ITT: Pitch your book

ITT: Pitch your book.

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Inspired by John Ashbery's Daffy Duck in Hollywood.

The setting is an idealized Los Angeles with robust public transport. The main characters are a duck couple and their three boys, and their neighbors, a single father duck with his two duck girls. There is also a lesbian teenage duck.

I'll probably change some details to avoid being sued by Disney.

Main themes include romantic crushes, burgeoning sexuality and gender roles. I haven't thought of a good plot, I just have some scenes in mind.

Called Ducks in Hollywood.

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I'm writing a book about 18 year old twins, brother and sister. They're both transgender and they narrate. The brother meets an out trans girl and some cis lesbians. Before he transitions, he has a relationship with one of the lesbians. The sister finds a boy with a violent plot.

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I've got 18K words already (more than I've ever done in one work) and I'm not even 1/3. I realize it won't be long, but essentially, it is an extrapolation on stirner's spooks, but also other philosophical shit as I see fit, and with the later parts of the book being a political work something akin to plato's republic.
The basic points so far
>thought is the limiting factor of reality (which is different than existence)
>thoughts originate in the mind
>the mind is influenced by several influences, namely the primality (instincts mostly), the psyche (internalized external thoughts (such as morality) or rationalized instincts
>the will
>each are generally in conflict for influence over the mind, and the proportion of each is dependent on the individual
>no thought inherently carries more weight than another; it is only a matter of value (i.e. aligning with desires) provided by the influence that governs the weight of a thought
>the will possesses an inherent appreciation for *some* thought
>it can be any thought the mind can comprehend
>and if the will is the only or most powerful influence on the mind, then the actions of a person will be done to approach that thought in reality
Basically, it's an extended metaphor for, "do what you want" but I genuinely believe there is more to it

Is this nonfiction?

Supposed to be but I don't really care how it's viewed


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>I haven't thought of a good plot, I just have some scenes in mind.

It's already in a better shape than most movies that came out last year.

Do you think the book could be kino?

A preacher in a small town adopts a boy who starts having nightmares, which gradually cause him more and more distress. Boy's behavior radically changes and no one knows what to do about it, medicine can't help. Father decides to go on a sort of pilgrimage with his boy and the more faithful part of his church, looking for answers from God. Along the way, he gets terrorized by yokels and his faith gets tested even more until he snaps.

Isn't this a Harrison Ford movie?

it is?

A group of wealthy socialites are trapped in a New York penthouse during the worst snowstorm in the city's history.

It's a shameless ripoff of JG Ballard's High Rise, with a little Lord of the Flies and a lot of edge.

Is it a novella?

Gay and tranny ducks?

That could work. If your idea only included straight couples, then I'd be worried.

I convert a lesbian on a small corner of Yea Forums who I talk intimately with in the wee hours of the night, start texting her, talking to her, and eventually cuddling with her all day and feeling her big thick ass she exercises like every day.

Seriously she bikes and squats every day, that is one of the sickest asses known to man

Oh yeah I forgot the :3

Yeah, but barely. It's just beyond the read-in-one-sitting threshold.

A man wakes up with no memory of who he is.

He would be a true 'clean slate' so you could easily include your ideas on identity and socialisation

It already exists in Ducktales 2017

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Down with cisheteronormativity!

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Are you basing this on a real life case?

diary of a never-did nobody-wait its me.

On a side note I plan to go *On the Road* if you will, traveling around the U.S and just hitting the road being funded by my family and having a few friends join me, the only difference between me and Kerouac's version is I will be off my meds. So if you can imagine On the Road written by a bi-polar dweeb than thats what itll be like, the only issue is I feel as if im imitating Celine but in modern day.

Nonetheless, I can't wait to visit Portland to see the LGBT cunts float around

Notes From the Underground 2: My Diary Desu

How old are you?


Oh to be young.

what would you do if you were 20 again? Looking for advice

I dunno I am 25 myself. I would do better in college.

