Is this just r/iamverysmart the book?

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It really is a fine book for a freshman in college or a high school student. All of his other work is better than this, he is a great thinker, it is sad that this is his most popular work.


Idk... I'm going to keep reading it I guess. I started I Am A Strange Loop and I physically cringed and put the book down when he refers to me as "my dear reader." So fucking condescending. Plus he starts the book with a dialogue that he wrote as a teenager. He makes sure that everyone knows that he was a teenager when he wrote it and that he sees it as immature now. The whole beginning of the book is more about him than his ideas.

I'll probably slog through GEB, but IDK if I can get through Strange Loop. What other works of his would you recommend?

I studied under him at the university he is currently at, and am a fan, so maybe I am biased but I think a lot of his research is brilliant. The fact that you are reading his pop-sci books really doesn't reflect on the work that he has accomplished. Try reading Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies, or Le Ton beau de Marot.

That view is as tiered as OPs.

>my dear reader
It is kind of the point of IAASL, it is the spoon fed pop sci version of GEB.

forget the rec, Le Ton beau de Marot is my favorite, amazing work.

>tells guy to 'forget the rec'
>recommends the same thing he just said to ignore.

that guy's clearly retarded, ignore him
I would recommend you read Le Ton beau de Marot instead, incredible book and decidedly worth your time

that is 'forgot the rec'

>I would recommend you read Le Ton beau de Marot instead
>Try reading Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies, or Le Ton beau de Marot.

>that guy's clearly retarded,
>I studied under him[hofstadter] at [university]

I think you are the retarded one bud. Guy seems alright to me.

Lighten up, they were just having a little fun with my typo, this is Yea Forums after all, we play with language. It is also very fitting being done in reference to Le Ton beau de Marot which is all about language.

I wanted to read this to help me understand music better, being someone who does not play an instrument.

this is one of those cases where "I DON'T LIKE THING BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO LIKE THING," a meme that led to a strange hatedom towards Rick and Morty, Undertale, and other pieces of media that really don't deserve to be crucified. GEB and Hofstadter himself are not /r/iamverysmart, and while its primary readers are, that's not the fault of the book or the author

haven't had a genuine interest in 4 years

It will not really help you understand music, just a few ideas. Learning to read sheet music and getting a book on music analysis would help there, but you really need some sort of instrument to go with it so you can connect actual pitches to the notes on the page, otherwise it is purely academic.

Perhaps, but it is not really crucified, it is just the same one or two lines repeated, more of a slap across the face than crucifixion. I would love to see some actually dismantle it and properly crucify it, I doubt I would agree with them, but it would be interesting and considerably more productive than repeating a meme.

if you don't know anything about music theory, all you'll likely learn is the difference between a canon and a fugue, not much else

Reading about music is like hula hooping about sex.

says someone who does not read, play music, hula hoop, or have sex?

I usually don't like the "have sex" meme, but absolutely btfo

It was a terrible simile that said nothing, 'hula hooping about sex?' Reading about music is vital to music, many of the ideas in music can not be communicated without a secondary language, music is a secondary language that builds and complements the primary language, without the primary language you end up with Phish.

It's a good food for thought book. I took me a long time to read because I would keep getting ideas while reading.

It isn't particularly deep but, for its breadth of coverage (music, art, recursion/induction, incompleteness theorem, artificial intelligence, DNA, logic) its depth and ability to link together such diverse topics makes it worth reading.

The dialogues are quite clever and serve as a nice conclusion/introduction to each chapter.

it's a book by a 20yo, it's a good "youthful excess"

I'm pretty sure he was 30 when he wrote it. He wouldn't have the maturity to write something like that at 20. That being said, 20 is about the ideal age to read it.

no, people hate the fanbases of those things for being obnoxious

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very interdasting

Yes a little bit.
But it's also very stimulating and a great book to read
I've also read his other book Anelli nell'Io (sorry I'm italian and I don't know the english name for this one) also a well made book and worth reading

You can read all you want about music but you dont know anything about it until you listen to it. You can read all about how minor chords sound sad, but until you experience it directly you won't understand it.

For instance: I am a hula hoop state champ but somehow I'm still a virgin.

>I studied under him at the university he is currently at, and am a fan
Why are you on Yea Forums? You clearly belong on reddit. Not trying to be a dick, but it's quite obvious you don't belong here. Something for your consideration.

nah fuck off faggot, if I want to say that I've met the guy personally I can fucko. He is a nice guy.

Phish are extremely accomplished, trained musicians and for someone who's this self-aggrandizing about music you sure are a retard. You don't have to like them to not be a retard.

It comes across as being weird for the sake of being weird, it is vague about its meaning and does not really suggest anything interesting with its vagueness. It probably would go over well on the hula circuit though.

I did not actually say anything against Phish, jam bands are just a great example of the result of focusing purely on musical aspects and shoving aside what the other languages; spoken, written, mathematical, bring to the mix. While not a fan of Phish, I do not mind them as long as I do not hear those inane lyrics.

