The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton...

>The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al, don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.[2]

-susan sontag

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Other urls found in this thread:

>some jew expresses genocidal butthurt at white people
imagine that

Isn't she the same bitch who had a rant on how much she found nazism more sexually attractive and masculine to her than marxism?

She's just denouncing the rationalization of society. Doesn't really have anything to do with white people, it's an evolutionary process which would've happened in Asia sooner or later anyway. It's not necessarily a good thing but ultimately unavoidable. To identify this with a race is toxic and usually done at least on a cultural level to her people, so she should know better.
>A clue lies in the predilections of the fascist leaders themselves for sexual metaphors. Like Nietzsche and Wagner, Hitler regarded leadership as sexual mastery of the "feminine" masses, as rape. (The expression of the crowds in Triumph of the Will is one of ecstasy; the leader makes the crowd come.) Left-wing movements have tended to be unisex, and asexual in their imagery. Right-wing movements, however puritanical and repressive the realities they usher in, have an erotic surface. Certainly Nazism is "sexier" than communism (which is not to the Nazis' credit, but rather shows something of the nature and limits of the sexual imagination).
How can people not see that jews are mentally ill is beyond me

Hey guys, just letting you know that I'm an Indian who genuinely loves Europeans and your culture, you are the geniuses who gifted this world with so much immeasurable greatness, like the Scientific Method and the heights of known artistry, please try not to get involved in the stupid feuds between cultures, or to believe that your civilizations are not emblems of greatness. I hope we can all love eachother and appreciate eachother's contributions to the world, without entangling ourselves in ancestral errors and bringing them into our present. If any "Pajeets" here ever insult European culture, be it your philosophy or otherwise, please just ignore them without responding to such provocation. You invented the Scientific Method, which I personally consider to be the single most revolutionary human achievement of our entire recorded civilization. For this accomplishment, you will never be succeeded. Also ditch Christianity while reverting to the intellectual spiritualism that marked your original spiritual movements like that of Neoplatonism. I think if the Western sphere became spiritual again, but while retaining the rationalism of the Enlightenment, you'd genuinely become the most glorious modern culture visible in our world.

Also please don't make fun of me for being Indian. It genuinely hurts my feelings and I really feel pain whenever you do so. Anyway I love you guys, take care. Also please don't be racist, it will only hold you back in life. I'm not saying don't be mindful of immigration and so on - certainly do so - but please don't be intrinsically prejudiced towards certain groups.

White people are the pinnacle of the human race, if it was a competition under any metric it wouldn't even be close

based and kindpilled, user. as a european i genuinely appreciated this

Well Sonntag is a pseudointellectual and not all Jews but they certainly do have issues. And Fascism is indeed erotic insofar as strength, dominance and submission can be erotic. Communism is just formless and the rejection of form.

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based pajeetbro


Thanks, appreciate it. Unfortunately most non-whites (with perhaps the exception of east-asians) tend to join in the circus of setting double-standards for whites and replacing us in our own lands, when given the opportunity. Whites have gone soft, and the predators are circling.

I hope you continue to voice your support, and please know that most white nationalists do not hate other races... Even with regard to those few that do, it is not for no reason. You would be angry too if your people were being lied to, manipulated and systematically replaced in the nations they built.

go blow curry out your ass

It was Christianity which drove our civilization towards logos. It allowed us to transcend the tribe or the polis. Its synthesis with Greek reason created what you admire as the west. Christianity gave the power of reason an aim. We are spirtitual right now. Look at the amount of people who call themselves atheists but still believe in the supernatural. Look at all the people reading horoscopes or other new age drivel. What we have lost is the societal belief in a dogma and as a consequence have become enslaved by our ego. Now our understanding of morals is guided by our personal desires and vanities, our civilization is disintegrating. We need logos, we need to discover faith.

this isn't true from a utilitarian perspective so i disagree with her value judgement

This is based. The kind of sweeping bait most r*tards on this site wish they could make. More damning and incendiary than 90% of the posts people make about the downward trajectory of “the west”. Susan Sontag is an unpleasant Jewish goblin, and that’s a good thing

youre a dumbass, its only damning because it was published on account of it being the late 60s and anything being permissible

Disagree desu. Even if whitoids do destroy the world, it was worth it to reach this peak of civilization. But that's just my opinion as someone fortunate enough to live on it.

