What is up with all the postmodern neomarxists and so called French "Nietzscheans" who were obsessed with critiquing...

What is up with all the postmodern neomarxists and so called French "Nietzscheans" who were obsessed with critiquing capitalism yet dont realize Nietzsche was pro-individual and would have been pro-capitalist?

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Inb4 "that coherent combination of words DOESNT EVEN EXIST you reactionary bigoted cishet racist, never try to label me or me overt peer group again!!!!!"

capitalism destroys culture and the possibility of novelty in aesthetics. also if anything capitalism is even more comforming and produces much more bugmen than any socialist system im not sure why people hail it as pro-individual. capitalism is the system of the last man.

on the one hand I want everyone to be able to voice their opinion no matter how stupid

on the other I wish blatant bait like this would result In a permanent ip block and maybe also torture

I wouldn't say Nietzsche would be "pro-capitalist" in the sense of TPUSA unironically thinking capitalism was the best economic system in existence. He would probably admire individual capitalists for their will to acquire resources and power for themselves at the expense of others though.

Left Nietszcheans are ridiculous for other reasons than that.

> postmodern neomarxists
Have sex.

like what

Postmodern neomarxist sounds like a dumb thing to call these people. Get shot

A lot of contemporary leftists confuse Nietzsche denunciation of German nationalism and his admiration of France as a progressive opinion, ignoring that German nationalism was the Third Worldism of the XIXth century, the ideology of a subaltern people, long oppressed by foreign masters, seething with resentment and looking for self-determination, while the France he admire wasn't the French of Parisian Left Bank intellectuals, not even the France of Victor Hugo and liberal republicanism. It was the aristocratic France of Turenne and La Rochefoucauld that from the 17th to the 19th century regularly invaded Germany and raped, looted and burned everything in their path.

Given his contempt for English boutiquiers i doubt he had any love for capitalism as a system. He might appreciate individual entrepreneurs though.

So? French Nietzscheanism = accelerationism

stop posting

have gender

Just do it, incel.

please have gender

My gender is "have gone outside and had sex"

Focuault was a neoliberal

that's not true user. You're the exact mental caricature of yourself that I have invented, in your actual life. You seem somewhat dim.

Just have sex. You won't need lobster daddy once you find yourself a girl.

>being pro-individual is being pro-capitalist
nigga i'm not even anti capitalist but what the fuck

Nietzsche was anti Christianity and Protestant ideologies formed industrial capitalism

You fags have watched infinitely more juden peterstein than I ever have, because my experience is nil. You're speaking nonsense as far as I'm concerned.


all four of them were individualists and it is completely possible to criticize capitalism from an individualist standpoint
Why would Nietzsche have been pro-capitalist? If anything he would have hated how it turns everything into a commodity to be sold to the lowest common denominator and allows for the philistine plutocracy we see today.

I'm married I can't :(

You seem to be intimating a contradiction where there is none, as protestants are not Christians.


lmao becoming a faggot won't get him a gf

what's your game here

It’s just an evolution of ideas and much of the older philosophy can be discarded. Just like feminists discard most of what Foucault says about punishment. They were just waiting to take this idea of relativity so they could fit it to their narrative (that’s why they’re brainless). While the Frankfurt school were Marxists they spent most of their time critiquing Marx and were mostly pretty based. This is why post-modernism is now right wing among many other reasons as it was simply the older paradigm (not to mention the New Rights detachment and employment of irony).

Anyways, Rape sluts, Kill Niggers and most importantly HONK HONK

The goal is to get them to have relationships (of any kind really) with normal people so that they'll stop being attracted to internet Daddy types like memerson.

Communism is dependent on a society of bugmen to thrive

I have already told you that I don't and have never listened to juden peterstein, and that I am married. I have no idea what lobster is supposed to mean, and I don't care enough to find out. You can choose to believe I'm lying, but there's no moving forward from that. You're a shitposter user. Stop watching penis man for whatever reason. You don't even like him. What are you even doing?

sure but so is capitalism and in a more intricate way. you don't dictate what you do you follow whatever is most profitable ie. bugmen stuff like CS etc. but not only that, capitalism also desocalizes and divides you putting you under systems of control destroying any sense of community and has given way to the corporation instead.

>realize Nietzsche was pro-individual and would have been pro-capitalist?
Well, at least you understood Sartre? You'll still sound retarded and people will make fun of you but most of them are in Europe and can pronounce Sartre so you don't have to worry about them being in your league. Well done for today.

>caring about such base things as capital and economics

Wasn't Foucault tentatively welcoming the rise of neoliberalism at the end of his life?

You can by influenced by someone and not agree with them 100%

Wasn't he doing the opposite with his whole idea of Governmentality? He was critiquing neoliberalism, not welcoming it.

>Nietzsche was pro-individual and would have been pro-capitalist?
You should read Evola.

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> What is up with all the postmodern neomarxists and so called French "Nietzscheans" who were obsessed with critiquing capitalism yet dont realize Nietzsche was pro-individual and would have been pro-capitalist?

In the music video for "What does the fox say?", the fox never says anything, only a man pretending to speak for the fox.

I will add that the France Nietzsche loved was dead in the 18th century.
Because of "Les idées anglaises".
What France produce as values totally got killed buy the eternal anglo.

Nietzsche wrote on capitialism in his gay science book