So this is the power of a french person doing a catch-22 impersonation

So this is the power of a french person doing a catch-22 impersonation...

Attached: 57F47614-DD25-434F-B47A-1C9AEFBCAAB2.jpg (220x343, 39K)

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for the first 45 pages maybe

it also precedes catch22 but im sure youre baiting anyway

>Catch 22
>published 1961

OP is either retarded or this is low quality bait.

Yea Forums only started posting about Celine after I read him. I don't know what you guys are up to or why you didn't post about him before I read him, but I'm on to you.

Attached: camusceline.png (2518x1024, 275K)

Why do people even try to read frenchfaggotry? Literally nothing of literary goodness ever popped out of this shithole.

I don't like reading French books since I have no idea how to pronounce any of the names of people, places, etc.

>That time IRL when Celine and Jünger were dinning together during WWII

it's a great book. but american nerds in their 20s with no life experience (and none to come, ever) won't get it.

this is you?

I've never heard of this. Got a link to anything written on that meeting?
This might be true. I finished it a couple weeks ago, and while I enjoyed many parts of it, the whole thing ends extremely abruptly for such a drawn out novel. I was bored by the end and was disappointed with its conclusion.

>caring about conclusions
not gonna make it, la

But a man deserves a conclusion after 500 pages of nonsense, does he not... it is unthinkable! Truly! ...After no shortage of ellipses filled rants, I tell you! It's true! Don't you agree? ...A man can only endure so much... and to be not given a conclusion, Bardamu... truly that man is nearer to the end of the night than the rest...

>500 pages of nonsense
more like 500 pages of sense

based and celinepilled

Is it a well known book in America ?
Like a must read with huge talks and analysis in University ?

>n December 7, 1941, as the world reeled from the shock of the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor, Ernst Jünger, stationed with the German occupying forces in Paris, dropped by the Institut allemand in Paris and had a shock of his own. Céline was there, we read in Jünger's war diary, and proceeded to deliver himself of a diatribe on Germany's undue leniency in its policy toward the Jews. "If the Bolsheviks were in Paris, they would let you see how things are done; they'd show you how to cleanse a population, neighborhood by neighborhood, house by house. If I had a bayonet, I'd know what had to be done."

I like this book but goddamn if the first bit after he leaves New York and ends up in France against isn’t boring as fuck.

isn't that when he visits the girl hemorrhaging from a back-alley abortion with her mother in hysterics and father staring dumbly at his feet? That was my favorite part, that and the guy who likes watching the girls at the lycee

and then the old woman Raymond's trying to snuff out, and his bomb goes off in his face, and she spends her days taking tourists through the crypts, thumping on the wizened chests of the interred? Great stuff

he watches her bleeding to death, and he's like, you need to take her to the hospital, and the mother won't have it, can't bear the shame, then he's like, i remembered i put my beans on to boil, and heads home, fuckin riot, 'did i leave the stove on?' blood seeps through the linens, 'shit, i did, well, i'm off.'

The part where they're in the South of France was great. Most of the stuff in Vanchy was incredibly boring.

pretty good book, but the author loves dwelling on the fact that he's a bitch with a bitch attitude. it was pretty funny though. i just remember something about the boat ride to NY and fleas being hilarious.