>a jew

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Kidding me right

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>Like Nietzsche and Wagner, Hitler regarded leadership as sexual mastery of the "feminine" masses, as rape

holy fuck read a book

where are his smallpox scars?
surely they wouldn't edit that out?

She said that, not me

If Sontag had never written this, and I had posted it in a timely fashion in a populated thread on /pol/, it would receive hundreds of replies. I would probably be transformed into a discord tranny against my will from the sheer psychic force of a thousand narrow minds turned against me. It is really elegantly constructed. It is utterly original in the design of its rhetoric, and brutally brief in its delivery.

>I would probably be transformed into a discord tranny against my will from the sheer psychic force of a thousand narrow minds turned against me.

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You sound like a schizo.
There are many baits a thousand times better than this

No offence, but I don't consider Christianity a reason-driven religion. It is extremely intolerant of any kinds of ideas which could usurp its own, most of its conclusions are reached by an arbitrary leap of "faith" rather than a calculated bound of reason, several major components to its morality cannot account for the observed realities of human behavior such as homosexuality and its universality within the animal kingdom not to mention the genetic basis involved in it (but i'll admit that a lot of Christian morals are pretty nice), it interweaves an entire mythological-theology into the narrative of our reality in such a way that not a detail seems to fit together (i.e Genesis, the Fall, Original Sin, Jesus, Salvation, Eternal Hell as a narrative make not even the slightest of sense either within themselves nor in relation to empirical realities), it is entirely anthropocentric and doesn't account for a single other non-human creature into its picture of the world, the Old Testament is a vile document which contains many heinous events that have no right to be seen as any kind of moral standard, and I could go on and on and on and on. Greek spirituality, which involved sensible and intuitive conceptions like animism, pantheism, reincarnation, unbridled artistic-mythological expression, etc, all seem far better for the modern West to follow.

Watch this video.
I'm not even a christian

>It is extremely intolerant of any kinds of ideas which could usurp its own
Not a christfag but most systems of human belief behave like this. The most successful ideologies will naturally be those that successfully incorporate, defuse or exclude competing ideas.

>implying the particular set of identity of a people can be held accountable for the horrors of existence
what a joke

What will you do about this reality you're presently experiencing? Are you okay with integrating immigrants, who are of different ethnic identity but sincerely wanting to take on your own? What especially will you do regarding the growing problem of Islamism in your lands?

Sure, but not when it comes to your explanations of all-reality. Such a domain by nature demands itself be as open as possible to whatever possibilities are out there, and not be dogmatic or closed-off to concepts at all. But Christianity doesn't desire that - if it could have its way, it would be teaching the same dogma till the end of time, and retaining absolute intelelctual and political authority over the masses it rules in doing so.

To me, Christianity seems fluid in all the right ways as well as static in (mostly) all the right ways too. Consider that Catholicism has accepted evolution without any real incident since at least the early 20th century. Also worth bearing in mind that Christianity isn’t a homogeneous block—in terms of time or space. You have many alternating periods of pluralism and pockets of intolerance over the breadth of antiquity, the Middle Ages and early modernity. The Church at the advent of the Enlightenment was one thoroughly battle-scarred by religious wars, geopolitical disunity, epidemics and shit. It’s that sad episode of a paranoid religion desperately trying to hold own to its declining power that dominates the imagination of the epoch, our modern day, that succeeded it. Also of course every new social structure and ideological status quo justifies itself by rhetorical diminution of the one prior to it. Christianity, for instance, anointed its own ascendance to cultural predominance by contrasting itself with the excesses of the paganism that preceded it. Or Plato’s caricature of the sophists. Etc.

There's a lot to correct here and I don't have the time right now. In short; It is neither intolerant nor does it usurp all other concepts, it has created the most tolerant and free societies in history it also led to the development of science which was understood as a religious enterprise - the discovery of God's creation / homosexuality is criticized as sinful because it does not serve procreation, it doesn't say that homosexuality doesn't exist / Faith goes towards that which is beyond empirical reality / There is enormous wisdom in the bible which contains stories that are true in an evolutionary sense, it is a handbook for how to exist and orient yourself in this world (and obviously some random nonsense which people thought relevant at the time) / It gives humans a special role in creation but I wouldn't call it anthropocentric if that role is to maintain and beautify the rest of creation as it is understood by many. The west after all invented enviromentalism / The old testament is in large part a historical document with many moving and loving passages which you will not find in denounciations of it.