2078, the genetic modification of humans had been legalized, but later caused crippling disorders, which will be passed down from one generation to the next and weaken the human race. To remedy this, the Genetic Security Authority is created. In vastly overpopulated Chicago, two agents are tasked with tracking down and capturing citizens with altered genetic code. Those who are proven to have altered genetic code are then "disappeared". But what will happen when one of these agents himself discovers he has modified genes? To escape his fate, he must discover what truly lies behind socio-philisophical movement called Amino.!ssBwHCQS!ueKOKNGmHofeaAhvaLgu-4fNOt0Mw-zV7BocIWAVFDQ

Overpopulation is a meme

explain china and india

Not sure what this is implying, i was born to a middle class family and dropped most of my relationships and retreated to reading and being a person who post here.I plan on going to Uni soon but I want to do go out and have an actual experience and im sure my parents would support me.

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A Persian guy goes to Germany and starts telling everyone how to live but everyone hates him because he's a pompous asshole. The only people who listen to him are schizos and he has a big schizo party on top of a mountain at the end.

A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess, he is gifted with a deus ex machina.

Perfectly fine countries. Uncircumcised too.

Story follows a burnout loser who works as a plumber, he spends a week trying to get his cat out of a tree while venting about his life. He dates a trap but ultimately rejects her out of his homophobia caused by his own homoerotic feelings. His cat dies but realizes the world isn't about him and tries to comfort the trap whose life is worse than his.


Never read him because I'm still butthurt over his "people run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water" quote

A Hegelian dialect-style story told through the perspectives of several different characters. It would be a commentary on the progress of biotechnology and its presence in the workplace/ life at large.
The first character would be a new employee who works for a massive energy generation and distribution company. He has the company subdermal implant, lives in the company housing, buys his goods at the company store, and socializes with his colleagues and neighbors who belong to the same company. He sees nothing wrong with this, and as a matter of fact, the situation is his ideal work/life balance. He gladly takes on the long hours, the subtle degradation from management, and what would be an unsettling amount of intervention from his employer in his personal life, all because of his sense of duty and convictions that he holds. For this first part, I will go through his day to day life, illustrating the extent of his employer’s grip on his dealings, and the further molding of his mind.
The next perspective explored is that of a self described “anarchist” that is planning the destruction of a large dam operated by the company. His issue lies not with the environmental impact of the dam, but the continuation of the modern surveillance state that is enabled by the dam’s generation capabilities. This part of the story will follow his years long planning stage, and end shortly before his plan is set to be in action, at which point I will change the perspective back to the worker, or merge them and show how the two tales intertwined.


I'd read this.

A group of rebels discover a derelict space craft that houses an AI previously used to wage war. The leader of the rebels transfers the AI to their ships, thinking it can help them win the war against the evil empire. The AI agrees, but unbeknownst to the leader, plans to help only long enough to gain sufficient computing power to take over the fleet and subsequently the human race, to subject them to deadly wargames much like the simulations the AI was forced to run through over and over (which combined with his isolation, led to an egoistic philosophy and an all consuming fear of death).

In the end, through interaction with the humans and especially the rebel leader and the self-sacrifice of the leader for his people, the AI is convinced to in turn sacrifice himself as well and finally overcome his fear of death. The rebels, now free, make a religion out of the events to honor their memory.

I know it's garbage, but for now, I'm having fun writing it.

Remove the second paragraph and rethink what happens with the AI. The idea itself is good enough if done well.

So it’s a Shakespearean tragedy were everyone dies because they could’ve just stopped their madness and didn’t?


An epic describing how one man rescued a great ingdom from the ashes of a terrible defeat and returned it to glory.

To have any hope of success, he must first root out the secretive, malign influences that brought his country low in the first place...

You mean the ending? Why? What's wrong with it?

A story where progressive social engineers try and use algorithms to groom the world into the progressive left wing utopia they want. However, the way they go about it is creating an algorithm that seeks to maintain order because they believe their opponents are nothing but disorder. This results in an algorithm taking control and spreading across the entire world that actively fights against its creators because it sees what they want as disruptive and what their enemies want as stable.

