Yea Forums is making fun of us AGAIN

Yea Forums is making fun of us AGAIN

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Nobody even replied to my post there about the 2011 Coachella Saturday lineup, worthless board

but if you go to Yea Forums doesn't that make you Yea Forums?

who gives a fuck

Yea Forums stopped being fun around 2012/2013 when the zeitgeist started to shift from Krautrock and other genres that are actually cool to modern hip hop and other poptimisms

I always forget Yea Forums even exists.

Yea Forums doesn’t have an adorable romance unfolding on it like we do

>start to visit Yea Forums to see how they making fun of Yea Forums
>first thread : Kpop


Yea Forums is such an awful board, especially now that all thr decent generals end up DOA

>Board that listens to niggers and whiny millennials
>Offended by anything they say about other boards
Grow a dick.

>Yea Forums doesn’t have a disgusting trans-related murder-suicide unfolding on it like we do
Fixed it for you bucko

Aw come both parties are interested in each other. Do you know how rare this is? This might be the first time this has happened in the entirety of Yea Forums history


That’s how you know it’s legit ;)

Why would you even take offense from Yea Forums? They're below us.

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>/sci/ that high
that's how you know it's a false


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this board is shit, what did you expect

The real giveaway is /c/ being so low

>ywn relive the great years of >2011posting

>ywn browse >2011 Yea Forums again
>ywn browse >2011 Yea Forums again

Why don't you just die already?

>/sci/ - 141

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So what.
Imagine caring what a bunch of 16 yo kids listening to Kanye West and slurping the wet farts of a bald mongoloid have to tell about us.

hey, Kanye's dope

Kanye's a joke noe he hasn't put out a good song since NO ONE MAN SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT POOOOWER

No one likes those threads. People have movements to get them removed

Back to mu

>not liking yeezus

The collective snobbery and elitism of Yea Forums and Yea Forums could probably generate a black hole. Two worst boards in n this site

i always roll my eyes at most claims that Yea Forums or a board has been ruined, but this is absolutely the case with Yea Forums. for a while i'd still visit it thinking posts about brockhampton were ironic, but no, it was actual teenagers. i attribute the beginning of the end to kpop threads

You know butterfly had sex with quentin right? he(butterfly) is damaged good m8

How dare people enjoy different music without doing it ironically. the nerve of Yea Forums

>(not shown)
every time

literal DG ripoff done poorly

Back to ktt

>come to Yea Forums on any occasion
>thread complaining about STEM
>/pol/ bait thread
>thread complaining about women
>thread asking for the NGE of literature
>meme philosophy of the month thread (space taoism, ecofascism etc)
>thread asking how to read more
>thread complaining about JKrowling
>surface level analysis and discussion of the same 10 authors
>rampant pepe and wojak posting
>thread complaining about J Peterson

Yea Forums isn't the greatest board either you guys. You have to shift through every board in order to decent thread

in order to find a decent thread^. You just get used to ignoring the bad threads on Yea Forums while when you go to another board you think thats what the board is about

>the board that praises trashy pop nigger music is making fun of us
I'd be worried if they didn't.