You cannot built a society on reason alone, we have tried, it has failed miserably. Now we do not have children anymore and are unable to discriminate by quality. We still have spirituality, we still have reason, what we lack is faith. The faith in a system which drives us to discover the nature of God's creation and our role in it, to seek truth - which isn't Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam or whatever, it is Christianity.
I think Hinduism has many wise things to say, but look at the societies it created and compare it in humanity, achievement and logos to those influenced by Christianity.

>I don't consider Christianity a reason-driven religion. It
It isn't. It's a revealed religion.

cuck post
fuck christards, pure cringe incarnate

sory for the retardedw ay this post is writne. i wrote it on miobile

I'm not a Christian and you're not making an argument.

>I think Hinduism has many wise things to say, but look at the societies it created and compare it in humanity, achievement and logos to those influenced by Christianity.

Yes exactly, the Hindus never tried to subjugate the rest of the world under colonialism, never tried to mass enslave foreigners to work in plantations, never tried to entrap foreign nations in the usury-based trap of international finance, the list goes on and on. They just wanted to be left alone so they could focus on becoming closer to God, it was the Christian Europeans who invaded and subjugated them and who acted in inhumane ways. Take a look in the mirror pal

The Hindu had their own slave caste so they're not really in a position to talk. Europeans invaded other countries because they could, not because they were worse people

Usury I agree with though. Christianity prohibits it but allowed nonchristians to practice it anyway, which was a huge mistake

Post the real one.

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>you are the geniuses
Dude, you're talking to burger flippers and NEETs ffs

You think the Hindus never in their history engaged in wars of conquest? You think they wouldn't have done so to us if they had the means? What do you think Aztec colonialism would have looked like? Also you know nothing about the humantiarian aspects of colonialism. Obviously it's difficult to make such a statement but practically all countries colonized by the west have benefited enormously from it and continue to do so to this day. There would not be a single nation state in Africa without current financial imperialism. They'd just be slaughtering each other constantly under tribal structures with modern weapons instead of enjoying 10% economic growth a year and the end of absolute povery in a few decades . It's so easy to look at the bad things in the world and think they couldn't be worse. Takes no imagination and no education.

>Consider that Catholicism has accepted evolution

Along that vein of thinking, you've reminded me of something. I'm absolutely butchering the flavor of Hitch's wit but there was a Hitchens debate, discussing how Christians could lead beautiful and moral lives. Someone proposed to Hitchens, "I know an old couple, who are charitable, don't proselytize, are humble, kind-hearted, sweet people. Are people such as these so terrible?

Hitchens quickly responded with, "Well, I must say they don't sound very Christian at all."

In other words, as you say, Christianity used to rule the world, quite literally it was even through the enlightenment that you could be punished with death for speaking up about your beliefs if they went against the teachings of the church. Looking through the lens of history you'll find that this loss of power is the effect of a mortal struggle to fight religions grasp rather than a fluidity.

If the world gives an inch to religion in any dimension, they will push every bit of that inch.

>The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.[2]
This is absolutely. All of you noble, beautiful non-white people should escape from our evil societies and never come back. See the light, don't live near whites.

Intolerant of other ideas/philosophies, not of people or cultures. Christian theology has very little room to admit new concepts within itself, is what I meant, and it severely tries to close itself off from such. Homosexuality is criticized but hardly expanded on as to why, and biologically the male prostate is literally found in the anus which would suggest its stimulation to be something God designed to be so. Also doesn't realize the prevalence of homosexual behaviors in the whole of the animal kingdom. I'm well-aware of the formalization of science, but the pagan Greeks preceded Christianity in that regard. Faith is necessary regarding many things, but Christianity expects the largest volume possibly required to be utilized, rather than the smallest which is how a sound investigation of reality should proceed. It doesn't account for a single fact regarding the utter and all-pervasive brutality of nature, the endless suffering that characterizes the lives of all non-human animals who must kill and be killed to survive while enduring the harshest conditions of climate and disease at the same time, and also claims humans alone to be "made in the image of God" which alongside the absence of any real account of why nature has been structured as it has seems fairly anthropocentric to me. At least Buddhism claims that Karma determines the birth one takes, and bad karma resulting in an animal rebirth - even if this is ultimately untrue, it still attempts to account for the undeniable suffering that marks the non-human world. The beautiful devotional passages of the Old Testament in no way justify the violent ones, especially if the entire text is considered divine in status. I think Western culture is indeed a tremendously beautiful one, and it's true that Christianity was present during the formation of these aspects, but I'd moreso pin the greatness of the original Greek foundations and the remembrance of it after the Renaissance took place. I don't think literal belief in the Bible are what the West needs to save itself and become beautiful again, but maybe a reversion to cultural Christianity alongside a rational and open-minded approach to spirituality in the same vein as the Greeks would explore it. Not the swamp of dogmas that mark Christianity as a formal institution and prevent it from being a wholesome and enduring spiritual edifice.

