Dose it still hold up today?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wiped my ass with it the other day and the paper worked pretty well for that.

the arguments in the book? didn't even hold up in the 80s when it was written. Chumpsky is a libtard

It's more pertinent today than it was in the 1980's, except Chomsky overestimated the control of government and underestimated the pervasiveness of private enterprise.

better than being a polfag

It's more relevant now than it was when it was written

>It's more relevant today than it ever was
I here this so much about books that just so happened to prescient about our times. I don't necessarily disagree with this sentiment, but anybody can say "dude, the media controls how we think" and seem profound, but do they have any underlying substance to back up its claim? If it does, what makes this book any different than say Jacques Ellul's Propaganda?

A what?

it's just another trannypol buzzword

PIDF assemble!!!

how about you read it and find out you retard

>anybody can say "dude, the media controls how we think" and seem profound
Do you really think this? If I posted that exact statement, would you find that I seemed profound? If Beto O'Rourke posted that exact statement, would you also think that he seemed profound?

>I keep hearing this book is good and insightful, but what if it's bad and stupid instead?
What is the point of posts like this? You've heard it's meaningful and pertinent. You're going to troll the depths of the internet looking for an anonymous person to tell you "lol it's dumb" so you don't have to think about it anymore? Or you want to be convinced it's good? If you want to be convinced it's good, just read the first 100 pages. If you literally just don't want to read it, that's absolutely fine. You don't need an excuse, you can just not read it. It's fine. You don't need a retard from Yea Forums to post some clever ""joke"" or ""meme"" to convince you not to read a book when there are millions of books. Just read it or decide not to. It doesn't take that long to read 100 pages.

If you have any extrapolation skills whatsoever you'll realize pretty quickly just how well it holds up; the caveat is that it holds up in pretty much every way Chomsky wouldn't want it to.

The specific cases he looks at aren't as particularly relevant anymore but it doesn't take a genius to come up with your own examples

You have to be kidding of course
Assange has been arrested for journalism. I hear the one charge he’s facing has a maximum of 12 months, but they’ll lock him up for life.
>playing dumb
Are you really dumb or did you just get here?

He was arrested for espionage and rape you dumb cunt. I hope he rots in Guantanamo. He should have hidden in Russia with that twink snowden.

He’s not guilty of either of those changes.
Did you get this from a brietbart comment?

not yet

Zero sense

uh, no? Innocent until proven guilty, newfag

He is not guilty of any of the charges. He demonstrably did not do either. You cannot mistake this. There are no accusers rape and there is zero evidence of “espionage”
He has done what other journalists have always done. That’s not espionage by any stretch of the imagination

His charge is practicing the free speech and freedom of the press. And will serve a life sentence, I know. But he’s not guilty and never will be guilty of those charges.

Your response to these illegal actions by a rough state?

>There are no accusers rape and there is zero evidence of “espionage”

uh, wrong

How convincing.
The Swedish women who at first accused him retracted their stories and those charges were dropped.
As for espionage, he publishes materials from whistleblowers. That’s called journalism and it’s never been a prosecuting violation. It’s protcted under the First Amendment.

Congratulations. The USA is over.

>do they have any underlying substance to back up its claim?

have you read the book? the 'propaganda model' is laid out in the first chapter, then the entire rest of the book is a media analysis going through reams of primary sources. honestly the book is fucking boring its so evidence-heavy.

Not only is it relevant, we have entered a hypernormal phase where everyone knows the media are liars and pretty much just propagandists for the empire but they never face any consequences.
While guys like assange get arrested for revealing war crimes of the empire

The american media isnt news, its propaganda, trivia, and entertainment

lmaoing @ the idea of "humanitarian" wars

Oh thank you Wolf Blitzer for that disinformation blitz


Any account of manufactured consent that doesn't discuss academia, ie. Chomsky and his friends, is just missing the point

Assange is an obvious operative for some partisan intel faction within the national security state. He is a media darling every one of his revelations winds up on the corporate media headlines, influencing public opinion and national politics. He's been protected and permitted to spread his lies for long enough.

It's nice to see that dicksucker finally go down. He should be put in general population and get gangbanged by ISIS flunkees.

