In Shakespeare time elitists scruffed him off as vulgar and unrefined...

In Shakespeare time elitists scruffed him off as vulgar and unrefined, now he is considered the greatest writer of all time.

In 100 years Rupi Kuar will be remembered similarly as one of the leading poets of the century fusing the gap between technology, post modernism, minimalism and art

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Even plebs think her poetry is shit, though.

>comparing old culture to modern culture
yeah no, never do that please

>In Shakespeare time elitists scruffed him off as vulgar and unrefined

Shakespeare is still considered vulgar and unrefined. He's also (now and then) considered one of the (if not the) greatest poets of all time. These two things are not mutually exclusive.

rupi sounds like rupee
kaur sounds whore
there could be money in this
if i shill it some more
- rupi kaur

Shakespeare literally wrote and performed his plays for kings and queens, jagoff

>t. hasn't read Ben Jonson's long dedicatory poem to the First Folio edition, which indicates very strongly what S's contemporaries thought about him, nor reflected that King James co-opted the Lord Chamberlain's men largely because of the brilliance of its primary playwright.
Indeed his chief critics, like the brilliant Thomas Nashe, were even lower than him on the social totem pole.

"Slosh" by Rupi is so hot, brave and funny

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Everyone loves her though. Look at her goodreads. She's terrible and capitalizes on an illiterate epoch.

I bleed
out my vagina
and that makes
me interesting

Rupi knows exactly what she's doing

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Imagine sneaking into Women's restrooms at places popular with Indian women, all because you can readily imagine all the eliminations are Rupi haha

haha what do you think the smell would be like?! haha

Almost great. The writer needs a little more refinement. He doesn't have Shakespeare's GOLDEN BARBARITY. you're a cock. In case anyone is drawn in by the bait/stupidity, Ben Jonson and Samuel Johnson are enough this shit wrong. This:

that's why you never assume that things are good just because they are "classics"
you form your own opinions about things, don't be a sheep

why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this woman? there are hundreds of shitty instagram poets out there.

She has really beautiful feet and acts like a mommy dommy IRL

IDK about that my girlfriend unironically thinks she's good, I'd leave her already because of such shit taste but I don't think I can get anybody hotter than her

how is that a poem, at best it's an okay sentence

The beats, black mountain poets and bukowski all did it first. She will be know as the follower in the form. Not the creator

Modern poetry

I was in a similar situation as you. But we mutually broke up after we had a big argument when she tried to drag me to some gay protest on International women's day and I refused to go. I imagine your relationship will probably end the same way.


is that a joke? i get that footfags are somewhat mentally deranged but thats like some british women flexing with her teeth

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I believe in Gay rights though

Did you coin "golden barbarity?" I really like it.

Hundreds of widely published and hotcakes-selling shitty instagram poets out there?

This is Shakespeare-tier vulgar and unrefined.

user, this must be bait... This is much better than anything she wrote.

>In 100 years Rupi Kuar will be remembered similarly as one of the leading poets of the century fusing the gap between technology, post modernism, minimalism and art

Let's wait 100 years before writing this

What the fuck

Not him, but it's one thing to believe in gay rights, it's another to waste your time protesting for the sake of other people.

Intolerant dehumanizing experience invalidation like this should honestly be illegal, like you should seriously be docked a years worth of observedly not manspreading and ideating only female role models and representations of any imaginrd human being.


her forehead is so fucking small

I can only tell this is bait because I know she isn't this verbose

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>In Shakespeare time elitists scruffed him off as vulgar and unrefined,
meme. Sure he does vulgar and unrefined shit but he was still incredibly popular among elites and certainly plenty of them loved him, and old Ben Johnson knew he was eternal.

No the demonstration itself was gay in the figurative, not literal sense.

break up with her, it will give you the confidence to get higher standards

in shakes
speare's time
they shook weapons
he is a weapon
- rupi kaur

I broke up with a girlfriend way out of my league because she said art didn't have to be aethetically pleasing to be good.
No regrets.

i think you misspelled athletically

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Except it's not poetry. It's trash and it's cheap.

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>obvious bait
>everyone responds with juvenile criticisms
God, what is this, Yea Forums?
Rupi is not the first nor the last to use this style of writing. Comparing her to Shakespeare is like comparing Death Metal to classical music. Shakespeare's writing is famous for his strict rules, colorful language, creative metaphors, wit and charm. Rupi is famous for writing in a manner that allows the vast majority of common people to understand and make connections.
They each have their own strengths. Shakespearean poetry wouldn't be popular in modern culture.

Oh, i have so often caused these potential relationships to be nipped in the bud

>vast majority of common people to understand and make connections
interesting model of people you have there. are you from the Shekel & Crook publishing house?

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Oh wow, this is certainly a rational response.

Uhoh, ladies. We got one logical stud over here. I want to feel the first edition Sam Harris in my hands, hehe

More evidence to support my theory that Tarantino is unironicaly the modern day shakespeare

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Why are you even here, Semite? Isn't there a gilded scroll somewhere close? Try reading that instead with a glass of gentile blood and you'll calm down in a jiffy.

>both lifted entire plots, scenarios etc from things that came before them
>both loved by the masses and critics alike, but looked down on by snobs
>both masters of character and dialogue, imitated so much that it altered the medium

Video games and porn have ruined your ability to discern the rational.

Currently reading Michael Broers' "Napoleon The Spirit of The Age: 1805-1810"
Here's your (you)

Change in this to for me and it even rhymes.

Which would make it an obvious fake.

Holy shit that's hilarious. My gf goes to those protests all the time but respects my decision not to. Protesting is like a personal purge of societal ills, a way of absolving yourself of the crimes your society commits. Note that it doesn't actually STOP those ills from happening, it just makes you feel less guilty that its still going on. Evidently your gf was a virtue-signalling airhead and wanted you at her side as a token of her 'wokeness'