It's slightly more complex than that. She's just pissed off that white people effortlessly succeeded at what her tribe of inbred irrelevant schizophrenically self-aggrandizing sandniggers couldn't do in a million years.

That seems like a non-sequitur. Evolution isn't something the Church accepted begrudgingly -- because they had to. You'll find Augustine discussing the conflict between natural science and literal interpretations of Genesis c. 300 AD. Purist Biblical literalism is a relatively recent phenomena and a consequence of Christianity's fracturing. I say this all as a disillusioned Christfag who thinks there's a lot to criticise about the religion. It's time to ditch the Hitch, user.

Not him, but Augustine could also be shown as believing in scriptural literalism in one major regard ("we can calculate..." = "the scripture says..."), so he might not be the best example:
"Unbelievers are also deceived by false documents which ascribe to history many thousand years, although we can calculate from Sacred Scripture that not 6,000 years have passed since the creation of man.”

You can't argue the non fact dumbo. There's no telling if the world would be better off without european colonialism. Can it be argued that the playing field was from there on out skewered? Yes. Can we, therefore, infer that the growth of some countries over another (a fact that translates into death and hunger) is arbitrary and furthermore rigged and so, completely immoral? Yessir

Susan Sontag was a Jew btw.


What non sequitur?

As to evolution, I am fairly certain Darwin (up until the death of a daughter of something) was a Christian. I'm not saying the two are incompatible in some way fundamentally. But say, to argue with someone who is implying that The Origin of the Species was some sort of boon for Christianity, well frankly, that's a waste of time.

In any case evolution is still being fought today, I have relatives that don't believe in it, and relatives who believe that the Earth is around 4,000 years old. For them, science is suspended in these topics, and it's not terribly surprising.

Again, although I fervently disagree I'm not saying these things are inherently incompatible in some fundamental way, but, well, at a certain point you just have to throw in the towel, smile and nod.

As for Biblical literalism. I've never in my life until now heard of this being some budding movement. I've gone to church with my highly religious family for 20+ years), if anything it is religions loss of power per more free speech, discourse, science, progress and inquiry.

Biblical literalism or lack of; if you're willing to choose what you take as metaphor or truth, fiction from fact, and pick a la carte what you like and dislike, and talk about context or being properly educated or adequately nuanced with the Bible, then well, if that's as good as you can do that's as good as you can do. If that's enough for you, then I honestly say Godspeed, like most you're probably a good person at heart and I'll respect your ability to have opinions just don't expect me to accept your beliefs.

Thanks Indobro. I like Aryan and vedic philosophy as well.

Hail the dyeus-pater.

>Lists Marx as White
>Also lists him as a good contribution to the 'White race'

What a fucking schizoid kike, if it weren't for Marxism we'd be colonising proximate planetary bodies by now.

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This is a great post, and you're a great writer. I hope you apply yourself to a writing career of some kind, because you genuinely have a gift for words. I'm the user you responded to, and I agree with your assessments. I was speaking on the worst facets of Christianity, unfortunately still found today due to literalism and fundamentalism being seen as a virtue for Christians of the moment. And I just don't think people in the West should be following Christianity as anything more than a cultural institution and spiritual pillar at this point, rather than an entire, literal worldview that explains reality's nature. Belief in YHWH, Moses, Hell - I'm not sure these should be adhered to any longer. Jesus, maybe, given the basic historical evidence there is for his existence, along with unsettled empirical documents like the Shroud. But even him, I think, should not be taken in a completely literal sense.

Also do you have tips on how to get better at writing your thoughts out so fluidly? Does it just come naturally for you?

To be fair Fascism has some pretty sultry sexual overtones of repressed raw sexual urge. I don't think any female could in earnest not be attracted to the idea of a chalk-White Aryan ubermensch giving into his utter desire for Juden pussy and ravaging a small delicate Ashkenazi specimen. Just imagine the impure blood of her freshly deflowered hymen drenching his superior Hyperborean cock, I can hardly contain such fanciful thoughts.