Butterfly, you disappoint me. This isn't 2004 anymore. This is not a world of unilateral US imperialism. There are bigger and badder powers on the global stage and this is how they play. Don't be such a mush head liberal. Fly, fly now.

imagine being this mad that he published some documents

Are you even serious?

The book holds up in the sense that it is a thoroughly researched and well demonstrated analysis of the five so-called filters of the Propoganda Model of the American media aparatus as it existed ca. 1988.

It is dated in the sense that this same apparatus has morphed substantially during the rise of the internet and after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Of the five filters outlined in the beginning of the book-- government sourcing, advertisement revenue, public feedback (flak), anti-Communism and corporate structure of media companies and the industry as a whole -- only 3, sourcing, ad revenue and corporate profit motive remain more or less unchanged.

The way new outlets cater to niche groups (like Breitbart, for example) has greatly changed how public consensus manifests in backlash from readership. The cable/paper industry has changed, though NYT and WaPo retain pillar functions in news cycle developement.

the chaos cannot lie to you

>Assamge arrested
Does this mean all of those deadman switches will go off?

>government sourcing, advertisement revenue, public feedback (flak), anti-Communism and corporate structure of media companies
funny he doesn't mention academia, what a hack

Please read the book before criticizing it.

Why would I read that dishonest trash

Nevermind, you dont matter at all and neither does your opinion or me and mine so let us both agree to refrain from talking about anything ever again because the result will be the same either way (which is that, in 10 billion years or fewer, earth will be annihilated and nothing will be extant which can testify to our existence in any capacity whatever).

CIA, please leave, forever.

what did he meme by this?

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I see butterfly agrees with david duke that assange is a freedom fighter! Fuck libtards!

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>u agree with this nazi, therefore ur wrong
where do you think you are?

He’s anti-government till his faction can rule. So?

Looks fake as fuck.

>assange is all about journalistic integrity, who cares if he's an anti semite russia shill?
lmao cope harder retards.

It doesn't matter if he's antisemitic or a russian shill if the stuff he's leaking is real you complete brainlet

Russian secrets get out too, tool

We’re not coping very well in all honesty, you know? A shadow government oligarchy is grinding the world to a pulp. We’re all going to die, and very soon. I only hope you’re memeing

epic troll
butterfly is a dumb fag

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his faction does rule sweaty

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>He was arrested for... rape
No he wasn't you stupid lying fuck

don't call me a tool you larping tranny
whatever dude.

Ellul and Bernays did it better

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You are a tool

This isn’t a dick length contest

>Of the five filters outlined in the beginning of the book-- government sourcing, advertisement revenue, public feedback (flak), anti-Communism and corporate structure of media companies and the industry as a whole -- only 3, sourcing, ad revenue and corporate profit motive remain more or less unchanged.
The media is still absurdly anti-Communist, though, to the point where they're carrying water for Elliott Abrams's attempted coup in Venezuela

>hasn't read it
>it's dishonest
what a brainlet

Kind of. Post-meaning, the medium is and the only message. The trajectory of sense becomes tied to what you want to hear, not what I want to say: language screaming through us from the future in self-fulfiling prophecy, using the human body and our digital creations as vehicles. The world falls back to ur-tribalism, mysticism and sacrificing goats: the luxury flat of the future middle class becomes a bunker. The revolutionary class is the peasantry, but they have been greatly diminished due to advances in productivity. What's left is a mostly apathetic population too reliant on wage labor to push for anything other than luke-warm SocDem reforms. Everyone is being exploited and engaging in exploitation themselves, What's going to happen - absent global war to destroy capital value, and raise profit rates like after WW2 - is that this movement of alienation and exploitation is only going to accelerate. As capitalism breaks down, so does social order. People grow apart, relations become mediated more and more by machines, humanity itself is dehumanized. Deterritorialization reaches it's apex. The now unemployed masses will be subject to terror and predation. See Syria and Libya for what most of the world will look like in 30-50 years. Slavery, debauchery, genocide. Let's see 1848 crossed with the Killing Fields, worldwide, across all liberal democracies. Media may in fact be first to taste the flavor of the stew they've been cooking.

it holds up but Chomsky didn't realize he was part of the machinery all along. Read about Moldbug's cathedral

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Have dilate

>partisan incel faction
what did he mean by this?

