187 iq

>187 iq
>read Gravity's Rainbow when I was 9 and Ulysses when I was 12
>finished masters in philosophy when I was 15
>read all of lits top 100 books in two months bc I was bored
>lost the joy of reading bc every work of literature is intellectually boring
>want to enjoy lit again
>what do?

Attached: 1537617792113.png (396x385, 119K)

I'll take bullshit that never happened for 500 Alex.

Hyperbolic greentexts are supposed to be funny. This one is just hyperbolic.

Stoped reading there

start with garfield comics

very low effort post.

Attached: 128 - v0uZekT.jpg (282x513, 39K)

I thought this would happen but I'm still hoping that at least one user will give a serious reply. I'm not being hyperbolic.

Have you tried reading purely for pleasure?

Reading a page a second you still couldn't read the first 100 books.

Read for aesthetic enjoyment not intellectual enjoyment, pleb

Dude, if you had 187 IQ you'd be the subject of a Time Magazine article at least.

>i’m a super genius
>i could’nt intuit the direction this thread was going to take
>was expecting serious replies!

the lies are piling up fast, user. is this truly the world you wish to make?

>still in denial of his shitty greentext
not gonna make it

Seeing as you got your masters and not doctorate it's likely you are good at learning and memorizing not creative thinking. You are probably too autistic to enjoy literature and art.

>read all of lits top 100 books in two months bc I was bored
You fucked up here, the math just doesn’t work

been on /sci/ too much aswell i see

>monkey with typewriter
>infinite life
>wrote out every great work of literature, wasn’t even trying
>what next?

Did you read Spengler yet? Did you understand him?

I've seen ridiculous posts where a small amount of comments will actually give answers. I said clearly that I expected the jokes you fucking fag.

Of course I had read a few of the titles before I took on the challenge.

I'm planning on getting my doctorate next year. I'm taking a break from academics bc of some other issues

You most likely wouldn't since a psychologist reporting that information would be an ethics breach and any sensible parent wouldn't broadcast their child's IQ to a wide audience.

Late Henry James Novels
Finnegan’s Wake
Absalom, Absalom!
The Man Without Qualities
Manhattan Transfer (Maybe other Dos Passos if you find him to your liking)

That’s the hardest stuff I’ve read. I really like Dos Passos but he is odd

>i can think myself out of a self-imposed box, i swear!

ok smarty man big boy you put those briefs on and get to doing something with yourself. play outside or something.

>200+ IQ
>read all the western canon at age 10
>read Artemis Fowl at age 11
>phd in philosophy at age 13, around same time I got my second masters in electrical engineering
>6'2'' tall, 10'' cock with 7'' girth
>fit, head full of hair, making millions every year while working 3h a week
>decide to take the train one day in one of my wanderings around the city
>see person reading in the train
>quickly make a thread about it on Yea Forums using a random image I received probably from one of the hundreds of chicks craving my cock every day
>someone replies with "bugs.. easy on the carrots"
>thread gets derailed
>I never recover from the humiliation
>lose 96 IQ points that very moment


user clearly has no qualms about broadcasting his IQ. Also what good is IQ if you're just going to waste your life shitposting. For fuck's sake, cure cancer.

Drink alcohol.

No, pls. Don't cure cancer! I will eventually get it and I don't want a cure.