He talks about this re-Hegelianized Marxism but what of Marx even remains? Its trite to even be speaking of the Holy Spirit as an Atheist and still hold yourself to not be specifically committed to the exceptionalism of Western Civilization and Christian theology
So basically yeah I'm not even a Marxist, just go read reactionary Christians like Hegel and GK Chesterton
>in front of a largely right leaning audience
>Marxism is just like a feeling bro, its nothing to do with anything Marx ever wrote or said, its just like my chakra dude
Ok, explain how anti-sjw types who follow Peterson and have identified leftism as the enemy are leftists.
I'm more referring to the Chapo Traphouse tier retards who clapped for communist revolution
he wants to bring bring Marxist materialism to Hegelian dialectics. this isn't even in the top 10 most outlandish ways Marx has been reappropriated user, keep up please.
>he wants to bring bring Marxist materialism to Hegelian dialectics
He said the exact opposite in this talk, he said he wants to bring Hegelian materialism to Marxist dialectics. Defend what this means and what of Marxism remains here
Zizek is a right wing concern troll, if you haven't picked it up already. His main criticism of capitalism, if you read between the lines, is not that it exists, but that we have only democracy to temper it with.
I can only assume what he means by Hegelian materialism here is the material fact of the superiority of the German white race which Hegel continuously emphasizes in his work
>"You're a marxists because you hold true marxists presuppositions and axioms.
>"Actually, I self identify as not being marxists. So you can't call me marxist, bigoted white boi"
Ok lmao