Daily reminder he wasn't a nihilist

daily reminder he wasn't a nihilist

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Everyone already knew this. No point in making a thread about it.

how can we overcome nihilism then?

not these guys *archived thread*

I'm the op of that thread. Why he's not a nihilist?

He was an active nihilist

Daily reminder that if you reject God you're, at best, a nihilist in denial.

He's definitely a nihilist. He tried to conquer life knowing this but he accepted nihilism was the one truth. He wasn't particularly savior either, he went mad by promoting his nonsense empiricism and epicureanism ubermensch garbage. His philosophy is more a longing to not be crazy which inevitably he ends up at anyways

>Man hat nur spät den Muth zu dem, was man eigentlich weiß. Daß ich von Grund aus bisher Nihilist gewesen bin, das habe ich mir erst seit Kurzem eingestanden: die Energie, der Radikalism, mit der ich als Nihilist vorwärts gieng, täuschte mich über diese Grundthatsache. Wenn man einem Ziele entgegengeht, so scheint es unmöglich, daß „die Ziellosigkeit an sich“ unser Glaubensgrundsatz ist.

>that i have been fundamentally a nihilist, i have admitted to myself only recently

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He was close to being a nihilist with his ethics. I remember reading his thoughts on how ethics was just a manner of aesthetics. In other words, what is right is the kind of thing we would like according to our personality and what we think "looks good".

>hurr durr
He wasn't a nihilist.

Just before he went insane, crazy how that works

Read I don't understand how you can read him and not know this

yeah he was a philosopher of nihilism. not unreasonable reccs.

His mustache was his magnum opus. Change my mind.

"as the first perfect European nihilist, but as one who has already outlived the nihilism he contains within himself - who has left it behind him, considers it beneath him, no longer a part of him..."

I fucking swear it's like none of you niggers have ever even read Nietzsche.

he took Schopenhauers premise that life is a shit of endless suffering. But then added "what does not kill me makes me stronger:

If you read Schopenhauer, you’ll find ascetic life, voluntary chastity and the will to nothingness as the pillars of his writings. For Nietzsche, how Schopenhauer viewed the world said more about Schopenhauer than about the world. Nietzsche also pointed about that while following his denial of material pleasures, and following ascetism, and voluntary chastity, Schopenhauer wasn’t denying the will, because to will nothingness was still a willing. So Nietzsche said that Schopenhauer would rather will nothingness than not will at all. There lies the paradox.

He founded will to power.

could you go back to Yea Forums?

>seeker pretending to be a knower
he never went beyond self-diagnosis

schopenhauer wasnt INTJ enough to apply his intellectual pessimism to every aspect of life like a sperg.

Founded will to power--> try to implement (fail) --> nihilism

It's not something you "implement." It exists a priori just like God does for Christians. It's the perfect natural foil to Christianity.

Not true, explain decedance and degeneracy in people.

Nietzsche explains it himself. Degeneracy is natural; where life is elevated, degeneracy appears in reaction to it from the weaker lifeforms. He instructs people not to fight degeneracy as a result, but instead to fight the contagion of health.


"God is dead," is not the same as, "There is no God."

I didn't, I said it in the OP.

no, I'm good here.

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I'm INTJ, I'm very pessimistic, is that a INTJ thing?

Maybe that's why I'm reading about nihilism then?

convinced a buddhacuck at the bar the other night that nietzsche wasn't a nihilist
big win boys

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No its an autistic thing

That's not very hard to do at all. Not very big win for you.

Nobody is asking the real questions...

Why do you do that?

Do you want to be part of a special group or something?


