Introduce me into Italian literature

Introduce me into Italian literature

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Have you heard about this fella called "Dante Alighieri"?

read divine comedy aka glorified cathcuck fanfiction made by some horny incel who's self insert is the most overrated book of all time. that's literally it.

>Caesar's commentaries on the Gallic Wars and Civil Wars.
>Some popes or whatever
>Some medieval poets or whatever
Did I miss anything?

Italianfag here.
Start with Dante, petrarca, boccaccio and their Florence friends (Guinizelli etc..).
Then go through Renassaince-mannerism (Machiavelli, Ariosto, Boiardo, Galileo)
After that you are ready to read some 1700shit like: Beccaria, Goldoni, Parini. Vittorio Alfieri and Ugo Foscoli are very nice. Then you'll have to read Leopardi and Manzoni (~1800). Remember thar Leopardi and Manzoni are fundamental for our literature.
Nice and important authors 1800-1900: Giovanni Pascoli, d'Annunzio, Emilio Praga, Italo Svevo.
1900: Pirandello, Moravia, Montale.

Thanks, I needed your input

I hear The Leopard is good, although I haven't read it

how can i impress an italian girl lads, i'm in love and it hurts

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depends, which region is she from?

by being funny and having a big dick. i seriously hope you're not about to go on some autistic crusade on italian poetry so you can """impress""" her with your knowledge you fucking pup

of course not, it's just that i know nothing about italians in general. i am funny, we joke around a lot but i just can't seem to go further than that

Unironically try this . Also, they fucking love a good cook. But you can’t compete with italians in these things. Just be a barbarian and antiitalian as possible and you will win enough exotic points to get her.

ok so you completed the being funny part now do the big dick part. follow chad's principle (she's into you until proven otherwise) ((even if she says she isnt she's just playing hard to get)) (((just fuck her bro)))

DON'T make mafia jokes. Sicilians get enough of them fro the rest of the Italian population. She might be cool with it, but I would not risk it.

Other than that knowing a little bit of the history of the island would be good. Something like the Greek colonization, the Arabs and Normans conquest, the expeditions of the 1000....

have a decent job, it's all it takes nowadays

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Thanks for this

This list is fucking awful. Half of these books are post modern commie trash written for a pretentious intellectual elite that has lost any trace of Italian spirit. Just read the epic poems, manzoni, leopardi, Calvino, Pirandello, Verga(this is a one of my favourites), but for the love of God ignore the rest, unless of course you're a pretentious postmodern commie yourself.

any nice modern recs? not really into epic poems.

>postmodern commie
I thought this meme was extinct.

Thanks Jordan!

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This is a solid list. One of my favourite books that's missing from it is "La Luna e i Falò" by Cesare Pavese.

If you like poetry, I would also recommend Gozzano and Mari.

I've read it and it is

it's great