Man Booker International short list DOMINATED by WOMEN

Man Booker International short list DOMINATED by WOMEN

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Judges, what a surprise

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based and cuntpilled

Truly, the end of the world.

Honk honk

We need more representation

i don't read books written by women or minorities so i don't really care

Me neither desu

So Yea Forums, how does it feel to be a minority?

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Post link to the short stories

>that womb bulge

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Imagine thinking the Man Booker short list refers to short stories

ugly feet

>the Polish author's title
Might check that out, actually.

I'm sure they all definitely deserve this. I'm sure of it.

hot tbph

drive your plow over the bones of the dead was pretty good, ending sucked though

Kinky AF. I can't believe the MAN Booker International shortlist got FEMDOMMED.

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>ywn cower beneath the heels of your mistress' boots as she reads out her Man Booker acceptance speech, graciously giving shouts out to the all-female shortlist

i'm staunchly anti-feminist but i love literature so this seems good to me

>feebly trying to scream through your gag about how you were robbed and that you're a better author than her, any of the other female shortlist winners, or any female author on the planet in general, only for her to giggle and, without missing a beat in her speech, brutally nail you right in the balls with the pointed tip of one of her stiletto heels.

I haven't read this particular book, but Tokarczuk in general is pretty great

the redhead chick is a major brainlet, I've gone to see her speak before


Would you though?

>would you a Hobbs goblin

women not even once

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What's wrong with shegoblins tho?

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i watched bettany hughes in some netflix documentary but the way she sensualized and sexualized marx was fucking disgusting to me so i stopped watching it
women have to sensualize and sexualize everything. they shouldn't be allowed to talk.

Men turn everything into battle, women turn everything into sex. Once you accept this you'll stop blaming women for this.

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>women turn everything into sex
this is why they should wear burkas in public

also, ok but do i want to join the army because i'm an incel?

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You become a man. Recognize that women are different and have unique perspectives that are different from yours. Naturally women are idiots so likely they won't understand your mystical obsession with battle and combat, but this will actually cosmically make you more attracted to you because it is completely true that women desire chivalric knights and/or mysterious cowboys. Become the cosmic battleman you were meant to be.

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Hawt, give me some snuu snuu~

Whenever a female critic calls something ‘homerotic’, I always imagine a 30-year old brunette at home while her husband is away dressed in leather BDSM clothing and wipping herself as she whispers ‘ahh homoerotic’. She eventually gets excited enough to sit on her chair and write her essay while rubbing herself off, once again moaning ‘ohhh homoeroootic’.....

it's taken from Blake because the main character likes Blake. very weak book overall (the title is the best part tbqh).

How many things have females invented? How much do females contribute to the maintainance of society compared to men? Who needs who more?

Women talk about sex constantly to demonstrate their sexual maturity, ie, that they are ready for you, a cosmic battleman, to impregnate them. There's a shortage of cosmic battleman today due to a surplus of orbiting bugmen, so naturally women prattle on about sex even more, desperately hoping to attract a rare cosmic battleman. Ignore women's foolish games. Empower and enlighten yourself and they will fall at your feet.

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"...a gigantic pain in the privates"

Women create wet goo to comfortablely receive your male sword penis. If you have the cosmic battleman capacity to slay their feminine desire they'll also create children for you.

Why on earth would you want to slay a woman's desire tho

Only way to temporarily shut them up

it's no use user, women are not even shallow
you could have killed 500 men but they'll just judge you based off your appearance
also women think that the destructive nature of man is bad, they constantly seek to domesticate man into a flaccid, complacent idiot. gaslight us, criminalize us, shame us, blame us for absolutely everything. and they can't understand that men and women are different. they think they're men. they don't get it


>cosmic battleman
lol i like this guy

t. tradcuck dipshit.
Why don't you go fuck off and shill for Jordan Peterson and vote for Trump again you worthless boomer nigger?

imagine being this pussywhipped lol

If only academia were really this hot

Not sure what is more cringe, that list or kiddies ITT who have read Evola once and caught the diction of a Warhammer 40k character.