I made a thread axing about McLuhan yesterday, which has died. I want to put together a reading list of books which critically examine mass society and mass culture and their effect on human beans, their relationships, their psychology and their culture. Some authors I have read are Adorno, Debord, Baudrillard, Kaczynski, Zerzan, Linkola. I would prefer to not only read explicitly Marxists/leftists on this matter, to have a well rounded view.

Others which were suggested to me were Ellul, Lasch, Postman, Ortega y Gasset. Not sure which books by these to start with. Any reccomendations would be lovely. Tripfags get filtered.

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Thats a good point. The Venezuela coverage has been crazy since the Chavez/Bush days.

The insane amount of negative press regarding Corbyn's supposed anti-Semitism comes to mind as well. And the press certainly seemed to be ruthlessley opposed to Bernie Sanders in 2016.

I suppose it's still a player, the anti-Communism. Noam said in an interview that he wanted to use a more general term for this, I forget what, and that Herman preferred to focus on anti-Communism specifically.

There are definitely ideological forces at work in media production, which would involve much more theoretical approaches in order to study, of the sort Noam has always avoided.

and you're a larping cockslurping faggot :3

Herman's half is better. Chomsky's is particularly light on data; sticking anecdotes into a few tables to cover 300 pages of conjecture is not any kind of real analysis.

>it's not stealing classified government documents, it's whistleblowing!
>muh 1st mendment
neck yourself tranny that's the stupidest thing I've heard you post yet.

>Others which were suggested to me were Ellul, Lasch, Postman, Ortega y Gasset.

full name please

Attached: i want the full name.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Checked. Full name of whom?

Postman, Ortega and Gasset

Neil Postman
José Ortega y Gasset

Can't rec any entry points to their work as I have not read them and I myself would like to know where to begin.


Look up the Pentagon Papers and Daniel Ellsberg, state-cuck

>The Swedish women who at first accused him retracted their stories and those charges were dropped.

While I agree with you and this is almost true (there were no 'charges' in the first place), you're not convincing anyone without sources

If others are wondering, here's a source:

>For Assange, his trial has been trial by media. On August 20, 2010, when the Swedish police opened a "rape investigation", they coordinated it, unlawfully, with the Stockholm tabloids. The front pages said Assange had been accused of the "rape of two women". The word "rape" can have a very different legal meaning in Sweden than in Britain; a pernicious false reality became the news that went round the world.

>Less than 24 hours later, the Stockholm Chief Prosecutor, Eva Finne, took over the investigation. She wasted no time in cancelling the arrest warrant, saying, "I don't believe there is any reason to suspect that he has committed rape." Four days later, she dismissed the rape investigation altogether, saying, "There is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever."

>He still had not been charged with any offence. His lawyers repeated his offer to be questioned in London, by video or personally, pointing out that Marianne Ny had given him permission to leave Sweden. They suggested a special facility at Scotland Yard commonly used by the Swedish and other European authorities for that purpose. She refused.

>For almost seven years, while Sweden has questioned forty-four people in the UK in connection with police investigations, Ny refused to question Assange and so advance her case.

>Writing in the Swedish press, a former Swedish prosecutor, Rolf Hillegren, accused Ny of losing all impartiality. He described her personal investment in the case as "abnormal" and demanded she be replaced.

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>t. poltard who doesn't know what he is talking about
>overestimated the control of government
They didn't overestimate the control of government
They play it third in their list: sourcing
>underestimated the pervasiveness of private enterprise.
The first two filters are OWNERSHIP and ADVERTISERS
how can you be so backwards?


Rape is the best thing that ever happened to humanity. Without rape our species would never have propagated into what we are and might not of even survived the ice age. Julian Assange was called into court for passing on STDs to two women not for rape. Rape is a spook meant to manufacture consent, our very dicks are curved in order to create suction and scoop out other mens cum. That’s how much rape there was. Rape is literally coded into our biology and pathology and the fact that modern men control our urge to rape so well is a testament to how amazing we are. This is why women almost always orgasm during rape and they’re also responsible for searching abuse and rape porn at much higher rates than men. It’s why they respond to alpha dudes. Rape is just sexual with an unattractive guy, so stop letting it rule your mind so much faggots.

lol get a life loser

Based and certainly redpilled

They won’t ever suck your dick

spotted the burger.

