Truly strange books

Ever read a book and wonder wtf am I reading? I want books with this feel

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Other urls found in this thread:

Finnegans wank

Naked Lunch, to the point where I just gave up because it's trash.

Fanged Noumena

I was memed into reading Gravity Rainbow
I’m still traumatized by that pile of crap years later

Atrocity Exhibition


The I Ching
Blood and Guts in High School

The prose in this book is beautiful but the subject matter is so disgusting, I could only make it about halfway through

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Khazar dictionary

this one desu
no one does the cold mechanical style like ballard

thinking about reading AE and the other popular one, i think it's called Crash? about sexualizing cars


read one of his early apocalyptic novels first, burning world or drowned world are best imo. they are short and u can understand where he comes from

the beginning of Catch-22
it was a prpbably a rather shitty translation, and i read it on phone in a madly shaking bus half-asleep several times. truly delirious.
(i want to read it for real now, the whole thing, but on ereader)

Honestly? I would consider It a strange book for its genre and demographic. The last act of that book is experimental and bizarre.

Megan Boyle's "Liveblog" is very fun

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Does Megan Boyle have a twitch?

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Megan Boyle is so lively

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Huckleberry Milton. The most insane book I've ever read. Hilarious but leaves you feeling seasick if you read too much of it at once. Truly WTF weird.

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Just wait until Vineland

Naked lunch fucking sucks

The Wasp Factory.

Ok that was pretty strange

Some parts of simulacra and simulation. Not because it is 'trippy' but because parts of it are written or translated terribly/in a manner which is incomprehensible.

Anything by Giles & Deleuze, and Bataille

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Like a giant hallucination, in a good way

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Lord Timothy Dexter - A Pickle for the Knowing Ones

Thus spoke Zarathustra

Do you think Megan Boyle insists on giving her partners pitjobs?

locus solus
naked lunch/nova trilogy (ignore the plebs)

pynchon was 2deep4me

Overrated, incomprehensible dogshit. I only made it about a third of the way through before giving up. One of the biggest wastes of time in my entire life.

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please help

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Gerald Murnane, particularly The Plains

t. that retard who made a thread a couple days ago about how he's too stupid to read A Clockwork Orange

I read that one too.

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Everything by Heidegger when you don't have a solid phil background and some patience like me.
The fact that the translator need to put an inordinate amount of german equivalent of translated words in the text doesn't help either.

>'i know some new tricks', said the cat in the hat.
>'a lot of good tricks. i will show them to you. your mother will not mind at all if i do.'

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can't make this shit up

Are you supposed to call her axilla "slutty?" And like spank her pits and stuff?

>The pink stain was their sibling who was harvested for adrenochrome by The Cat

Not sure what to make of this. I can't tell if Bradley J Milton is an elaborate joke or if he's legitimately an LSD-addled businessman whose far out mind is capable of coming up with things nobody has ever imagined. He hasn't done anything recently, right?

I remember reading something by Bruno Schulz that gave me that feeling, under the sign of the hourglass? Something about hourglasses. Surrealist work, I didn't get it at all, but it was pretty.

lol this is so strange but funny

Anacalypsis - G. Higgins
The Bicameral Mind - J. Jaynes

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Man I haven't seen this image in a looooooong time

Thing #1 and Thing #2 omfg brilliant minions of chaos !!

Osvaldo Lamborghini. All Osvaldo Lamborghini.

Suprised noone has mentioned Codex Seraphinianus yet!

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Laur by brother Vodolazkin. It made sense in a weird way when I read it.

Is that an excerpt from the book?

The Story of the Eye

sure is

I remember reading the first 5 pages of The Glass Bead Game and realizing that I have no idea what is going on. Was probably too young for the book back then but I have yet to attempt reading it again

What the hell

Picture unrelated

I have not been able to find it since I had to move, but I remember getting about halfway through this trippy ass book that was like reading the thoughts of someone's mind while they were on bath salts.

So it started off with this guy supposedly on a boat expressing, in a very drug like description, how his crew mates were taken by some weird spiritual lights. Somehow from there he arrives on some type of land, and there are weird dog/human/ape creatures that eventually all murder themselves in some kind of tribalistic war.

Throughout the chapters you see short descriptions of what seem like a psychologist trying to help a patient, presumably the main character.

The cover was a weird picture of a guy's face.

If anyone know what I'm talking about, I would love to read it again and try to finish it.

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The Story of the Eye

why he hitted her with babby

Because she squeezed his ass and bit his right nipple.

Obviously she was trying to milk him for everything he was worth

In that case, more please.

learn russian pleb

Probably Blood Electric/Gimmick by Siratori. Legit just slogged through them because I wanted the niche credit of having read them.

Cyclonopedia deserves a spot as well for sure.

This is it.
fuck I didn't want to remember that

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God, I wish that were me.

Are you serious?


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your sister is really ugly, man

Who the fuck is that woman?

Heinrich von Ofterdingen

Genuine degeneracy. Good but

It wasn't nearly as fucked up as I was led to believe.
I'd probably cause some butthurt on Twitter if it came out today, hah.

Unlanguage by Michael Cisco


Truly strange

Bumping because I'd like to know this.