The idea came from that one face recognition algorithm that pissed a lot of people off by labeling trans faces as their biological sex. I thought it would be funny to have a story where an algorithm goes rogue and creates a living hell for the people who created it but a paradise for the people who it was created to stifle

Swordsman journeying back to the village he grew up in, is pulled aside by imperialist soldiers. They almost fight, but a dragon attacks them. A mysterious and adept woman helps him hide. They arrive at the village only to find it razed to the ground. He investigates and finds out that his childhood sweetheart was the one that the antagonizing war band came for.

This would be pretty good, but with the political bent switched for something less topical.

Twilight but everyone has a horse dick

It's cookie cutter stuff, also you'd have to be really good to make a survival-driven combat AI sacrifice itself without some serious ass pulls. Maybe have it win by subtly manipulating the rebels and playing them and the empire against one another, only to see the desolate, resource-spent world it created for what it is, but only too late, and only then maybe realize that its philosophy was wrong, I don't know it's your plot but the ending you suggested is hard to pull off and imo quite unrewarding even if you do.

My idea is a variation of modern Britain with the significant difference being that other species of human have survived and co-exist with us - homo erectus, homo neanderthalensis etc. There's obvious opportunity for lots of race metaphors (inter-species marriages, species segregation) but I really want to explore what constitutes 'humanness' and whether our perception of what differentiates us from the animal kingdom is disrupted by the existence of other human-like beings. Haven't really got a plot in mind, nor a narrator. I'm not sure if I want to write as a homo sapiens or erectus, and how I'll approach the concept of family. I think I want to present it like a day in the life sort of thing. I'm gonna start it after I finish my exams in May


Sure sounds like it.

You don't know who dies.

I would appreciate being compared to Shakespeare.

Any inspiration from this?

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An LGBTQ+ cyberpunk/horror trilogy about a disgraced former General-turned-terrorist attempting to flee her country's regime of flesh-eating monsters in a desperate gambit to resurrect her wife. Book of the New Sun meets Marvel Comics.

Oh, so you finish your work? Bravo!

So it's a normal book only with trans people?

Yeah I'm mister fancy pants over here with my ability to self-motivate and my drive to not die in a gutter. Got Book II coming out August 14th of this year and Book III coming out January 9th of the next. You can preorder it here, and yes, I am a shill.

There's a school shooting plot.

I wasn't thinking of it but shit you've stood me up

If they are to survive, then intermarriage is inevitable. All populations will have various amounts of mixing, and less intelligent man will end up in serfdom.

You might have groups analogous to the Basques and Saami, or the Irish and Welsh. You might allow Doggerland to survive to the present, with its own system of dikes.

Is this good or bad?

Write a Zootopia ripoff called Crazy Animal City, Zootopia's title in China. See if Disney Sue's.

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get this
are you ready?
are you-
are you listening?
guys listen
now hear me out
my book is
it's a list
I know this sounds crazy, but give me a chance
It's a list of every word in the english language
but here's the kicker
we order them all by the letters they start with
ok what do you think

Taking inspiration from Samuel Johnson.

Nothing wrong with shilling your own wares, so long as you don't spam it.

Going for a "dark YA" vibe, but is it too edgy?
>Starts out as a basic animal-can-talk thing where a girl who as no friends at school becomes bestfriends with a rabbit who lives in the woods outside her home, and she secretly feeds and nurtures the rabbit, sneaking to and fro so her parents (goingt hrough a divorce) don't find out & the rabbit is giving her adcice on how to talk to the popular girls and stuff but then when the rabbit becomes sexually mature it slips into her vagina and impregnates her with its rabbit milk and starts gestating inside her but she can't tell her parents because she's too afraid they'll find out and eventually the girl swells up like a hotair ballon and explodes sending rabbit maggots all throughout the school which in turn impregnate all the girls in her class and her teachers and suffocate all the males and this becomes a chain reaction so that most of humanity is either females exploding with rabbit maggots or males choking to death on rabbit tadpoles ('rabpoles') which is beginning to send the earth out of solar orbit until the protag shows up - a grizzly ex-cop who lost his penis in an explosion and so is immune to the contagion because he's neither male nor female

dude no joke pitch this to girls age ~16 and space each book out by a year so the franchise ages as they do, and you have a billion dollar series with maybe an indie film brewing

Hahahahahahaha lmao

Same. Wtf was I thinking.

