Go to a public library (its a hugely popular one among young people) to become inspired for my story

>go to a public library (its a hugely popular one among young people) to become inspired for my story
>leave after 30 minutes because I cant stand observing so many cute, good looking, well shaped, pretty girls I will never be with

I want to write a book on this feel desu

Attached: Life_Is_Better_When_your_laughing.png (500x509, 328K)

Write that book than you fuck op. You sure as shit arent doing it now faggot

get gud ya dip

I went home and am now writing, so you are wrong. Im also drinking. Problem is; one page for 365 = one book. All it takes is an original idea, but im too much of a brainlet. The pain of being slightly above average at best is painful. Good luck with your own endeavor.

Ideas are overrated, execution is way more important
Anyway good luck OP

we need more literature from an unapologetic sissies so sociofags can study the effects of dropping testosterone levels in cityfags. I'll start for you OP

>I tried to write a book for fame and riches. I assumed it would come to me naturally, since the books I consume have become my identity. But the women in the library touched those old dusty tomes in a way that I would never be touched. I would never be opened like that. I would never be read like that. I would never be borrowed like that. I left and never returned.

The End

Just go up an talk to the ladies. Getting rejected or laughed at is better than not even trying, just keep dong it. Like most things, you get better with practice. You have to fail if you ever want to succeed.

>Getting rejected or laughed at is better than not even trying
The hell it is

fake. young people don't like libraries

You have never even tried, have you? At most you did it once and instead of using it as a lesson on how you can do it better next time you crawled back into your hole.

The fact is most people are not going to like you, but it does not matter, no one is liked by everyone, who cares. You just keep trying until you find those ones that do like you or you give up. Get laughed at and laugh at yourself for turning into a bumbling fool.

Or you know you could attempt to engage with people at a deeper level than a casual fuck.

Social skills are a meme. What you need is the ability to consider the other as a fully developed and independent person and not a pleasantly arranged sack of organic matter. Ability that is extraordinarily rare apparently.

Where did I suggest people were just meat to be used? I just said to take the chance and talk to them, you really come off that you are the one that views people that way.

Carpet bombing people in the hope that one will be hit is not considering the other person, in fact it is quite the opposite, especially if the objective is to fuck.

I'm not saying you should not try, but be aware of why you are doing so and to who. Treating others as empty shells of vague human shape until they accept interaction is not an effective way of being sociable. Nor it is desiderable for the other.

Cringe and yikes.
Also kys.

Someone needs to write an update on Notes from the Underground from the perspective of an emasculated chan user

Saying a couple words to someone to see if they have any interest in being something more than strangers is not being inconsiderate, nor is it carpet bombing. You see someone that catches your interest for whatever reason, you say hello, make a stupid comment, they either respond positively or brush you off, it is part of life.

Why should i try doing something if the success result doesnt really matter to me?

You shouldn't, but you should not be offering advice to people who do care.

That is acceptable only if the other is looking for the same thing, as it would be if they are in a pub or similar and looking around to hook up. People in a library are not there to socialize but to work. Asking random people is again not considering the other and is not simply "part of life" you must consider their intentions and desires too.

It is not random people, it is people one is interested in on some level. You can not know 100% if someone you approach has any interest in knowing you, you just have to try, it is part of life. Yes you have to be considerate to the other people, you do not interrupt someone deeply engrossed in a book or in the middle of a conversation, but you are not being an ass for saying a few words to someone browsing the same section as you in the library in the hopes of something more. Also, outside of university libraries, most people are there to pickup a few books or the like, they are not working. OP did say public library.

Where is this consideration on your part? You reacted to my initial post, made some assumptions and went on the attack, you put no consideration into my intent there, you did not offer a helpful bit of elaboration, you suggested I was just a 'casual fuck' and that I and most of society are your social inferior. Get over yourself.

>It is not random people, it is people one is interested in on some level. You can not know 100% if someone you approach has any interest in knowing you, you just have to try, it is part of life.
Again I am not ssaying you should not try, I am saying that going from "maybe we can have a friendly conversation to this person I had a positive interaction with" to "approach every single item that caught your attention" is a bit of a fallacious jump.

>Where is this consideration on your part? You reacted to my initial post, made some assumptions and went on the attack, you put no consideration into my intent there, you did not offer a helpful bit of elaboration, you suggested I was just a 'casual fuck' and that I and most of society are your social inferior. Get over yourself.
I apologize, it was not my intention to offend you, nor to suggest that you had malicious intent. I am just very weary of this gamefied approach at the other that seems to have got into everyone these days. You are right to say that I jumped to the conclusions, but in my defense OP complained that he was distracted by good looking women, not by what they were saying. The implication that it seems I wrongly assumed was that your advice was to get the situation to the next logical level.

Also I did elaborate, although very briefly. Of course I did not expect to get into an argument on this. Social skills are a meme, they are not something that exist in real life, in fact the idea that you need to be trained to successfully interact with somebody else is entirely alien to me and a bit disgusting. That's why I insisted in highlighting the depersonalization this kind of reasoning necessarily brings with it.
Again I admit it was wrong on my side to put words in your mouths, but I did have good reason.

you will never be as good as Londonfrog