Which is the correct moral choice for book store owners...

which is the correct moral choice for book store owners, stock dead male writes and increase profit or take a risk on unknown but talented female ones?

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the correct moral choice is to stock good books
the correct financial choice is to stock books which will sell, many of which happen to be by dead white guys (and white girls) because they have name recognition

It's not a moral choice

So, stock good writers or female writers who might be regarded as good if there is no one better to compare them to...
Seems legit! Honk honk...

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Stocking Robert Jordan is never the correct moral choice.

Define good book

>increase profit
anything that isn't this is the correct choice

The moral choice is not to stock science fiction and fantasy books

You guys sure love playing the victim

that's a woman in the pic user

OP created this thread because he wanted it to be a circle jerk support group for white men. If you really were masculine and all that you wouldn't feel so insecure about these twitter "sjw"s

not sure about that, most guys I know who don't care about sjw's look like this

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>Create entire fields of study dedicated to licking their supposed wounds
>No, it's white men who are playing the victim

Like it or not Tolkien is in a way the virus that ruined fantasy genre, the same way Herbert ruined SF. He's a great author who wrote his works inspired by sagas, eddas, myth and folklore alike(sometimes referenced in perhaps the most obscure ways - like Tom Bombadil speaking in rythm of Anglo-Saxon hymns). However, these works spawned writers who didn't know these things, but knew Tolkien(and selected few other fantasy authors). These authors have already spawned writers who know them but don't know Tolkien, outside of maybe knowing that he wrote very long books within very well established and described universum(and of course, watching the movies).
The more progressively in the future you're getting the more distant you get to the base material Tolkien worked with and the more derivative the fiction gets, at the same time due to general illiteracy of the modern genre-fiction writer, the market is filled with poorly written unimaginative garbage, which is double-edged sword. Firstly it means that old books will keep selling as the general audience doesn't care if it's 100 years old or 10 months old, secondly it also means that to become sort of modern classic or at least FOTM you don't need much(Eragorn for example wasn't very good and yet it was the meme fiction for a while).

Corporations are not your friends ready to give you a helping hand. They are required by law to maximize profits! Stocking things that they know won't make shareholders money is illegal, what exactly do you expect them to do?

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>Eragorn for example wasn't very good and yet it was the meme fiction for a while
Was it really? I thought only kids liked it, as I enjoyed the first 2 in middle school and by the time the last book came out I just read it for closure.

>think you’re a genius author, just discriminated against because you’re female.
>acually just a talentless idiot.

Sort of like how pewdiepie ruined youtube for everyone who isn't crazy about making meme videos for children.

me on the far right

How did Herbert ruin the the SciFi genre? He's mostly forgotten by nerds and normies.

You know bad books? It's the opposite.

have sex

You are the one insecure about women

most guys you know are retards because most people you know are retards

Have sex

>Get metoo'd
Fuck off nigger.



>take a risk on unknown but talented female ones?
99.99% chance they're not worth a single damn so no.

>be me
>look up Fonda Lee on Goodreads
>wew, alien races as a metaphor for colonialism so original
>finds amazon preview of another book. Meh writing at best

I'll stick with my dead white males thanks

I only read books in the public domain. Her whining about money amuses me.

>talented female
Doesn't exist.

I have thought about what makes a book have classic status. And its nothing to do with race or gender. I feel like if you write a book people still read and talk about after 100 years then you have made a classic.
If there are still people madly buying your book a century later then you have written a classic.

Im sure there were people back in the day that wrote complete garbage that no one even talks about anymore.

Lovecraft wasnt even a relevant or famous writer in his lifetime. He died broke and riddled with cancer

life is not a series of books, life is an accumulation of books.

like music, arts and everything, the "collection" keeps growing and never gets replaced. We don't suddenly make "old stuff" disappear when newer stuff comes around.

Based and Kantpilled