The important thing is that you're clearly superior to both

>woman turn everything into sex
How many guys do you hang around with?
Because I can assure you men do this too

What a cutesy, reddit tier response. Kill yourself, bugman.

Manchildren intimidated by women's sexual power do this.

Imagine being such a failed man that a women's sexuality intimidates you.

>women's sexual power
are you a virgin? women don't have sexual power. you fuck the bitch, that's it. they have the power to decide who gets to fuck them. that's all

>Imagine being such a failed man that a women's sexuality intimidates you.
you should seriously kill yourself if you're so fucked in the head that you think this is the case in any possible universe. or better yet, why not go suck your mom's dick? asswipe

Agreed. High tier writer, reminds me of Enard. Hope she gets another win.

This seems the key factor. Like the regular prize engineered attention for itself by including a crime writer and a comicbook writer on the panel - resulting in token longlisted entires from those ghettos - they've gone for women and Mishra (right-on political writer) with predictable results.

>this will actually cosmically make you more attracted to you

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urgh my neo-nazi book is never going to win a man booker prize

Read the Ernaux (shit, as literally always) and the Tolarczuk (which is better than her last prize winnig novel). The Goncourt is more or less all-male in comparison lel.


>tfw we get Énard’s and Tokarczuk’s and Bolaño’s of Proust’s and Musil’s
Fuck this gay earth, etc.

The most important thing tho, how do I become a cosmic battleman?

Instead of*

I liked Flights. It's really a story collection masquerading as a novel and the conceit that the narrator is telling tall tales is too thinly developed to be worth anything, but it's got a lot of memorable sequences and I think the basic theory of having stories with no straight payoff but which share themes with other stories that do is solid. Pickled bodyparts seduction, deluded arabian prince and the woman choosing to become a vagrant are especially choice.

If Proust was mid publication right now people would be trolling the shit out of him. Great first volume, then midway through the second one he just chucks the plot out of the window and starts introducing more and more unnecessary characters. Fucking stick to your original structure Marcel! This third volume is just taking the piss. Fourth is good again but then the fifth is a disaster.

My feeling is that most of our best writers now will only really be remembered for one or two of the many books they shit out, which is fine. (Except Bolano, who deserves less).

gee i wonder if that was intentional

This makes sense. Women are more objective and white men are obsessed with The Odyssey.

They will only vote for something if it resonates with them and makes them feel like a strong individual.

There is a power shift going on, and women are clearly showing how capable they are. If men want to be part of this new world they had better step up before they get left behind.

God Avril was hot

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having just looked her up she seem to encompass everything I hate about a that certain type of too easy leftism.

Trump is a danger to Democratic values but brexit needs a 'peoples vote ' . That type.

>eastern block cat lady with dreadlocks

are these HRT related moodswings?


guys, it's over. publishing as a white man won't even be legal in 5 or 10 years

no surprise there

get some help you freaks this is stomach turning to read

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We've accepted and are now at peace with the subservient position of the male sex in the new female world order. I suggest you learn to come to terms with it too, you'll be much happier once you've embraced it. :)

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>not enjoying femdom
get out

>Taking any public award ESPECIALLY art awards seriously in 20 fucking 19


>Celestial bodies
Kek, this book makes everyone mad
>/pol/ hates it bc muh arab woman
>arabs hate it because muh we wasnt slave owners thus leftists can't love
Gonna buy/10

>Gonna buy/10
You sure showed everyone

All controversial books I bought so far (Catcher in the Rye, whatever, submission) turned out to be great, so I really buy it for the book and not to show anyone

It makes want to get a nosering and dye my hair green

The Man Booker has been a lowbrow meme since they let the USA enter. It used to be for based Commonwealth countries only, but now that the seppos are shitting it up, we can expect more of this forced-equality bullshit across the board.

God I want to punch her so bad

>they have the power to decide who gets to fuck them
And they cry like petulant children when their decision is ignored by a desirable rejecting her or an undesirable taking her. W*men think both of these cases are worse than murdering their children but still expect to be taken seriously.