"What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism. For sometime now, our whole European culture has been moving as toward a catastrophe, with a tortured tension that is growing from decade to decade: like a river that wants to reach the end, that no longer reflects, that is afraid to reflect. For why has the advent of nihilism become necessary? Because the values we have had hitherto thus draw their final consequence; because nihilism represents the ultimate logical conclusion of our great values and ideals-because we must experience nihilism before we can find out what value these "values" really had.- We require, sometime, new values. Nihilism stands at the door: whence comes this uncanniest of all guests? it is an error to consider "social distress" or "physiological degeneration" or, worse, corruption, as the cause of nihilism. Distress, whether of the soul, body, or intellect, cannot of itself give birth to nihilism (Le., the radical repudiation of value, meaning, and desirability). Rather: it is in one particular interpretation, the Christian-moral one, that nihilism is rooted. The end of Christianity-at the hands of its own morality (which cannot be replaced), which turns against the Christian God (the sense of truthfulness is nauseated by the falseness and mendaciousness of all Christian interpretations of the world and of history; rebound from "God is truth" to the fanatical faith "All is false.") Skepticism regarding morality is what is decisive. The end of the moral interpretation of the world, which no longer has any sanction after it has tried to escape into some beyond, leads tonihilism. "Everything lacks meaning" (the untenability of one interpretation of the world, upon which a tremendous amount of energy has been lavished, awakens the suspicion that all interpretations of the world are false). The nihilistic consequences of contemporary natural science (together with its attempts to escape into some beyond). The industry of its pursuit eventually leads to self-disintegration, opposition, an antiscientific mentality. Since Copernicus man has been rolling from the center toward X. The nihilistic consequences of the ways of thinking in politics and economics, where all "principles" are practically histrionic: the air of mediocrity, wretchedness, dishonesty, etc. Nationalism. Anarchism, etc. Punishment. The position of art: its position in the modern world absolutely lacking in originality. Its decline into gloom."

Sympathy for despair? Check. Critique of Christianity? You bet. Skepticism of the benefits of scientific progression? Without a doubt. Advocating nihilism? Not in the slightest.

he was literally just mad because he couldn't get some roastie or something

but he dead!

And I will never will

tranny freak

Its an INT thing

>debating "nihilism" without elaborating the kind of nihilism you mean
>disagreeing with another's opinion on a matter related to nihilism without knowing what kind of nihilism he means
It's like two retards coming up with their own names for apples, bapples and capples, and are now calling the other retarded for calling their bapple/capple a capple/bapple. Literally kill yourselves.

Death of Christian morality paves the way for nihilism

but he is a man that fought with nihilism and believes it should be taken seriously

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I heard that INFJs are like this too, but they go crazy with feeling stuff.

I didn't believe that MBTI thing, but there're some stuff that are incredibily fitting, like, Introverted/extroverted and Perceiver/Judger.

He wasn't a nihilist but he was a moral nihilist which ends up the same way.

Read beyond good and evil if you wanna learn more

Am I just supposed to read Nietzsche chronologically? I see Birth of Tragedy is first but I don't understand why anyone would read that when both scholars of Greek and Nietzsche himself realized the work was heavily flawed

Christian morality IS nihilism as far as Nietzsche is concerned. And it "paves the way" for it only because the removal of any value system does.

there is a difference in dissatisfaction with institutional moral codes established on denial of life and denial of self, believing in a code of moral strength which has yet to be prophesied, and frustrated rejection of the world at large, perceiving existence as wholly illusory, sensation as deception, value as meaningless. Adolescents too clever for their own good, violent, misanthropic revolutionaries, executioners of the spirit, hasty, impatient commandeers of the naively trusting, rapists, these are the types who would use any excuse to pronounce life as meaningless and sacrifice all of humanity on the altar of their personal vanity.

Nihilists reject any kind of meaning or purpose to life, while Nietzsche's philosophy is based around "the proper way to live", therefore he's inherently anti-nihilists. He preaches the creation of new values, rather than the destruction of all values.

But doesn't he say that by creating your OWN rules?

So you're not following society, but yourself, since everything lacks a purpose, so it's okay to do your own rules. I think he's recongnizing he's a human, after all.

Read his section on The Birth of Tragedy in Ecce Homo and then dive into it. It's still an essential read with some excellent points made.

>everything lacks a purpose
b-but nietzsche's purpose is the superman

I'm a newbie, but isn't this ubermench thing exists because you've created your own purpose, so you're a superior man now?

So if everything lacks a purpose, or meaning or anything, at least you have your own purpose, even if it's meanless, thus you're an ubermench.

That's why it's an active nihilism. You're just embracing your human nature.