Are they the "reddit" of philosophy?

are they the "reddit" of philosophy?

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Plato missing

no plato is literally /ourguy/ fuck off

Imagine reddit being deprived of music, their precious family, and having to serve in the military.

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Is it to bad if I only recognize 5/9? Guess at least I'm not reddit.

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I don't know but OP is the "reddit" of this board.

yes. let me guess all you fuckers in this thread are faggots who came because of pew die pie. I don't say this often so please don't take it lightly. kill yourselves. seriously fucking kill yourselves in very painful ways. I wish nothing but pain and misery for you and your family.

>If you don't know who are a bunch of French postmarxist pseuds just kys

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fuck off. plato isn't some nihilist neckbeard

Nietzsche and Schopie are the only respectable non meme tier philosophers there. The rest are just Marxist frogs or Jews.

hahaha isn't it funny to troll?? this board is being overrun with alt bro faggots and normies and you're part of the problem.

And even if he was, doesn't change the fact that edgy teenagers love him.

Reddit probably hates shoppie and cioran

People have been bitching like this hers since before "alt right" was a thing. I left Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general excepting /k/ from like 2014-last summer when my irc buddy posted a Yea Forums thread about what an autistic madlad marlon brando was. Decided to check back on Yea Forums a few months ago and surprise surprise its the same shithole except now some newfags think it was ever different

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Reddit hates philosophy because of New Atheist memes

Whos the kike in bottom middle


Not worth anyones time.

Walter Benjamin. You should learn a bit about him and stop making us "nazis" look bad. Read The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and then read about him and Jacob Frank and then keep not being an illiterate retard from there if you can manage.

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Where is Sartre? He is the ultimate reddit philosopher. Not even grown-up leftists care about him that much nowadays.

"The case of Freud himself, founder of ‘psychoanalysis’, is quite typical in this respect, for he never ceased to declare himself a materialist. One further remark: why is it that the principal representatives of the new tendencies, like Einstein in physics, Bergson in philosophy, Freud in psychology, and many others of less importance, are almost all of Jewish origin, unless it be because there is something involved that is closely hound up with the ‘malefic’ and dissolving aspect of nomadism when it is deviated, and because that aspect must inevitably predominate in Jews detached from their tradition?"


he is the only based marxist

>this literally a kabbalist jew was based
lol k

And one faggot, Michel

Everyone except Derrida, dawg's a G

Yes and No. Yes, in the sense that they read some basic fact sheets about them and start to praise them. No, for the fact that 99% of them have most likely haven't even read any philosophy outside a high school class.

No such thing as reddit philosophy
Reddit doesnt read phil

Philosophy is not taught in "high schools." Maybe secondary schools, and only the posh ones, at that. I went to a "college preparatory" high school and they did not assign a single book of philosophy, for any class, ever.

I was exaggerating. Why would I expect a redditor to actually read?