How the fuck did Homer compose his shit

How did "epic poetry" like the Iliad and the Odyssey ever get fully composed by a blind rhetorician ? They're so fucking long! Same thing for Paradife Loft. Did Homer just not really exist? Or did the niBBa really compose thousands of verses in his head, which orators would recite from memory? I really don't get it. I could probably research it but I'm extremely curious was user has to say on the matter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They weren't saving pictures of saline injected faggots

bruh this story and particularly Jason from Dead Rabbit's narration of it is hilarious. Here is a potential alternative image I could have used. What do you need another instathot thread? Man maybe I could have posted a Greek statue!

Attached: 2c0.png (507x500, 323K)

>Jason from Dead Rabbit's
I don't care about your e-celebs or whatever. The whole thing just seems kind of sad and in bad taste to use alongside a OP saying "nibba" and wondering how a genius was a genius. Maybe ask on twitter or something

It's okay user you can just say that you don't know. Maybe you can try out reddit okay?

It's amazing what people are capable of when they don't have image boards to waste time on

Yes I know, you and that other newfaggot who doesn't even want to be here can't contribute anything. Its okay. So do you think Homer was one blind person or not?

We don't actually know that Homer existed at all. "Homer" is potentially several dozen people who lived over the course of many generations. It's entirely possible it was one person who composed it all in his head and could recite it on command, considering blind old people tended to have a lot of free time back in the day, but we don't know. That bust you see people post pictures of in reference to him actually isn't him at all.

Damn nigger you can't just copy what I said in an attempt to be snarky. We get it, you went into some Yea Forums "humor" threads, saw s's used to look like f's and thought "hehe aren't I the clever devil". Just fuck off and do your own research, you probably haven't even read the damn thing.

Probably was one person, probably was not blind. Dude had the amenities necessary for a comfortable life then spent his time coming up with his story. Doesn't seem too far out to think that. He could compose one line at a time, commit it to memory, and repeat. Go through it enough and it'll easily be memorized, then it can be told to others who can also memorize it by going through it enough times.

op, it'd be nice to have serious discussion, but your pic is garbage

Do we know if folks like Ion could at least recite significant portions from memory without consulting a text, and to what degree? I've been thinking about this for probably years but lately it's really frothing around my brain.

Fuck the hell off you insecure redditor jesus fucking christ
>he actually goes through the archives

I forget where I read this, but exposure to modern media destroys the ability to memorize and recite epic poetry because there's too much information. It might have been a study on a few remaining troubadors?

>Probably was one person, probably was not blind
>He could compose one line at a time, commit it to memory, and repeat. Go through it enough and it'll easily be memorized
He could still do that if he was blind though

>going through the archives
What are you talking about? That screencap is posted here all the time. Old typesets were a joke that futurama made. This isn't Yea Forums btw, you don't need to type out laughter like that.

You can do some crazy shit if that crazy shit is the one thing that you do. Modern day people have so much shit to balance that didn't exist back then. If the your job and only hobby was coming up with stories to recite in bars for tips, and you had nothing around to draw your attention elsewhere, you'd get pretty fucking good at it.

>he uses Yea Forums
>he plays video games
>he wasnt here 6 years ago
>he didn't see the original thread with the paradife loft being dictated joke
never gonna make it

Well for high IQs, Homer was not that amazing. He wrote down some existing stories and added to them. He put it to a certain rhythm of speech, but tons of other people could do that and did.


You have already admitted to using Yea Forums which was widely known to be the shittiest board on the site to such a degree that the other half of /q/ that wasn't bitching about /pol/ was Yea Forums asking to be split 3 or 4 more times since they can't even stand each other, before /q/ was mercifully put down. Go play fortnight kiddo.


does injecting saline into your scrotum give you lasting damage?

jesus christ you write like a ADD-riddled 14 year old

Go back go retarddit you insecure passive aggressive newfaggot holy FUCK. Do you have any insights about the identity of Homer or the composition of 10,000 verse orations or not?

didn't some of those guys actually die from that?


The Illiad and Odyssey amount to about a PhD's thesis worth of effort nowadays.

hes probably underage too

Yes, a Sicilian woman wrote it

>x is just y
So you don't really have any comments in the identity of homor or composition of rhetorical epics?

