

>schizo autist
>got mystic memed
>/fitlit/ madlad
is this the booktuber we deserve Yea Forums?

Attached: 1550585569986.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I know him IRL. He went to oxford and dropped out in second year. He constantly talks about fascist philosophers like memevola and brags about various transgender women he's smashed on tindr.

sounds fucking based

his videos are shit but that sounds hilarious

I don't believe you for a second but you made me laugh so you're ok



Attached: than anything you can hang on them.png (698x524, 313K)

I don't believe you, but it's believable


Judging from this it seems pretty believable to me lad

stop shilling your shit faggot

what the fuck did I just watch


Chad documenting his rapid descent into schizo madmanism


not actually him. just surprised he doesn't get mentioned more on here tbqhwyf and has such a small following. seems to have some genuinely creative content beyond Yea Forums pandering too.

I choose to believe this

I'm a little mad he beat me to the punch with these videos.

Hmm, I found her last night while searching for any good Grimscribe reviews (there weren't any), so now I am wondering if the Chinese malware installed on my computer has been telling the Yea Forums hivemind what to make topics about again.

>My personal opinion is that this book should be banned.
>I made an earlier draft of this video where I was being kinda serious in trying to pick apart the idiocies of Ligotti's conclusions about what's up with the whole thingymajiggy, but then I was like, huh argumentation is futile and had to redo everything.
>In any case, the philosophy of pessimism is just as weak as its supposed naivety of its counterpart, le Optimism. I get the whole curmudgeon-y hatred of Optimism as it seems like to sell anyone anything you have to be all superficially smiley, but really, to just reverse that is just as much bullshit in my book.

>this is probably just grandstanding to look cool, but to say that something is useless, you presuppose that something useful exists. etc.. who gives a fuck. Pisses me off though that some dumb teenager might get this book then possibly hang themselves, but either way, if you hang yourself ur dumb as shit...

>"We don't have free will bc we're just multiplicities, i.e. forces."
>Right, well what are those multiplicities composed of? Smaller multiplicities? Other forces? ... imo this just turns into (((infinite))) regress. Not buying it not now not ever. Plus mechanistic understanding of the universe from cause and effect could clearly be just as much a byproduct of human perspective on reality as Free will is. The fundamental truth about why we're here is still : MYSTERY.

>"yadda yadda strawmanning exoteric readings of religions to strengthen my clearly *toxic* atheism"
>Don't wanna sound ghey here but from experiential forays into the beyond I've pretty much concluded that if you want to "know" more about why we're here you have to let go of syllogistic thinking, it's just too slow a vehicle to deal with the excesses of information speed on the other side, jussayin.

youtube.com/watch?v=oXG13IKFuVw (From the description; there's some extra goodies in there too.)

He doesn't seem to understand pessimism, TCATHR is not a great introduction to it, but snips a lot of low hanging, diseased fruit from the book.

Yeah I'd fool around with him too. Not in a gay way, but in a Mishima-esque bisexual fascist way. For categories of sexuality are a product of modernity.

Meh don’t worry so much about races. Butterfly posted on here for two years before this started escalating.

Now butterfly is schlicking to me :3 and I will register this as one of the few times she is. Women are like this

Me too honestly, seems like the direction he can take it with has a lot of potential too


That was one hell of an aesthetic intro though

Holy hell thank you for making this thread, this guy is fucking amazing

It's the anonymous collective unconscious mate.
Interesting...I think he can be a bit dismissive of certain ideas without taking the time to truly grasp them.
What are your thoughts on this?


stop samefagging and shilling your channel here you angl*id pissbucket.

This guy is just living proof that if you're good looking you can do anything. You can get away with the most ludicrous shit and still be loved and admired.

By stupid people. Anything funny he does is just British knock off Sam Hyde, a lot of it is so over the top and narcissistic that it isn't even funny in an ironic way

based, user. cast off the cage of categories modernity has forced onto you

You're right. The only thing notable at all about this man is fact he's doing all these things, while being very good looking. If he was some average dude, or even ugly, his bizarre behavior would simply be dismissed, rather than interesting. Weird (read: ugly) people do weird shit, who care? This guy is doing Sam Hyde but while looking like a model. He's probably going to blow up.


>i'm so good looking guise
you're the guy from the channel, aren't you?

He's not really trying to be funny. It's like the potatoes on the plate. They add to the meal not define it. Also equating him as just a knock off of sam hyde is so reductive and pointless. Literally everyone is a knock-off of something.

I'm literally just a dude who is salty because he's fugly

>has over 40 vids, some actually holding some artistic merit and clearly puts effort into them
>under 2000 subs, first thread I've seen of him on here ever
Seems criminally underrated to me

No. Everyone takes ideas from elsewhere, receives them from the world necessarily, but that's not "knocking off." A knock off is a near direct copy, something that is only superficially different from the original but doesn't pay it due homage.

You're right, he's not huge, but I can guarantee you if he was ugly he'd be at 20 subs, not close to 2000.

>first thread I've seen of him on here ever
oh fuck you, you disgusting faggot

He's not even that handsome. He also has an uncanny resemblance to that downie maisie williams

Attached: WEWLAD.png (600x317, 219K)

Saw this one coming. Can't even respond without being accused of being him. He's really handsome. I unironically wish I was half as good looking as him. Even that would be greedy.

Reminder that your writing is shit, Quentin.

unironically based

>he's just a pretty boy
I'm not him but I am a huge faggot and have a crush on his talent. Cope harder you massive faggot