As an uneducated drop-out, what is some basic literature everyone should read?

The titel is really self-explanitory. I basically dropped out in 9th grade and would like to better my base knowledge with some literature. The problem is that I don't know where to start. Any recommendations?

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Why did you dropped out?

I don't see why that matters, but essentially I didnt see a point in going after I failed the year, since I was an entitled little shit who felt cheated. On top of that I was having other issues that just added on as excuses for simply being disillusioned and depressed.

Currently I am doing an apprenticeship, but I still feel that my education is in many ways lacking and I would like to catch up.

Howard Bloom's list of novels to instil a life-long love of aesthetically and intellectually great literature.

Novels I (EU)
>Miguel de Cervantes "Don Quixote"
>Stendhal "The Charterhouse of Parma"
>Jane Austen "Emma"
>Charles Dickens "Great Expectations"
>Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
>Henry James "The Portrait of a Lady"
>Marcel Proust "In Search of Lost Time"
>Thomas Mann "The Magic Mountain"

Novels II (USA)
>Herman Melville "Moby Dick"
>William Faulkner "As I Lay Dying"
>Nathanael West "Miss Lonelyhearts"
>Thomas Pynchon "The Crying of Lot 49"
>Cormac McCarthy "Blood Meridian"
>Ralph Ellison "Invisible Man"
>Toni Morrison "Song of Solomon"

You don't have to read them in order but it's a much stronger list than the usual "starterpacks" for edgy high schoolers that float around here

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Thank you! :D

Read whatever appeals to you to develop the basic literary taste and escape your brainletism. Doesn't matter be it fantasy, erotic novels, videogame adaptations etc. Leave this place for at least a year and don't listen to the faggots who will try forcing western canon on you.

Is In Search of Lost Time really in the starter pack? It's like five thousand pages

You need to develop your own taste, but you don't have time to read every single book. The best way is to get an overview of literature (by reading wikipedia, the sticky, discussions here etc.), familiarize yourself with big names and choosing a book that actually interests you.

If you’re not into reading yet, then everything Yea Forums will recommend you will just turn you off and make it feel like a chore. It takes some time to get into reading

well if you lack general education readint fiction books or specific philosophy stuff will not really improve your position, maybe start by getting some history books that cover a big span of time and watch documentarys on all sorts of stuff. because moby dick will surely not compensate for a lacking high school graduation.

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thanks. copy pasted into word.

Step 1. Reject anime
Step 2. Reject chronic masturbation
Step 3. Reject videogames
Step 4. Reject fastfoods
You are now capable of reading

Sounds good, I already have done some sporadic research into things that interest me, and intent to keep doing so! :)

What languages can you read?

If I didnt believe that you dont always need a highschool diploma to have a basic education I wouldn't try lol.

English, german and some basic french.


geh zurück zur schule achmed

Werther from Goethe, Buddenbrooks from Mann, whatever from Kafka, Man without qualities from Musil

Candide from Voltaire, Killer from Zola, Evil flowers from Zola

how will reading specific books improve a general lack of education? kafka is part of the german high school ciriculum but 90% of people never read more than the lektüre schlüssel(?) to pass the exam

you lose time reading it then you search for it

Education is more than reading books, at the same time I already know how to research topics and have been trying to build a decent Allgemeinwissen for a while now. However literature wise I always just kind of felt overwhelmed since I have no reference to filter it by or a place to start.

mate in what kind of cicrles are you operating? what regular person has even read a book in the last year? how can you feel overwhelmed by them?

I learnt jackshit in highschool except for higher maths and I paid attention. School doesn't teach you a base understanding of things but rather it's dependant on the person to want to do so. Your intelligence is determined at birth dw about it. It's obvious what to do just be curious: search up shit you don't know, wikipedia history, stare at google maps etc.

Bloom is a fat fool.

remove step 1 and change step 3 to multiplayer only




I'm just a newfag retard but I enjoyed "The Prince" by Machiavelli which Yea Forums often suggests in their charts. My schools had us read 1984, Brave New World, Animal Farm, lots of Shakespeare, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Things They Carried and one of my teachers introduced me to Oryx and Crake. No idea if Yea Forums approves but that's just what they had us read in class.

read only Austrians and Jews that speak it

read only authors that are not translated to anglo language.