The power of hating niggers.

I don't know if I've ever seen a thread with an op that was so consistently a cunt to everyone replying

So you don't really have any comments in the identity of homor or composition of rhetorical epics?

I have plenty actually

Homer was a black woman

obviously not the case

Attached: 1543206403402.png (645x495, 532K)

was obvious from the actual OP, though

The absolute state of hotpocketeers

The pups mum was pretty funny

Why's that?


Because the internet, tv and books have ruined people's memories. Oral tradition only in this household.
I am reciting this to my retarded nephew who's staying over, he is a lost soul anyway on account of him having a waterhead and being a somewhat functioning autist.

1/10 bothered to rate it

Jesus christ this fucking post.
It is pretty common for the mind to be able to remember long works, and especially if it is your own life's work.
Also, he was supposedly blind, not mute, so he would obviously read his poetry aloud, which would help retention.
The jobs of aoidos was literally to remember and orate the great works, and if they forgot something, the sign of a great aoidos was to form it in his own words to fit the metre.
You can see this even today with 9 year olds being able to recite the whole quran from start to finish.
Just try to learn a relatively long poem by heart, it's not that difficult.

>he was supposedly blind, not mute, so he would obviously read
>he was supposedly blind
>so he would read
Jesus christ this fucking post.

do you know how words work?

>You can see this even today with 9 year olds being able to recite the whole quran from start to finish.
Post 3 examples

If only you bothered to learn from your elders instead of nitwits on autism nests on the internet maybe you'd be able to resist the temptation. But alas, here you are a ruined mind.

You clearly do not.

He obviously meant recite you stoneheaded piece of cock.

do you not know what the word "read" means?
based run dog run go dog go-bro

i definitely did mean recite, but the word 'read' can be used almost interchangeably, it doesn't just literally mean "to read a book".

...he posted on 4channel


i don't have any concrete examples, because i read it in passing a couple of years ago, but the term is called hafiz, you should look it up, it's pretty interesting.
also, apparently the ancient greek used the memory palace technique.

i don't even know what board someone like you could even come from, it's too obvious to be from /pol/, it kinda feels like Yea Forums to be honest.

red pill me on this PoE meme please

I come from, respectively, Yea Forums from 2006, old /arcanine/ from 2008, /x/ from 2008/09, /pol/ 2011, and Yea Forums 2013

Attached: 126.png (945x315, 396K)

terrible, so you started browsing when you were like 6?
how did you become like this?

>I need to explain myself on a completely anonymous imageboard infront of other completely anonymous users.
Jezus Christ on a stick

>Yea Forums 2013
>somehow makes this thread
i highly doubt it.


I need you to reply to me*
Whatever you need to believe. I also made pic related in probably 2014.

Attached: 1456752301863.jpg (1104x1600, 353K)

Also note none of you have said anything of note that isn't obvious
>people had nothing to do
>he was either one or several dozen people and was maybe blind or not
>that one guy assuring us he has plenty to say and doesn't
Yeah no way I could hold a candle to you mental titans

i'm sure you did.
how did you become like this, you seem pretty ignorant to everything Yea Forums, and you can't actually have a reasonable discussion with anyone in this thread, it's clear that you're not looking for an answer.
and you type and use phraseology that makes you seem like a 14-17 year old whose life is twitch and pewdiepie videos.

So what exactly are you looking for, an answer that is impossible to know?
You've had plenty of answers to literally everything youve asked, and all you can muster is to shit post and not even to respond to what is being written.

Sorry to hear about the video game streaming user, maybe you'll grow up one day
>So what exactly are you looking for, an answer that is impossible to know?
Yeah. Are you illiterate or something?

alright, i'm out


You people make me feel good about myself :)

>I have nothing to contribute whatsoever but I am better than both sides :)
brainlet. Imagine I posted that xkcd comic. You know the one. Oh no wait, you don't because you're like 17.

I know the one you mean, I'm well over the age of 20 and I feel pretty fucking good about my life, yeah :) Have fun being a miserable prick arguing on with strangers on the internet, but it won't make you happy boi.

Imagine I posted that image of the two trolls who are crying laughing, each calling the other one fuming mad. You know the one. Oh no wait, you don't because you're like a redditor.