you did not react the way you did to it, it would not be a good book. In a way, the book is like a mirror: if a monkey looks in, no sage will look back at him...


Thank you.
Going to have to remember that one.

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Basically you accept Nietzschean beliefs and then apologize for it before you die

Imagine wanting to hear what a man called "Zarathustra" have to say.

Much better than Zoroaster at least

Check here:
Nietzsche purposefully subverted Zarathustra's message to promote his "Transvaluation of Ideals", which is fundamentally an antinomian position that leads to destructiveness. Nietzsche was a piece of shit.

>Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Freud
So what you're saying Freddie influenced some of the worst people in the past age?


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>Nietzsche will be remembered for ages to come
Yeah. As a sperg proto nihilist who influenced generations of incels and atheists to justify themselves as enlightened faggots.
Thank you Friedrich Nietzsche for being a common loser for us all.

holy fucking cringe

not that user but fr have you even read his work?

>Jesus ain't real
>who would read the Bible anyway
>western society is shit bro
>just make your own values kiddo
>what could possibly go wrong
Muslims in Africa do. Just before they slaughter Christians en masses just for being Christians.
>Jesus ain't real
>who would read the Bible anyway
>western society is shit bro
>just make your own values kiddo
>what could possibly go wrong

I've read enough and seen way more than enough of those who worship the guy to see he was a complete faggot who feeds faggots.

>which is fundamentally an antinomian position that leads to destructiveness.

Yes, it does. The point is, Nietzsche rejects the existence of an objective morality, and he then encourages people to create their own values without regard to traditional morality. However, by rejecting objective morality, one is led to the position that "everything is permissible", so thus, one is free to construct his or her values to be aligned with Marquis de Sade's sadism, which is destructive.

Nietzsche's philosophy is a joke and rejecting objective morality should be resisted more. I don't know why people don't value meta-ethics anymore, and they just jump right into normative ethics. Meta-ethics and normative ethics work together.

>However, by rejecting objective morality, one is led to the position that "everything is permissible", so thus, one is free to construct his or her values to be aligned with Marquis de Sade's sadism, which is destructive.

This is only one stage of the process and isn't the end goal for Nietzsche. In The Shadow, Zarathustra's shadow says that it spoke to itself, "nothing is true, all is permitted," but then Zarathustra says at the end of the passage, "In the evening, however, there will be dancing in my cave." Zarathustra tells the shadow that it's had a bad day, and tells it to go up to his cave to have a better evening.

The whole point of the destruction of traditional morality for Nietzsche is so that a foundation can be prepared for a new morality. He is not the first to initiate something like this: the early Christians had occupied an antinomian position as well, which led to the burning of libraries and the destruction of Greek (later referred to as "pagan") morality.

>Nietzsche's philosophy is a joke and rejecting objective morality should be resisted more.

Regardless of what you think of it, it has already influenced the whole world and changed its direction dramatically since he was alive. We are living in the first century of the next 2,000 years that will no longer be lived under the Christian God, but under Zarathustra's dancing god.

>pls daddy make some rules for me to lead a good life
I hope you rot in your wage slave job, despising your shitty wife and your 2 dumb kids that will do nothing but disappoint you, if you actually ever have the option of getting rid of your incel status.

NEETzsche is the reason why germany is such a generate shithole. I was there on holiday once and they were showing ads for sex clubs on CABLE with nudity. Every other street was littered with BDSM swingers clubs etc etc

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>NEETzsche is the reason why germany is such a generate shithole.
Lmao no he isn't, even fucking Nietzsche was lambasting the Germans for being retards while he was alive.

Cope harder degenerate

Are you a Jew, and do you have significant experience in academia? You sound brainwashed, and I do not have the energy to invest on more of you lot.
Stfu, icchantika.

Also, you don't know anything about my particular views beyond the rejection of antinomianism, moral nihilism + relativism, and etc.

>Are you a Jew, and do you have significant experience in academia?
What a fantastic follow up question, to which the answer is: no, and what does it matter?

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That's just what you want to believe. There's an absolute fuckton of Christians in the western world. Stop letting people on social media indulge your victim complex

Most people from academia sound the same. I have another friend who majored in the humanities, and he sounds nearly identical to you. You American and European Whites are in a deep rut because you refuse to resist and oppose moral anti-realism. Why is it so difficult to just have some doubt or reasonable cause to believe in moral realism? Moreover, why do you insist that physicalism/naturalism are the way when there are so many issues with such ontological positions?

You are destroying both yourselves and the world, and it's time you get past your nihilistic bullshit or at the very least pull off an Ulrich Horstmann and get rid of this nightmare, faggot.