>Naturally women are idiots so likely they won't understand your mystical obsession with battle and combat

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>(Catcher in the Rye, whatever, submission) turned out to be great
I thought humblebragging was supposed to make you look good

i just feel like we've completely forgotten what women are. we've strayed so far from god, nature, and reality. nobody should ever listen to or a believe a women. any man who does so is a pussywhipped brainlet cuck. "obey women or you won't get any". fucking beta cucks

Fuck off to reddit

This desu
Used to be good, now destroyed by yankee politics

i read it in original(polack here) and it's a top tier book (Virgin Matoga, Chad Sznajder). There was also a movie based on this called Spoor. Directed by Agnieszka Holland. Not as good as book but very nice with extremely comfy mood.


It's not women really, what's annoying is that this meme about white male voices being "bad" is stupid as shit.

based on the titles they sound like Danielle Steele Romance Novels. Except for the Vasquez, havent read that one but his other stuff is actually good.

this post was written by a faggot

Literally who gives a fuck. Nobody cares about contemporary literature anyway, especially not in translation.

Are the books good?

Probably not.

Who exactly is the retard that let post-wall Jewish schoolmarms be in charge of culture

>Probably not.

I probably will have to read them to find out.

I feel under represented
so this is why the civil rights movement happened
I don't feel safe right now as a white dude

"Cosmic Battleman" shall enter my vernacular, if you know what I mean.

Juan is /ourlad/, clearly

stfu faggot

I'm sure this is just an unprecedented natural reflection of talent.

Why is it called MAN Booker if there's no men? Sounds like a ripoff to me.


>You become a man. Recognize that women are different and have unique perspectives that are different from yours. Naturally women are idiots so likely they won't understand your mystical obsession with battle and combat, but this will actually cosmically make you more attracted to you because it is completely true that women desire chivalric knights and/or mysterious cowboys. Become the cosmic battleman you were meant to be.

extreme cringe

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There's something pitiful about this bout of extreme overcompensation the West is experiencing about women, blacks, and other barely human shapes.
"Look, it's a woman, it can write!!!! Isn't it amazing? Aren't you amazed?! A person with a vaginal canal produced it, it's even good! This one is brown too, aren't you ashamed of keeping this poor wonders of literary genius down, white man!! Give it a prize, best prize, best goodest person bookmaker poet and journalist!"

I'm not fooled. Women can't write. Blacks can't write. Muslims can't write. LGBTwhatevers can't write. Degenerate minds, borne from the recessive genes. There's no discernible talent to this childish scribblings and overtly simplistic non-ideas. Nothing a female has ever uttered under the Sun had any importance attached to it, and the aggression of self-loathing academia acts like a radiant proof to that.

Fuck women.

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I get that mediocre works are often shoehorned into the canon or the spotlight or academe for the sake of politics, but realistically there are many writers from the groups you've mentioned who have produced amazing stuff.

That user's basic point is valid though. They've turned this shit into the fucking special gender Olympics.
>Isn't it important that a women wrote something in 2019?
>No women have ever done anything before because of WUHITE MALE oppression.
It is pretty fucking pathetic and ridiculously embarrassing considering

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It's about statistics. The likelihood that a list for the finest books written in a given year is dominated by women is very low. It's just a function of the IQ bell curve. I recognize that women have verbal talent and are engaged in reading to a higher degree but at this level that's practically irrelevant. Just look at a traditionally female occupation like cooking, even here men are the vast majority of top professionals, it's not even close. Writing would be similar if ranking art wasn't such an obscure process. Lots of room for politics.

Is that pocahontas jones

Plenty of people do, just not the people that browse this board.


This is pretty much a translation prize

Jealous incel.

Now that the playing field is fair, women are winning.

Take my advice or never get published. It's your choice.

How so? Women are still a minority in power, but are already dominating the arts.

They just have a better eye for what matters.

ok faggot

That Ernaux novel is terrible and was initially published in 2008. What is the point of this fucking prize ?