Is this worth a read?

Is this worth a read?

Attached: infijestušŸ±ā€šŸ.jpg (474x740, 35K)

oh my fucking god OP kill your self. check the archives or download a pdf and read the first 50 pages you cunt faggot flippant nigger

No just wait for the movie to come out

Do it as part of Infinite Summer since summer is coming up.


Is it worth reading?

>Have sex
>Infinite jest

Attached: Hilarious.jpg (122x125, 3K)

Is it worth a read?

Attached: Alex Jones.jpg (480x360, 21K)


Attached: Arakek.jpg (325x325, 10K)

put me in the screencap

Attached: Chris Hansen.jpg (600x900, 17K)

Attached: Greek Laughter.jpg (267x400, 62K)

oh boy, here we go

Attached: Bulldog.jpg (623x458, 94K)

user user ANON, IS IT WORTH READING?, I canā€™t read books and decipher using logic on my own, IS IT WoRtH A REad?

You know, sometimes, I wonder, if, this, is, any book, at all, is worth a read

Attached: Dick Spencer.jpg (1280x720, 946K)


yes now stop making one thread a day about it being worth a read i cant tell if this is some type of coincidence like that one summer i was getting into kant and every day there was a kant post with good discussion or at the very least obvious interest in something i was into but as it stands the constant is this worth a read is this worth a read is this worth a read has me shovelling dirt in the form of black coffee grounds down my throat for having to check this shithole site every twenty minutes to an hour while studying german and reading the sixth volume of in search of lost time fuck man read dfw please read him hes good hes good he will at least get you started if nothing else if you just read him and stop posting please learn from your elders on Yea Forums and lurk and read and wait till youve accumulated enough wisdom or power or at the bare minimum knowledge before you post shit that isnt an honest to god good never seen this before question.

>infinite jest
>didn't make me laugh once

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strange, i laughed a lot.

It's Wallace's worst book. Read his essays and short stories.