>the AI learns something about himself and saves the humans

>sci-fi equivalent of an overworked businessman throwing his phone into the ocean when his boss calls after making him miss his daughters piano recital.

Must be good.

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A philosophical and political treatise that will wipe the floors of this insane mess of a country. Will be incel bait but not actually aligned with incel ideas. Applied ethics and virtue ethics will be central themes. I'll likely only write if I pursue my PhD. because >muh ethos and credibility.

Story of a young man who discovers his great-grandfather's journals, which contains the detailings of adventures in another world. Enthused by this colorful description of a fantasy world, the young man follows instructions on how to find the portal and steps through into this fantasy land. There he finds himself in the fantasy world but not so much as his great-grandfather described. Instead of magical fairy lands and great kingdoms, he has stumbled into a world of neon lit cities where gatherings of different creatures have been stuffed to live our their daily routines. After finding this strange world, he tries to leave, but leaving proves to be difficult as being an unregistered citizen brings unwanted attention from a sinister force that identifies him as a foreign being. He befriends a goblin, and through circumstance the two try to find the young man a way out of this nightmare world. The further his journey takes him, the more he comes to realize this nightmare world is deeply connected to his real world back home, and eventually he comes to unite the many hidden peoples and creatures of this Nightworld from complete subjugation by way of the dark force that has built these neon cities. This grand adventure is marked by hazardous treks, kidnappings, war, rebellion, slavery, love, and great sacrifice, and by the end of it the main character comes to find that his great-grandfather was in fact a great catalyst in trying to find a way to free the peoples of the Nightworld from the dark force of the neon cities. Through some tragic fate, his great-grandfather was unable to fulfill his quest and was left to remain in the home world until the end of his days. So it was up to the young, slightly underdeveloped man, to step up to becoming a hero and fulfilling his great-grandfather's work. At the end of the story, he returns home to find that his own world has indeed changed much like the Nightworld has, but he is left wondering if it had changed because of what he changed in the Nightworld or because of himself changing through his adventure in the Nightworld. It's a sort of coming of age story that hearkens much of the dystopian, science-fiction, and fantasy stories of the early to mid 20th century.

a book about a pige who stops uses pige pictures in threads so that people don't recognize that it's pige making these threads because i have already found out that pige is a soulless money-grubbing data collector working for google I AM ONTO YOU YOU FUCKING PIGE

The premise is too outlandish. I think if prehistory would be restarted thousands of times, assimilation of neanderthals and cro magnons would occur every time. Our large brains and height simply makes us naturally selected for. I would be on board if sapiens sapiens diverged 10,000 years ago into even more physically unique races, like 13 ft tall South Americans or East Asian dwarfs.

That’s Evangelion but with Reibbits

What, too deep for you?

For people that have a mental illness, be it severe depression/anxiety:

Keep a journal with every thought you have, every situation you encounter and also write down every emotion you feel.
At the same time start reading; get into philosophy, psychology, religion; be it Stoicism or Christianity, whatever you encounter.
You will inevitably experience some change and this will be reflected in your journal entries.
At the end, hopefully, you will beat your illness and this would also conclude the book.
Maybe you can finish it with a "10 years later" chapter where, again hopefully, you found whatever makes you truley happy.

This book would take several years to finish for obvious reasons but at the same time I think it will capture nearly all aspects of life: be it love, society or life in itself.

t. 19th century childrens book

What's the inspiration behind this? I could swear l've seen or read something very similar somewhere, but l can't remenber where. I don't mean the malevolent AI part, but a computer tricking humans into giving it more computing power and then turning on them.

damn, this is a really bad idea man. not trying to be mean

An accountant gets turned into a balloon.

Dobson please

Not really. Write it so I can can read it to my friends on Weird Shit Narration Night.

It's an Yea Forums meme

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This is probably going to out me as a huge pleb, but it was a combination of the gospels, the novel Ender's Game and my own work (I work in the field of AI research). The idea was originally something like, retelling the Crucifixion using an AI as Jesus.

>but a computer tricking humans into giving it more computing power and then turning on them.