Your Death of God is the Death of Everything that is good with you, and you will realize this eventually. Every civilization needs some kind of mysticism, some kind of transcendence or immanence to give it strength. Your little game of disenchantment and becoming little Thomas Ligottis needs to come to an end.

>t. weakness incarnate
make your own then

>t. depravity incarnate
Wake the fuck up, icchantika.

I don't have any position in academia.

>Why is it so difficult to just have some doubt or reasonable cause to believe in moral realism?

I don't think the position you're arguing is very related to Nietzsche or to me. From my experience, there are a number of people in academia who misuse Nietzsche for their own goals. His quote "there are no facts, only interpretations" quickly and wrongly becomes "all interpretations are invalid and shall not be asserted, besides this one" for these people. In reading him further it becomes immediately apparent that that was not his message. His message was instead closer to, "we each have our own way, and we shall fight to assert our own."

>Moreover, why do you insist that physicalism/naturalism are the way when there are so many issues with such ontological positions?

I'm also not too keen on the phrasing of this question either. I've seen Nietzsche referred to as a physicalist before, but I think it's a mistake. His perspectivism affirms the validity of all perspectives simultaneously. That doesn't mean that HIS interpretation holds all of them valid, only that they are all valid for the bodies that they stem from. Nietzsche does rest on an a priori judgment here (that all knowledge stems from the body) and iirc he even admits to this in a letter somewhere. Needless to say, we all have our own a priori judgment in a sense, and none of them are valid for everyone, because they're each our own.

>You are destroying both yourselves and the world, and it's time you get past your nihilistic bullshit or at the very least pull off an Ulrich Horstmann and get rid of this nightmare, faggot.

I don't know what you're talking about here.

>Your Death of God is the Death of Everything that is good with you, and you will realize this eventually. Every civilization needs some kind of mysticism, some kind of transcendence or immanence to give it strength. Your little game of disenchantment and becoming little Thomas Ligottis needs to come to an end.

You're being way too hasty. It took Christianity many centuries before it became the ideological powerhouse that it did, and it took a lot of destruction to get there, and it certainly didn't benefit everyone in the process. The death of God was also a natural death caused by Christianity itself; don't blame Nietzsche for vocalizing the undercurrents of the earth.

>"we each have our own way, and we shall fight to assert our own."
I am aware of this and how it ties into his perspectivism, but still, I think there may be justification for an absolute Way that is better to align one's perspective with. Thus. "we each should do our best to discern and follow the true Way". I respect Schopenhauer more than Nietzsche because the former argues the true Way as being more aligned with Vedanta, and Schopenhauer argued for a special metaphysical quality to compassion.
>Needless to say, we all have our own a priori judgment in a sense, and none of them are valid for everyone, because they're each our own.
And some ways are closer to the Truth and others less so.
>The death of God was also a natural death caused by Christianity itself; don't blame Nietzsche for vocalizing the undercurrents of the earth.
Moral anti-realism is the death of all mysticism since it relegates compassion to merely a perspective that is neither truer nor falser than others.

weakness exists, depravity doesn't, enlightenment could look depraved before certain eyes, you're too weak to stay attached to the possibilities of enlightenment

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>depravity doesn't exist
Okay, you illiterate savage icchantika filth. Go eat your own shit in hell.

>I think there may be justification for an absolute Way that is better to align one's perspective with. Thus. "we each should do our best to discern and follow the true Way".

There is, with Nietzsche even: your way is absolute for you, because all of your knowledge stems from your body, which is you."We each should do our best to discern and follow the true Way" then means "We each should do our best to discern and follow our way," which was Nietzsche's message. And the acknowledgement that it is ours is necessary for us to better understand the other's (i.e., Nietzsche's understanding leads to an even greater understanding of God, in a sense).

just as I predicted in i dont pity you, enjoy flagellating yourself over why your ideals dont fruit salvation to no answer for the rest of your life, if you aren't already

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no, but you should take the time to understand and sometimes refer back to previous statements, I can't see how you would do that with an audiobook except for constantly adjusting the speed and rewinding.

>I've read enough
so you skimmed half a wikipedia article lmao why even bother arguing about this you brainlet

Just as I predicted with your response, enjoy striving endlessly like a brute whose desires can never be satiated even after death. Eat shit in infinities hell, icchantika.

>im so lazy i cant even keep my eyes open when i take in information, so i let somebody else dictate the speed at which I do.

There is only one true way irrespective of our perspective towards it. Perhaps certain perspectives can reach it, but it is still ultimately within certain constraints.