The ceo of buzzfeed is a reader of lacan and deleuze

>the ceo of buzzfeed is a reader of lacan and deleuze
wtf. this makes me sad desu.

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I hate to say this but recent video of cuck philosophy has quite a point

he's jewish AND italian. damn.

>ywn be an Ashkenazi Jew

Attached: sad.png (480x480, 83K)

here is the article he wrote

>buzzfeed is acceleration in action.
Hmm interesting.
Is he normally like this? I can't say I've seen any of his other videos.

he is ok but there are better philosophy channels

like what?


god fucking damnit I hate burgers and anglos so fucking much

stop shilling your channel you retard

this desu

Thanks I'll look I to these.

This, obivous shill is obvious.

pretty scary desu

His Jewish sister belongs to us BLACK men. Little Jewish bois serve us their sisters.

what a catch

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Goes to show that Lacan and Delueuze are hacks.
The only reason a fraction of this board likes Lacan because le sniff man talked about him. He was an idiots savant that through autistic fits in the midst of a lecture. Fuck Lacan and his fanbase.

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the fact that his advertising methods are successful actually proves they are not hacks lol. you just need to find a way to use the philosophy of deleuze for yourself.

Those are basically the same thing. Genetically they are very close to one another, basically overlapping

didn't know I was a Jew, guess that explains why I dislike poltards so intensely

nice glasses to be quite honest senpai

he looks like a fag

Yeah I had no idea that passage I had been quoting for ages about people taking on and shedding identities at an accelerated pace was written by the would-be Buzzfeed CEO. Blew my mind desu. The guy literally used his philosophy for evil; he understood perfectly how to craft the ultimate internet-age website, built from the ground up to indulge conspicuous consumption, identity narcissism and outrage myopia. The perfect clickbate machine.

This face gives hope to the non-passing trans women off the world.

>tfw Ashkenazi Jew
>haven't received the phone call that puts me in a position of world power

feels bad man. It's not all roses and butterflies like /pol/ says it is

Is Cuck a Marxist or just an anti capitalist? He gives off fascist vibes every now and then.

Congratulations for winning Gold in the mental gymnastics Special Olympics. I'd rather die in obscurity than gain the "success" of Buzzfeed.

Sadler and Ebert are the only worthwhile ones on this list but Ebert is fucking crazy so he's not even worth listening to anymore. Cuck Philosophy is easily one of the top 3 philosophy channels producing content on youtube right now

This is actually pretty diabolical, isn't it? To take the philosophy of the Poststructuralists and unleash it at its full, destructive potential purely to get clicks and make a profit. I mean, this feels very evil to me.

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are you an idiot? the thinkers he has studied system of capitalism and psychology and peretti. appropriates their critique to his platform. the fact that his advertising methods work means there is something of substance in their thought.

reminder that Mark Fisher predicted all of this

Attached: 71eC43BO+YL.jpg (1400x2240, 153K)

know the system*

he is just accelerating and moving to the next stage in capitalism

>a jew does something jewy
>this seems pretty diabolical doesn't it?
>this feels very evil to me
you're almost there

Just applied for a job as IT at buzzfeed in NYC. I was hesitant, but part of me just wants to see what its like in the belly of the beast even though Im right wing as fuck. Hope I get hired.

so you're a bottom tier jew, like one of those jews that become vegan yoga youtubers.

fascinating video