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Why is it that people always draw a blanket on the "white race" when there are vast differences between, say, the people of Poland and the people of Britain

I agree with the other user, you are indeed a great writer :) put it to good use in your lifetime

>Belief in YHWH, Moses, Hell - I'm not sure these should be adhered to any longer. Jesus, maybe, given the basic historical evidence there is for his existence, along with unsettled empirical documents like the Shroud. But even him, I think, should not be taken in a completely literal sense.

Isn't it amazing? You can see it happening in real time. The sheer strength this had once. Burned at the stake. Can you hear it? Sense it? Condemned for blasphemy. The concessions, the adjustments, it's poetic.

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Almost got upset but then saw that the quote is from a woman. Phew. What a relief. Women aren't real humans, their opinions aren't relevant or even real.

The Bible, like any ancient or foreign text, is a historical and literary document and requires contextualisation to begin to be able to understand it. I'm starting to sound like a Christian apologist, which is unfortunate, because all I'm doing is extending normal modes of literary criticism to the books of the Bible. There's a strange trend among certain breeds of 'atheist', which is that they still treat the Bible as some kind of sacred text, and refuse to penetrate it any deeper than the reading level of their Christian grandma, almost on principle.

Biblical literalism in the sense of taking every single line strictly literally is a recent development. It's an innovation that emerged out of dissension from church authority, the rise of printing press, greater literacy, etc. I don't mean hippy shit like saying the resurrection of Christ is a metaphor. I mean believing every line of Genesis to be absolute empirical fact in the most narrowly literal sense.

Though by default I kinda agree with Nietzsche's diagnoses on the future of Christianity, I'm interested in emerging schools of thought like 'radical orthodoxy' and neo-Thomism.

Thank you. Not to sound arrogant in the face of a compliment but I was actually expecting someone to tear me a new one for that post. It felt sloppy.

It "feels" like it comes naturally. Writing like that I tend to just spill whatever words I'm thinking out onto the page, sometimes more than the point being conveyed actually needs. Have to wade through the offal. It feels like a vice but it gives a lot of material to edit with.

The only advice I can give that I actually follow (lol) is that I take a lot of notes daily on things that pop into my head. Sensations, memories, arguments, diatribes. Completely vapid shit. Deeply personal things. Meditations on the holocaust. Sex fantasies. On phone, on paper, whatever. You have to be a bit shameless.

Everyone cringes at their own writing, so it's a welcome surprise to have anons say such nice things about it. I often dread hypothetical imaginary people's opinions on my writing.

happier than jew

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It's a family -- a genetic clustering of ethnicities. There are is no monolithic negroid or mongoloid race either, but those categories do describe genetic clusters of more closely related ethnicities. The 'vast' differences you speak of are fairly modest (but still consequential, no doubt) in comparison to the divergence from populations outside of our cluster.

Politically speaking, anti-whites don't care about the finer distinctions and would rather deny all 'whites' any kind of ethnic identity. For pro-whites, it makes sense for our broader genetic family to unify when combating anti-whites, as they are eager to see us all replaced (and all of us together are only 11% of the world's population -- which is probably an over-estimate due to self-identification on censuses).

Short of advanced genetic engineering which does not yet exist, you can't take on a foreign ethnic identity.

I don't have a problem with integrating a small minority of immigrants, but we're already well past that stage. Even if most integrate quite well, we are still different and whites are being demographically replaced. As ugly as Islamism is, my greater concern is with legal mass immigration (an insane policy of self-erasure) in general.

All I can do about this at present, is try to wake up as many whites as I can to the lies they've been programmed with and to the threat we all face.

>Jewish woman kvetching about dumb shit

Holy moly I AM ANGRY

>Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of Mildred (née Jacobson) and Jack Rosenblatt, both Jews of Lithuanian and Polish descent.

Oy vey that's rather anti semetic, hasn't this broad heard about the holocaust I'm shaking its another shoah