>I basically dropped out in 9th grade
There's not much base knowledge you missed, just practical stuff like language, maths, sciences and I think reading is not the best approach to catch up in those things nowadays. When I made my Abi, half my class didn't know Germany was a bunch of smaller states just two centuries ago. Base knowledge really comes from your environment and you interest.
>and would like to better my base knowledge with some literature.
Really depends on what kind of knowledge you are talking about.
If you just want to be "properly read" simply read the classics you are interested in. Skim through the wiki pages and see if you are interested. For concrete books I'd say at least some Goethe since I assume you to be German and 1984 / Brave new world since they are oten referenced and intriguing of you are not used to reading. Fuck Shakespeare.
For philosophy just read whichever philosophy interests you. There's so much to choose from and caring about what the philosophers did / their relationships is retarded. I'd recommend reading plato's republic and Marcus Aurelius's meditations tho.
As for history, you can either get a book about a long period of time or books that are specifically about a time period that interests you.
I recommend doing the second once you have a very basic understanding of the general time period. For a general book I'd recommend Harari's "a short history of mankind" or so it's rather pleb tier but good for beginners. Just keep in mind that much of what he writes is theories or even wrong. It's well written tho. For specific books look for authors that are really knowledgeable in this one area.(Experts that only care about their one area and know they're not experts on the rest) Means you have to read more, and probably less well written but I think it's worth it.
>The problem is that I don't know where to start.
If you're gonna read relevant fiction, make a lost of stuff you wanna read and start with what most interests you.
For the other two options, watch a few YouTube videos about the broader topic and maybe about the specific topic you choose to get a general knowledge of what you are gonna read and don't feel lost after a few pages and then start reading.

Gravity's Rainbow

OP, please listen very carefully:
do not listen to this user. Bloom is garbage. this user is trying to trick you into wasting your time

But all those things are fine so long as you don’t get fat

Attached: a beginners guide to the trivium.png (1351x1054, 437K)

this is even worse than the Bloomfag

Since I never see people recommending Proust admitting how shit the start is, I'm guessing the whole thing is as bad. I couldn't get past the sleep-inducing bedtime reflections and the related tangents. How can that be anything but filler?


'''FRESHMAN book downloads:'''
__How to Read a Book__ by ''Mortimer J Adler and Charles Van Doren''
__Mastery__ by ''Robert Greene''
__How to Solve It__ by ''G. Polya''
__The Great Tradition__ by ''Richard M. Gamble''
__How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics__ by ''Michalewicz Z., Fogel D.B.''
__Ancient Engineers' Inventions__ by ''Cesare Rossi, Flavio Russo''
__Gwynne's Grammar__ by ''N M Gwynne''
__Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student__ by ''Corbett and Connors''
__Introduction to Logic__ by ''Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen, Kenneth McMahon''
__The Name of the Rose__ by ''Umberto Eco''

>How to Read a Book
immediately stopped reading. do not take this list seriously

name one thing wrong with the book

just read ted, it's short and doesn't waste your time like all the other shit here.

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the book is bad

I like Ted as much as any /pol/ack, but the irony is is that even his "real rebellion" was completely impotent and merely meant to irritate. Domestic terrorism is well within the bounds of what the system can accomodate, and toothless.

Compare Ted to the likes of civil war era Mao.

you're dumbtarded

>muh mao
lefty/pol/ack more like

>No Tristram Shandy
what the fuck

Chiang Kai-shek wasn't doing all that bad either, though he relied more on the capital of coastal elites so he was more aligned with the system.

When it comes to efficient right wing guerrillas, best example would be Colombian narco paramilitaries.

t. doesn't know how to read a book

Well, read some Shakespeare if you've never done it and see if it goes well with you. Any of those top 10 plays lists will give you a fine place to start. Do the same with Charles Dickens. Dick'speare are seen as the best English authors for good reason. The best American authors are Henry James and Herman Melville. James is even more a pain in the ass to read than Shakespeare, though.

the fact you can't differ between being able to understand letters, words ect and being able to fully understand what you are reading makes me think you would benefit from the book

the fact that you can read what I'm saying but can't tell that it's tongue in cheek makes me think that you may need to reread your beloved "book" and see a psychologist specializing in Asperger's

Don't know about literature but reading a lot of Wikipedia articles can also make you very knowledgeable.

You can yourself off as smart when talking to normies from reading wiki articles and Yea Forums memes, but once you come across someone who knows his shit on one particular topic, you're fucked.

t. Wikipedia intellectual


Easy to read. Quintessential loser tries to find meaning in pointless life fiction. Story of how a unorthodox less than ideal life can bring a man spiritual fulfillment, which can be pretty uplifting in the modern day desu.

Still might make you smarter if you're a highschool dropout.

/r/books: now on Yea Forums