Trying to read the Bible from start to finish but 35 chapters into Genesis and I'm ready to just read the wiki...

Trying to read the Bible from start to finish but 35 chapters into Genesis and I'm ready to just read the wiki summaries.

It's so boring, I don't care about the Jewish fairytales of descent. I wish they were better authors. Herodotus could tell a story. What are some books that aren't trash? I read Ecclastices too and liked it a lot.

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Sometimes I wonder how people like you manage to breathe without messing it up. You don't have to read the genealogies. Their only importance to the narrative in Genesis is that they mark a passage of time.

Yeah thanks for telling me I can skip over the shit parts, I figured that out already.

It is all based on/plagiarised from Berossus and Manetho anyway, Russell Gmirkin demonstrated that...

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Then why are you whining about them?

Wait until the part when a guy eats bread and shit

It’s horrible, but if you insist on reading it all, don’t be afraid to skim.

If you cant get interested in Genesis youre pathetic
Go read a comic book

wait until you get to leviticus

>didnt even read the bible
normies get of my board!

I would read certain books first. Try reading the other books of wisdom, particularly Job. Read the gospels and then something like Romans or Galatians

>It's so boring, I don't care about the Jewish fairytales of descent.
then why are you reading it you moron

It's really not all that bad

All books are meant to be read from start to finish without skipping around. Deal with it.

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it's immensely entertaining for the stereotypical jewing by the Gods chosen of random people that didn't do anything wrong and being presented as an example to follow

Choose your own adventure books must have been an absolute chore for you

The Torah is really dry. A lot of the books after those five are more enjoyable to read.

Read along with these lectures for the first few books. Try to get your hands on the supplemental materials too. They help put things into perspective

here's the greatest hits version:
Genesis (if you must skim this one, the most important section is 19:30-38)
Exodus (if you must skim this one, the most important section is 4:24-26)
optional digressions: 1 and 2 Samuel/Kings/Chronicles (gets into David and all that shit. all of them are the same thing, just choose a pair) and Psalms (if you like poetry this is nice)
Mathew, Mark, Luke, John (the only four books in the Bible that are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. if you read more OT than the Gospels, then you're basically Jewish, and if you read more of the rest of the NT, you're like Harry Potter fans who haven't read the series but read the fanfic)
optional digressions: Romans (Paul is funny) and Revelations (this is where Collins got inspiration to write the Hunger Games)

>skipping Acts
Yikes. Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus is one of the most important events in the entire bible

>skipping Acts

I’d wager even Butterfly would think that’s stupid of you :3

oh lol ignore me then, I actually skipped that one
then again, you probably should be criticizing certain other things I said in my comment before which books I listed. those verses I reference are quite lovely if I do say so myself

M8 you could just read ONE of the gospels. Reading even two is a bit tedious because it’s the same thing over and over again. :3

that's like saying the police should only get one witness's account to an accident/crime because it's too repetitive

Not really? I mean you aren’t the police, you’re the motherfucker reading the news story :3

that's like reading/watching one news outlet and taking everything they say for granted, which is made even worse when it's a meme outlet like Fox, HP, BF, or /news/

I’ll give you this: there is one gospel that is particularly bad, I think it was Luke? Radically different than all others. The other three were practically the same though.

that's a fair criticism, but I still feel like it's worth reading each one at least once

In the church I grew up in, you were expected to have read the Bible, cover to cover, at least once, by the age of 14 or so.
The Bible I had was 606 pages (excluding concordance, index, suggested readings, etc)
10 pages a day, thats about 2 months and your done.
It's not rocket science. Just do it.

- Daniel is the best book in the bible unless you go in for the gospels.
- Zechariah is nice if you like symbolism.
- Job is allegedly important, literary critics see Job in everything, but it's dry and dense until you get to the last couple chapters (starting around Chp. 34).

Really? I remember Job as a relatively short one, especially compared to the preceding books...

It is short, but almost all long-winded debate about God in relation to suffering, which can be dry if you're not in the mood for it.

Also, don't forget Corinthians, which has one of the most sublime passages ever put to paper

Job is a meme, but so is Zechariah tbqh desu

>Their only importance to the narrative in Genesis is that they mark a passage of time.
Not true, they also provide origins for the various peoples.

>this whole post

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It doesn't get any better desu.

the key to reading the bible is reading Kings right. If you can read Kings and enjoy it you're gonna have a good time, i guarantee it.