Is it complete bullshit or is it worth reading?

Is it complete bullshit or is it worth reading?

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Every very rich person I know who didn’t inherit it works 60+ hour weeks

they suck at money management

It's called filing for SSDI and living the life of a welfare king.

being rich is overrated

I'm reading it right now, it's kinda common sense shit like they all are, but if you're in a transitional stage of your life (aka you wanna shoot yourself in your 9-5) and need something to push you to take the leap, reading this might give you enough confidence. If you're already an entrepreneur then you'll probably read this and say "yeah duh, but how"



who said anything about being rich?

true wealth is maximum amount of leisure time for minimum labour. I have a job that doesn't even give a damn if I show up. If I do appear, they pay me, but if I don't, I ain't getting fired. I live very frugally. Saving money is much easier than earning it.

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At some point he says you should get an assistant to pay the bills for you.
I don't get it, is it an American thing? Why would paying the bills take any significant time or effort? It's all automatic once you've set it up.

What kind of job is that?

>who said anything about being rich?
the book

"new rich"

wealth defined as happiness, rather than the antiquated view that wealth is how many dollars you have.

I'd return the book if he defined new rich as that. I don't want happiness I want money

I'm a corporate chauffeur for a large company. Think of it like, this company always needs it's important people to be places, so they have many chauffeurs. If you feel like working that day, go sit in the garage and wait for someone to request a ride.

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>buying worthless books

you failed the first test of making money

nah, 4 hour body is ok though, and 4 hour chef is better but i probably wouldn't bother with any of them.

that's actually a good thing, now that I know I can focus on achieving happiness I won't have to waste time reading "how to become a millionaire" books like the OP

He only has to work four hours a week because he makes a living selling books to idiots.

the kicker is that he doesnt work 4 hours a week, he works like a fucking madman to achieve his goals and lies about it.

For me it's being an academic
Nobody gives a fuck if I come in or not
Then again the pay is shit and the place is full of narcissistic nerds

>join the new rich!
Pleb NPCs literally admitting that they're pleb NPCs

Only post ITT that actually summarizes the book.

how many very rich people could you possibly know?

academia is a scheme

>Not having the social connections provided by an elite university education.

NEET life master race

This must be true to some degree

>New Rich


It is but I get to access enormous libraries for free and look at gorgeous young women all day while people rarely bother me because nobody else here works on the same stuff I do
I'll leave one day when they catch on but until then I might as well live a carefree life and suck as much cash out of them as I can

This is great, what specifically do you work with and how easy is it to do this/become an academic?

>the book that is usually placed next to 12 rules for life in stores
what do you think

>judging the book by its cover
>judging a book by the cover of the book next to it in the store

Money management can't help the human element. Hiring dummies who can't read your mind to do work for you only ends in disaster. I can't be replaced in a lot of business functions.

Of course it is a scam! Think about this, a professor holds their job for 30 years, they produce a new phd every year (that's their job and they need lackeys to do the work), there are approximately zero new professorships created per year (because how many universities are built per year?) So your odds are about 1 in 30.
(Un)fortunately not all departments are static. So you can improve a little by choosing a growing field. But the only way to get reasonable odds is go into a field where most people go to industry. Such as be a geologist because the oil and mining industry takes most.
Real life example: be me, tiny college you've never heard of in the middle of a rape forest. Get 200+ applicaions to the fine arts assistant professorship. Get 2 applications to the industrial design professorship, and both turn it down for better positions elsewhere.