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>our very dicks are curved in order to create suction and scoop out other mens cum

Nigga what the fuck

Chomsky ripped off the entire structure of MC from a Michael Parenti book that came out a few years before, called Inventing Reality

have sex

>ripping off italians
should it be the other way around?

Yeah, dick heads make suction. It’s just not PC so they don’t teach it. Rape is cool.

Where’s the lie nigga


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The shape of the head of the penis is for scooping out the semen of other men. Also the penis is double the length of chimps and quadruple the length of gorilla. Both are suggestive of rape, although the former could also be a bonobo-like "free love" culture. Humans lack a penis bone, which is less in favor of rape.

However, even if ancient hominids were all about gang rape, that doesn't really mean much to the ethics of it nowadays. Some insects have traumatic insemination but I doubt sapient females of those species would be super happy about it.

>The media is still absurdly anti-Communist

chomsky just intellectualized a bunch of truisms about how the world works that any non-retard would know. honestly you be better off listening to hip hop.

>glowniggers on Yea Forums

/it/ = dicks.

>the one poster whos more retarded than butterfly tripfag

Yes, though someone will need to addendum for how online media operates.
Like a 70% chance this dude thinks the Frankfurt school controls the media.

Can any of you that read help a negro out?
Where to start with Ellul?
Ortega y Gasset?
Other authors who critique mass culture/society & its various tools and how they effect human beings?

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Well anyway I have on the way:
The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
Amusing ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
The Revolt of the Masses by José Ortega y Gasset
Understanding Media by McLuhan
The True Believer by Eric Hoffer.

Time to get (more) pessimistic about the prospects of human kind, fellas.

If any of these are bad entry points or are not the best texts for the desired topic, let me know or suggest others, please.

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>The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
>Amusing ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
I haven't read anything else on your list but these are both fantastic

The US should always be opposed as the greatest source of evil the world has ever known. I'm not saying this from a Communist perspective either.

The US media is anticommunist in the sense that it speaks from an Anglocommunist perspective and denounces Marxism-Leninism, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Socialismo del Siglo XXI, etc. The power structure of Anglocommunism is not dissimilar to that of the USSR.

Four Arguments for the Abolition of Television
Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains

>why would our made up definition do this thing we accuse it of doing

>What is happening is all in our minds, but even if it was real it wasn't caused by capitalism, cuz there's no such thing the way you think it is such a thing

The power of neo-classical liberalism, everybody.
Turns every head it touches to mush

Based just bought these. When I've read everything I intend to make a (flow)chart
>Four Arguments for the Abolition of Television
I've long heard of this but never read it.
>Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
Have read it. Kind of a downer, not going to lie, but I think it is very good.
>The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains
I came across this in my search for related material. Is it actually good?

Somewhat relatedly I was reading Comments on Society of the Spectacle tonight at work and in it Debord calls McLuhan something like 'the spectacle's foremost apologist' or something. Kind of put me in a bad place about reading him, although it probably shouldn't. Any one have any input on this comment? He then says McLuhan realized the spectacle was gay in 1976.

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Are you stupid? He was a Russian pion, he had documents detailing shit that happened in Ukraine and decided not to publish it.
I'm all for outing governments, not for "journalists" that pretend to be objective whilst being the lapdog of Putin.

Chomsky Is a hack

fuck off and rot, you worthless tripfags

Your analysis of "THE NEWS" shows how little you read, how little you watch and how absurdly tiny your brain is. NYtimes, Fox and MSNBC aren't "the Venezuela coverage".

He's a publisher. He practiced journalism.
You know what happened in the Ukraine? The CIA is all over that war too.

Wrong thread for a cult meeting, dear.

>The CIA is all over that war too
[citation needed]
You're a spamming left-wing bot, go back to your containment sub, chapotraphouse. If practicing journalism is on the one hand feeding the public hacked emails of little importance, but on the other not publishing damaging documents related to Russia and its oligopoly, whilst having it in your possession, you are out of this world. I suppose in this world, Henry Kissinger is a great man that you admire very much as well.

Classic CIA post.

the war in Afghanistan was just
the Iraq war was just
praise interventionism!

have consensual sex, bitter cretin

>Yeah, dick heads make suction. It’s just not PC so they don’t teach it. Rape is cool.
t. 14-year-old virgin with graphic t-shirts

>go back to chapotraphouse
>I suppose you admire Henry Kissinger
what the hell am I reading


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