>It is neither intolerant nor does it usurp all other concepts
wrong, see the thread about the books in the index libri prohibitorum
>it has created the most tolerant and free societies in history
patently false, christians have been slaughtering themselves over petty dogmatic difference for centuries
>it also led to the development of science which was understood as a religious enterprise
half right. it led to the "creation" of science, whereas the developtment of science which mostly took place after the enlightement was often animated by a spirit of anticlericalism.
>There is enormous wisdom in the bible which contains stories that are true in an evolutionary sense
no story is true in a evolutionary sense regardless of the circumstances. the "metaphors we live by" are always in flux. regardless of this, two evolutionary stories, lets call them epistemes, could be entirely opposite in apparent sense and yet both "work" in an evolutionary sense. Girard talks about this, on how sacrifices and the mechanism of the scapegoat and all the inordinate amounts of traditions of all the tribal people he talks about had a precise "implicit" function that moderns can't understand because they take them at face value. Which brings me to my next point - a "story" being useful for survival doesn't mean that we ought to adopt it, I prefer an ugly truth to a sweet lie, and I would rather not slaughter an innocent on the altar of some Idol to satiate my survival instincts.
>It gives humans a special role in creation but I wouldn't call it anthropocentric
it depends on which period of christianity you're looking at. renassaince humanism was obviously anthropocentric, but it derived its anthropocentricism by (among other things, but this was an extremely significant factor) criticizing the scholastic tradition precisely for lacking in this regard.
>You cannot built a society on reason alone, we have tried, it has failed miserably.
we never tried to build a society on reason alone, that would be a contradiction in terms the mechanisms that govern a society are by their very nature irrational. (protip: projects of social contruction which present themselves as "rational" never truly are - look at communism)
>Now we do not have children anymore
which is mostly a product of the disappearence of the traditional incentives for having children and of technological changes (ie the pill).
>are unable to discriminate by quality
rofl you must be kidding. The contemporary world is extremely judgemental and many of our psychological ills stem from that.
>I think Hinduism has many wise things to say, but look at the societies it created and compare it in humanity, achievement and logos to those influenced by Christianity.
A bit of a circular thing to say, isn't it? Obviously from the pov of a christian christian societies would look better.

spierdalaj kurwa do ruskich se porownoj

Did Susan’s entire oeuvre boil down to an aching, frustrating desire for daddy’s dummies, I wonder?

She's almost 100 percent right though. In the next century it is important that the global community put European and North American powers into check after the inevitable dissolution of the EU.
An agressive race like the wh*tes who have instigated not one but two world wars need to be policed and sanctioned militarily. Based china will be the saviour of humanity against its wh*te problem.

These people are never educated about or have even a slight interest in other civilizations though, this leads one to conclude this kind of sentiment just coping with their neurotic and confused emotions.

>leftism is primarily emotional caterwauling
hmm... it’s like something a woodland pollack once told me...

Not really though, they are pretty much the only race that doesn't have birthrates that necessitate colonialism.
>white people kill each other
>"it's the white people!"
>brown people kill each other
>"it's the white people!"
It's like you admit they are retarded children without agency and sentience.

>It's like you admit they are retarded children without agency and sentience.
Much of the white liberal worldview is, consciously or unconsciously, squared on this premise. It takes an insane kind of pride to stand over someone you’ve beaten and pity them.
The pride of empire, of the white man’s burden, of Manifest Destiny, is the direct ideological ancestor of Black Lives Matter, and racial genuflecting may be the last real refuge of white supremacy.

The hwh*tes dont just kill each other. Oh god if that was only the case that'd be amazing but no they go out kill all other races too. And for what reason? Because they are culturally weak. They lack the simple ability to find and meaning in life and are naturally prone to nihlism: a tribe of infectious sick. Therefore they have to destroy existing meaning by plundering and raping other civilizations' wealth. What does the hwh*te man have?

Colonialism and conquest which they have defined as a strength is the very seed of what will lead and is leading to their downfall. What does that make them? Idiots for lusting after their own demise.

unironically correct

do your research. sodomy/luxury is a sin, not homosexuality. that is, any sex done only for the sheer pleasure of it (including blowjob + cumming in mouth for example). the church also forbids the persecution of people for ethnicity and sexual orientation. (source: catechism of the catholic church)
what is worrying is that they actively try to turn africans away from using condoms (see latest wikileaks)

Typical oily obsequious manner of the shudra. Get lost scum.
>appreciate it

>There's no telling if the world would be better off without european colonialism.
Yes. I'm sure the Aztec space program would be much further along.

Your space program will not save you from the eventual nihlistic collapse of your civilization and culture.

She's actually right there. Nazism is sexy. Doesn't make Nazism right or good, but it is true.

We'll create artificial general intelligence before that happens and forever close the door on human accomplishment. In all the eons to come the only human names to matter will be white ones and that is enough.

Nigga its already happening lmaooo yall aint inventing shit the twilight of the wh*tes is already here. Long live the chinoisie

>twilight of the wh*tes
Plenty of time. One last invention to take care of you retards before the end.