Woke up

>woke up
>browse internet, drink coffee
>go to retailcuck interview
>do some chores
>borrow modern non fiction book related to the pseudy one that I'm reading
>ate food
>somehow it's now 6:27 pm
>plan to go to shiny supermarket, buy binge food, binge, then go to gym at night

I'm bored as fuck. I have to give up junk food today or else my fatness will stay. My thighs are so fat when I'm sitting. I don't care where the fat goes, I just want it to go.

I'm wasting my freedom and NEETdom. But then I was miserable when working as well.

I looked at flights to America because I haven't been on holiday or abroad for around 5 years. But going on holiday by myself would be so pathetic and awkward. I went to New York on a family holiday many years ago and I don't remember much. I have never seen LA or Washington DC or anywhere inbetween.

I will never ever be working in finance in New York in the 90s. FML. I will never be in Silicon Valley right now.

Reading feels so pointless and pathetic. I felt so pretentious carrying a book from the library today. Books don't contain useful or profound knowledge and everybody knows it. Information is either hard won in academia or gleaned from Wikipedia/ online pages. Everything between those two, including books, is midwit shit. Reading is a consumercuck activity.

I looked at masters degrees online but they are like the midwit degrees between the normie bachelors and the autist PHD and they cost tonnes. Going back to university would make me feel like a loser. But my BS was boring bs.

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Just shut up and read.

what chores did you do?


Just end it mate, post a pic of your face

Literally every single thought you have is a depressing pile of shit.

Basically, just try to perform maintenance on your thoughts and where they are coming from. If they aren't good thoughts, or positive in any way, then don't even bother having them. Ya dig?


>Books don't contain useful or profound knowledge and everybody knows it. Information is either hard won in academia or gleaned from Wikipedia/ online pages. Everything between those two, including books, is midwit shit. Reading is a consumercuck activity.
I knew you were retarded, but this something else.
Do you genuinely think the most successful members of academia didn't read and write thousands and thousands of pages of literature regarding their field? How exactly do you think information is "hard won" in academia?

Literature takes on deeper meaning when it's discussed. I'm getting bored of the impersonal internet-talk, are you? Branching out of neetdom is hard but human relatedness is what's missing in this situation.

Writing is producerbulling. Writing for academic journals, which are competitive and confer high status, is super producerbulling. They read for the purpose of producerbulling.

Reading a book, shorn of all outside motivation, is pure consumercuckoldry.

I mean hard won through academic research (producerbulling). Or, if learning, done by university students living in their idyllic wonderlands. (Learning is between consumercucking and producerbulling).

>I have to give up junk food today or else my fatness will stay.
I recommend green tea. It's an appetite suppressant, and on top of that, it reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. Try to have it at least twice a day, in the morning and either the afternoon or evening.

>I have never seen LA or Washington DC or anywhere inbetween.
I recommend Vegas. No one cares if you're alone there, and the weather is perfect this time of year. Vegas isn't just casinos and shows; there's a whole city outside of the Strip. And mountains, the city is surrounded by mountains. Guarantee you've never seen anything like it if you've only ever been to London and NY. Do it at least for the sunshine, which you certainly don't get enough of in a country that rains 99% of the time.

>Do it at least for the sunshine, which you certainly don't get enough of in a country that rains 99% of the time.
It's possible that OP suffers from a condition where you feel depressed and miserable when you don't get enough sun. There are people like that, it's an actual condition. Or maybe it's all bullshit, I never looked it up but I heard about it.

Why don't you write yourself, then?

How many more of these EXACT same threads are we going to have?

You forgot to mention your ugly beta nofriends Paki-ness.

>Learning is between consumercucking and producerbulling
Jesus fucking shit this place is pathetic. What the fuck is it with pathetic, depressed losers and their inability to separate their reality from this fucking stupid and cartoonishly simplistic model of social hierarchy? Is it the blackpill?

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It's called lack of Vitamin D which your body produces if exposed to sunlight
also lowers your testosterone levels
can be supplemented though

Sunlight and warmth from its rays can have a psychological effect too, or a lack thereof can have an effect as well.

>I will never ever be working in finance in New York in the 90s. FML. I will never be in Silicon Valley right now.
This is a blessing.

I lived in DC for years. It's a shithole. LA is worse in a different way, at least the capital has some stately parts. NYC is an overpriced meme. These are all memes.

Stop desiring memes. Go look for a job and actually show up on time and do work instead of checking emails and leaving after 15 minutes. How did you even manage to hang on to that job for so long.

model of social hierarchy is simplistic, with or without londonfrog, some people get rich and fuck and others eat shit and die.

>Reading a book, shorn of all outside motivation, is pure consumercuckoldry
Kill yourself.

Yeah, sometimes bad things happen, sometimes good things happen. Doesn't make you any less of a dysfunctional faggot for filtering everything through this 'cuck vs bull' mentality.


The most infuriating aspect of Londonfrog isn't his repetitiveness, it's that there is no refutation of what he says.

didn't you get a gf a few posts back

you reek of non-existent willpower.
grab yourself by the balls if you still have any left and transcend the fleshly desires.
and don't you fucking fall for christian asketism meme, that's meant for balding old men who are afraid of rawdogging all the pleasures out of life.
some hunger and some pain will coarse your personality to a crispy fresh point, making you, for once, worthy of being called Human.

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