Literally Terminator 3

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My idea is about a bike that gains consciousness and is purchased at a pawn shop by a little foster girl. Thing is the bike was owned and or used by a bunch of famous people. (Einstein, Tesla, a Nazi and other cooky people) The bike wants to return to Europe so that he can be ridden one last time by a now Old woman who used to own it years ago and that they have a promise to keep. This Foster girl helps this old rusty bike and rides it across Europe (before the jews flooded it with muslims and trash people) having interesting conversations with the bike and learning about the old world and the bikes travelsh and thus earning a better outlook on life.

The book ends with the bike being ridden by the old woman and the Foster Girl saying good bye. But as she goes home she stops in a country antique shop and buys a sentient Hat and this sets up the sequel (The trilogy book being about her finding a sentient watch)

I want to call it The Rusty Bell or something haven't settled on a title

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After a failed attempt at suicide, a man falls in love with the voice in his head.

I want to write a book that is a drama but also a meta-political commentary because the characters represent and are a part of each of the main political factions in modern America

Do you want literary respect?

that would be cool

Letters between brothers, separated at birth because one of them was chosen to be among the first Martian colony

Don't forget to drumpf

The protagonist buys a burrito from a van despite knowing that it's bad for his health. The spiciness makes him shit himself, so he sits down on a park bench to hide his shame. As he starves to death over a period of several weeks, unable to move lest he should be humiliated, he ponders the irrationality of the human mind that would willingly put itself to death rather than face dishonor.

Boy at an English boarding school finds his father's unpublished self help book which is all about manipulating people. he and his older brother begin using it and shenanigans ensue.

A preacher, or some philosophical speaker comes to a small town, and speaks about out the importance of questioning everything around you (Maybe something else, I thought it up a day ago) There's some drama in the middle where the main character is skeptical of the preacher, but all his friends are buying into it. As the story progresses, the main character notices more and more physical changes with the people in the town, until the preacher's final speech, when all who were listening and believed him turn into grey blobs. Themes: Human thought, skepticism, and maybe religion, but probably not

I have no mouth and I must scream?

Not really

>Kid with big ego.
>Becomes asshole bully.
>Bullys the shit out of kids in his grade, smart enough to get them in trouble even though he is the antagonist in every altercation. Gets one of the kids expelled.
>Graduates with honors.
>Becomes Huge jacked man.
>Becomes big shot on wall street.
>Bullies his underlings and assistants.
>Rapes some women but is smart enough to keep plausible deniability for most.
>Makes some powerful friends.
>Gets tipped off that some of the women have been talking and are going to try to sue.
>Has a hit ordered on a couple of the lower profile ones and digs up enough dirt to bury the rest with blackmail.
>Hosts an interview with a kid he bullied mercilessly in grade school.
>Is impressed with him, tells him he's destined for great things, says they'll be in touch.
>Bully reaches out to him 6 months later to tell him that he's sorry for have forgone contacting him for that job but that that he has another job available for the same price if he's still interested.
>Guy turned to working as a barrista in the meantime, gladly accepts offer.
>Bully tells him to report to address.
>Guy reports to address, ends up being an office complex in the middle of bumfuck.
>Bully shows him to his office, office building is sterile and empty.
>Shows him to his office and gets him to work.
>Guy passes out.
>Bully takes the unconscious guy to a different part of the complex and straps him down.
>Rapes the shit out of him and makes him into a pet.
>Bully only comes by once and a while, don't touch much detail on the pet once it's been made.
>Narrative continues onto his life.
>Just kind of ends with him living happily ever after.

Name of the book? The American Dream.

I'm writing a book about college girls. The book is in first person as I larp as a catty and hot sorority girl. My goal is to show the true nature of the modern woman from my autistic analysis. All in all it is fun writing as a bitch. I am 30 pages in but I have stopped writing as of recent. I have a lot on my plate and have been avoiding it.

Are you male yourself?

>Name of the book? The American Dream.
You can get away with that title? Even if you can, it's a shitty google search.

Meh, I didn't look. It's the working title for now. If I can't for whatever reason then I'll bullshit a similar title.