*shuffles deck* damn wypipo and their literature

>library collections taking up space in the library
>library collections
>aka books

This has to be fake but it's containing the vermin from other boards so I approve of it

As in every thread that starts this way, I'll say it again.
Twitter screenshot clickbait nonsense doesn't belong here. It should be a bannable offense on every hobby board, and you should be ashamed to have wasted everyone's time with it.
Discuss books or fuck off and discuss this inane shit elsewhere.

Attached: fuck_off_niggerfaggot.jpg (1280x1069, 286K)

Take your medicine you schyzo

>>I do not believe their minds are inferior

Attached: IMG_5956.jpg (1024x576, 114K)

>lol u virgin, political belief relates to sexual success and u all virgins
Observe the socialist cuck engaging in the oldest tradition of his tribe: coping after having been cucked.
Indeed He's barely done licking Jamal's semen off his problem glasses wearing, fat and ugly "princess's" slit and here he is now, conflating sexual success with political ideology.
The fact that some people might not care about the sad passionless thing he insists with calling "sex" is completelly beyond him.

No It's not. It's in the process of being slowly humiliated, It's dreams of indipendence squashed as It goes back being a colony.

It's a bait you idiot. I don't understand how these posts get so many replies, it so obvious they're shitposting you must be some kind of mollusk unable to stop your pulsion to answer to the incels posters.

He's a keynesian toyboy. He doesn't get actual economics.
Also They're in debt with themselves because the money they gave us? doesn't actually exist.
It's actually the West that will come to china asking for It's money back.

Probably the white trash.

>our libraries
did they build them and maintain them?