What does Yea Forums think of Gore Vidal?

What does Yea Forums think of Gore Vidal?

Attached: assange arrested.png (980x551, 595K)

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He is just joking

Attached: gore.png (500x375, 240K)

What is Gore Vidals expression conveiing?

Attached: pep.jpg (600x600, 60K)

>"Get a load of this guy!"

someone who has it put it on libgen? You would be doing gods work.

Attached: gore vidal.png (373x565, 282K)

Attached: 5d2642f0f854f60eedd6368617fb4b83a4e9c8f13598bd64b74100542f0df0ac.png (381x574, 150K)

>Neocons are kiked warmongering imperialist cocksuckers!
Somebody give this faggot the national book award for nonfiction.

Attached: 1p63oh.jpg (582x522, 32K)

1. He was a faggot.
2. Simpson joke about kissing boys.
3. William Buckley moment.
4. That atrocious1960s comedy about a tranny was based on his book.
He seems interesting. Should I read his historical fiction?


NAMBLA pilled

Attached: nambla.jpg (512x384, 26K)

Messiah was pretty good.

One of the biggest pseuds of all time. I detest homosexuals.

>hurrr muh nazis!


His work is complete ideology-riddled garbage. There wasn’t even the briefest glimmer of artistic inspiration in his queer body.

Why was assange carrying a gore Vidal book?
Is it just some of that famous l33t haxx0r humour that nobody gives a shit about?

Is it some kind of signal letting people in the know know that its a false flag?

Is assange a Vidal fan?

I picked up julian, it any good?

You only really need to read Burr and Julian.

Julian is pretty good
Supposedly Lincoln is as well but I haven’t read it

I have read three of his books. Enjoyed The City and the Pillar and especially Empire, would be drawn to his historical fiction if I read more of his. Myra Breckenridge was fucking garbage unfortunately, can't recommend it to anyone.

Even he's kissed more boys than I ever will.

Someone must have been telling tales about Julian A., for one morning, without having done anything wrong, he was arrested.

>especially as Vidal left an estate of $37m (£23m) – a possible source of ire from his relatives, as he bequeathed the lot to Harvard University, where he had never studied, rather than them.



>he was a gud boi dindu nuffin
lmao I hope he rots in some CIA blacksite

>smearing feces on the wall of the embassy
I'd kick him out too


>without having done anything wrong