Why does Yea Forums seem to hate the Aeneid so much?

Why does Yea Forums seem to hate the Aeneid so much?

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Because it's a fanfic.

So is Paradise Lost or the Divine Comedy and people seem to enjoy and even admire those works here.

An adaption of mythology is fanfic? There goes Ovid, there goes all Greek tragedy, there goes Homer

And nothing of value was lost.

But I loved Aeneid.

Why does Yea Forums not know of Ossian at all?

good. ancient comic books are nothing to be proud of

Sadly, Yea Forums is a Neo-Carthaginian board.

The Aeneid is good, but not everyone on lit is well adjusted.

Because Aeneas is a super twat in the Iliad, he gets his crap pushed in multiple times in the book but is protected by the gods from death. And now we're suddenly supposed to root for a pussy, while all the chads are dead or soon will be.
Bad character choice by Virgil for his fan fic

>Neo-Carthaginian board.
No one here warships Bal or is pro Phoencian

Because Yea Forums generally has basic taste.

I know of it. But is it really worth reading? I read some passages and they seemed like overblown romanticist pap.

>Because Aeneas is a super twat in the Iliad, he gets his crap pushed in multiple times in the book but is protected by the gods from death. And now we're suddenly supposed to root for a pussy
Genre-fiction tier understanding of literature that is so deeply concerned with such banal matters. Different writers will treat and portray characters in different ways.

>Genre-fiction tier understanding of literature that is so deeply concerned with such banal matters.
Lmao you shit on Yea Forums for being basic, yet you talk like a typical teenage Yea Forums drone. Laughable.

>Different writers will treat and portray characters in different ways.
Oh dear, I've angered the pseud who thinks Virgil's work is actually a worthy sequel to Homer's.

I like it.

I love it. People here get off on the "ancient comic books" meme while wanking off to meaningless post-modern bullshit because they are sad and jaded nihilists with literally nothing going for them in their lives.

Stories like the Aeneid are fundamentally incomprehensible to these type of people because they present the world as meaningful.

I love The Aeneid. I think it's actually better than The Iliad.

But is it better than the Odyssey

Because relative to Homer it's a modern poem which means its translation into English all but kills it as a result. To really appreciate it one has to have a good feel for (and knowledge of) poetry and the ability to read poetic Latin. To gain a sense of this read W. F. Jackson Knight's Roman Vergil- strong rec to whomever's legitimately interested.

Fanfiction of fanfiction

I wouldn't go this far, but it is far more influential on the subsequent history of Western verse than either Homeric epic beginning with Dante and Petrarch.

The characters are more plastic and the emotions are far shallower. Having your whole work point at a glorious national founding kind of conflicts with the attempts to insert tragedy. The Iliad on the other hand is a more complete tragedy showing how individuals struggle to act in a world of fate. Aeneas is just a wining bitch ordered around by the gods

I only know it because Goethe decided to plop his translation of it into the middle of Werther and stall the story


Much of Virgil's later fame rests on his impeccable command of Latin. All of which gets lost on translation, so unlike the previous generations who could understand Latin and therefore appreciate the sheer technical skill and loftiness of expression, the modern reader has to draw his conclusions from the content alone. And structure-wise both the Iliad and the Odyssey have the Aeneid beat, partly no doubt thanks to being oral works worked on by several generations of poets adding their own touch whereas Virgil died before finishing his magnum opus. But the result is inevitably that the Iliad weaves through the battlefield in a manner much more efficient and interesting than the Aeneid does and populates it with side characters that have more personality than the main character of Aeneid. Odyssey meanwhile features plotholes that Virgil rightly mocks, but then again, for purposes of entertainment, Odysseus' misadventures are far more exciting than Aeneas making good calls time after time.

And as says, the need to write propaganda for the new establishment and an exemplary role model for Roman citizens in and of itself makes the Aeneid duller by comparison. Of course, if one values the moralistic bent of Virgil, then sure the Aeneid is the better work and many later Europeans no doubt preferred it for that exact reason. However, our modern zeitgeist tends toward appreciation for Homer's flawed characters and their struggles, so it's no surprise Yea Forums also prefers them by and large. Homeric themes are also more timeless and nuanced, again no doubt due to the fact that several generations worked on them and brought their own touch with them. Against that, Virgil under the pressures of Augustan propaganda and his own untimely death could not compete.

Stop trying to force this meme

only trannies hate Virgil



Virgil prophesied the coming of Christ. That is the sole reason they screech so fiercely against him, no more, no less.


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