Replay Undertale and tell me it wasn't over hyped trash.

>over hyped

I found the simile to be funny and at least somewhat illuminating. Would you please provide another simile that expresses the same point in a less weird and less vague way?

Listen to them do Reba live. It's performed the same way each time. Yes I know the falsetto singing is gay, it's only in the beginning of the song.

Also jam bands like phish, the dead, moe, umphreys, widespread etc have structures and sometimes complexly so songs, it's just any one of them can be used to launch into a half hour improv session. I fucking HATE Prince Capsian by Phish but they performed a version at Magnaball that blew my mind.

Within the context of this thread I do not think it can be done well, it is stating the obvious, and it is a rebuttal to a statement user clearly did not read fully or did not comprehend, it is a simile meant to make the post sound smart. I said reading was vital to music and the two languages build on each other, I did not say one or the other is all you need to be fluent. Spoken and written language are what allowed music to develop beyond simple structures, they allowed us to codify a framework which we could build exceedingly complex works within and on, you are unlikely to grasp all the ideas without another language. A simile expressing the obvious could be well used and formed at times, to obfuscate the obvious and suggest at something other, but in this case it is hard to see it as anything but rhetoric.

Hah, phish fans are the Mormons of the music world, just have to admit not hating them and they start on the conversion. I love how the recommendations always come with a disclaimer about everything that sucks about it. In the end it is the fans I like most about phish, they are fun people and generally have a good sense of humor about their obsession.

I'm not really a phish fan. They charge $100 a ticket these days and play songs they know people don't like on purpose. Vastly prefer moe. I'm saying that talking about muh music language/knowlege/secondary language etc and then trying to bash phish in the same breathe is pants on head retarded.

It has real insights that can be genuinely helpful.

Ton Beau is AIDS. He has no idea what he's talking about. Avoid it.

>It has real insights that can be genuinely helpful.
pretty based, if I do say so myse-
>Ton Beau is AIDS. He has no idea what he's talking about. Avoid it.

He does demonstrably surface level research for chunks of that book, and supersaturates it with personal vignettes far more often than he actually drops any wisdom.

His 201(7?) essay on Google translate got me excited, it's a wonderful article. But every page of Ton Beau reeked of amateurish, biased 'research'.

>wanting unbiased research

/r/iamverysmart is for wannabe popular kids to reassure themselves and all others like them that nerdy kids have something wrong with them

It's just new age bullying

And if I see this on /r/iamverysmart you're a faggot

You're going to spit IYI pseudobabble at me regardless so I shouldn't reply, but I'll make one more. You can't eliminate things like bias, but you can filter them based on things like magnitude of error and explaining the basis of your research, where it diverges from concrete observation to guesswork, etc. If not, and if we just say 'lol oxymoron' (postmodernist, diminutive brained bullshit), any medical paper typed up by your local geechee healer or negative ion / healing crystal dealer would be accepted into a top medical journal. (A different flavor of this actually happens today.)

Say I have a book about general physics, and on the first page I say "this book will describe basic newtonian physics. It will not describe subatomic systems, you need quantum mechanics for that." Then someone comes along, ignores the intro, and reads a page discussing why a brick falls and says "WELL THAT'S NOT TRUE FOR A SUBATOMIC SYSTEM, THEREFORE THIS BOOK IS RETARDED AND I'M OFFENDED."

The error is obvious to anyone who hasn't made huffing paint a hobby, and The Hoff makes it often.

You won't read this, but someone will. See ya.

stopped reading, have a nice day

Great book. It introduces the reader to a lot of modern concepts such as basic programming, logic, etc. The introduction to each is pretty basic, but its great to get started.

is nobody going to call op a faggot for this

This is bullshit. The amount of material he learned well, even at the age of 27-28 is pretty incredible. What people understand that much at that age?

I emailed him and he responded. But I didn’t think he took graduate students. This is IU?

Also, GEB is very good. Strange Loop is the fast and easy version.

Fuck off.

The music part is only an analogy for consciousness

you think that's bad? did you read


Kys, that subreddit is gay and so are you

I started with Metamagical Themas and I enjoyed reading that anthology. I got lost in GEB but I want to pick it back up.

>specifying the subreddit
it's reddit the book OP, and you are reddit the poster

Are you really that hurt? I never bashed Phish, I just said you would end up sounding like Phish if you just focused on playing and spent no time developing the theory. There are sacrifices to be made if your primary interests are jamming, that is a simple fact apparent even to Phish, there is a limit to how complex your structure and harmonies can be if you want to be able to improv and jam over them, this is why Phish plays some songs the same, every time, they are too complex to effectively take into improv. Phish knows what the audience wants, going into a 30 minute requiem in the middle of a show is not going to go over well, any more than attempting to improv a rock opera or double fugue. The format imposes limitations and they are good enough musicians and performers to realize this.
